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In Xmen Comics number 178

Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, also known as James Marsden, also known as Ty Sheridan also known as Tim Pocock

Proceeds to go on a honeymoon with the clone of his dead psychic fiancee that he marries

Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl aka Phoenix aka Jean Grey as her hero name aka Fake Janseen aka Sofie Turner

The clone of his dead fiancee is named Madeline Pryor

And will later become the phoenix just like Scott’s dead fiancee but then decides to become the demon queen of the marvel comics universe and then ends up dating Scott’s brother, Alex, which Scott doesn’t know he has at this point, but in decades to come will learn that he also has another brother that he doesn’t know that he has.

Scott forgets his family a lot.

Any how, Scott and Madeline go on their honeymoon, and they honeymoon in Alaska, which was where Jean was from, but we are going to glaze over that,

So Scott and Madeline are on their honeymoon, and the result of their post legal binding ceremony is a baby boy that will be poisoned by an ancient Egyptian mutant that then gets teleported into the far flung and dark future that is ruled by the self same ancient Egyptian mutant, only to come back to the current timeline when he is chronologically older than his parents, but that isn’t why I brought all of this up.

During Scott and Madeline’s Honeymoon, they send Professor Charles Xavier a letter to let him know they are okay, baacause apparently they couldn’t just call him.

Hang on I got two more turns before we get to our destination.

So Charles Xavier was the leader and educator of the X-men, a group of teenagers that have mutant powers of which Scott Summers and Jean Grey ( Rest in peace at that time for the first time, Queen ( but not Demon Queen, because that’s your clones fate after marrying your ex fiancee and punch his post marriage ticket)) were members of.

So Charles Xavier , ala Professor X ala 1/2 of Onslaught ( don’t ask) ala Sir Patrick Stewart ala James McAvoy,

effectively raised Scott and Jean from their teenage years in a school that we all have to assume is accredited in New York State, but also taught them to use their powers to fight crime and occasionally Charles’ best friend who also wants to wipe out humanity to allow mutant kind to inherit the earth:

Magneto/Eric Lenshur/ the other 1/2 of Onslaught ( seriously don’t ask ) / Sir Ian McKellen /

Michael Fassbender.

The finish line is in sight.

Professor X RAISED Scott. And Jean. Who died. And was cloned. And the clone is Madeline.

So Professor X was effectively the surrogate parent of Scott and Jean.

Jean died.

Jean was cloned,

Madeline is the clone

Scott marries Madeline

They honeymoon in Jean’s home state

Scott sends Professor X a letter.

In the letter is a picture of Scott and Madeline in bed. Included below.

My questions are, having now arrived at the point, having left the road behind me a flaming hellscape of comic logic:

~Why would you send your surrogate father a picture of you and the clone of his former student either pre or post coitous?

~Who took the picture given this happened in the late 70’s,



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37! Try not to blow anyone in your way across the parking lot! Get back here!!! God I love love love Clerks. I’m not even supposed to BE here today!


Some thoughts, in no particular order - I am fascinated by the idea of eroticism as a spiritual practice. That’s a good one. I, of course, will now have to do some deep research into the idea and learn about it and think about it. - I do think that sexuality and sexual expression is far more diverse and faceted than our society acknowledges. I know so many people who deeply love their spouse and love their family, but after 20 or more years of the same sex life, need and want to broaden the horizons. And of course for many couples, sexual needs may wane or not as you get older, so then you’re not in step any more. - On the other hand… it can be hard to be a single woman out there who wants to be important to someone, and out there looking, and every man on a dating app just wants to have spicy play time with you and then go back to the rest of his life, and you’re …not ….in it. It’s very difficult to not just feel used, or that you would be used. But then, for me, my heart is connected to my spicy playtime equipment. I’m not a vending machine. you can just flip some switches and turn some knobs and ka-boom, there it is. - I am actually poly. I’ve become so as I’ve gotten older. I appreciate and embrace ENM, but for me, there needs to be a relationship. (Swinging is not the same as being poly.) I love when there is more love. Now I feel like I’m just being confusing and my words aren5 coming out right. It’s been an emotionally painful week. But thank you for giving me much to reflect upon, I love and appreciate thst.