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So you see what had happened was i tried uploading this episode three times.

Once it ended up going to the wrong IP address, got bounced off a NSA satellite, and ended up making the Mars Rover sentient, so now it is “ Ro-Varr, Ruler of Mars”

The second time, I spilled some grape Fanta on the keyboard and got sucked into the computer and was made to fight in gladiatorial games until I taught the programs about love and community through the power of dance,

And the last time it worked but I also uploaded to Da ‘hub….

Point is, here it is, it’s working now. Enjoy, and all hail Ro-Varr.

Oh! And the sick Super Ultra Hyper Pro Mega Kappa Pillow Fighter Underground 57 vs. screen was chiseled into glorious being by the Raiden to our Earthrealm, Margaret Salter


Thrice Upon A WeirdWolf WeresDay

In which Nik had an.awful time trying to upload this video to the inter webs, but hopefully 8,723rd times the charm, after all there are only so many dieties that you can piss off in the course of a week and it's not exactly like any of Grandmama Forge Bear's Curses have workedd in the past, so why should this one, you know????



“See what had happened was…” is what every guilty person says as they are pleading their case in court. So, Nik, what are you feeling guilty about 😉😉😉


I now also see a new series idea: the Mother Bruce readings by Nik!!