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Coffee ( ..... I got that too..... Waittaminute )

Talk ( Oh my gods. Did I actually get it all done the way it says to be done in the title ?!?!?!!?! Holy Crap !)

*Cue the Ice Age causing Meteorite*

Welp... I feel like maybe this is my fault....

At least we have that Adorable Hank in the coffee mug by the perfectly percolated Margaret Salter ....

OH ! ALSO! If you'd like Discord access, and your a paying member, and haven't received an official email , message me on here !




Why is Uncle Nicky the only chef??? All your recipes come from Uncle Nicky. Listen, no complaints. He’s a favorite but why not base Nik or Prof. Forge Bear???


For the record Nik, you used gladiatorial in a post a short while back. 👍🏾