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It's not done, but when it is, I feel like this could be a poetic NSFW audio that lends itself to "rhythmic pacing" and "foley work"....

Im going to take this slow

For I have no qualms about being unguarded with you in the pursuit of pleasing you

Binding you wrists and ankles

Set you supplicant onto the unrelenting toy

I’m going to make you lost in your own autonomic experiences

My every thought is about enabling you to experience pleasure until you have had your fill

Your going to sit right here

On my thigh I’m going to hold you close and simply explore you with my hands

And I admire your responses with rapturous affinity

I await just how much of a mess you will make when you straddle me

God you are such a vision

The gracious details of your neck and throat

Proud and pulsing with life

It calls to be traced and held firm with equal effort and attention

My hands envelop your shoulders

Feeling the strength within them

Oh how they tremble as you grind yourself on my leg

Your breasts fit so perfectly in each hand

I cannot imagine letting them go once I have hold of them

Yet I do that my mouth may find your nipples

Mmmmmmm the doubling of your shivering

When my lips part and my tongue circles your areola

MMMMMmmm three circles each and a flick and deep suck of the firm and sensitive peak

Such delight in robbing you of your dignity with such simple actions

Stealing away the refined manner you wore all day

Only to leave this heathen of a woman in its place

I yearn for every little glimpse of you when you surrender to your desires

when it is compounded

When you allow me in

Close enough to your heart to allow me to see

What you truly desire

A balance between care and ravenous lust

Every moment in your presence is an exhilarating Attempt at self restraint



*swoon* Thank you for the sneak peek. We eagerly await the finished product 🫠🫠🫠


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