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Monday Morning Coffee Talk on a Wednesday Because What is time, really ????

Bear Cave 3.0 Already Quite Nerdy and not yet organized LMAO 

Discord Link for all you new Beautiful Beasties:



Jo Blackthorn

If your dehumidifier is really soviet era, then I wonder who’s listening to you through it. The dice blunderbuss: yes. You have to have it, use it, and report back for science! I agree that you’re not Tony Stark. You’re Hellboy, or Hawkeye, or…are you familiar with Freakazoid? I feel like there could be a Freakazoid Forge Bear. Stretchy velcro cuffs ftw. Always worth having around. The ghost fungi improve involves a version of CN that’s in the south. I can work with that. Connecticut is named after the Connecticut (Quinnetuket) River, which flows from the Fourth Lake in New Hampshire. Do an alternative history where the water flows differently, CN ends up in another place. The abominable snow people have always been excellent customers for GS cookies. You “know all about the nerfies.” Good to know. Oh, we could talk about ‘cringe’ and why it’s nonsense. It’s subjective and judgmental and blah. We acknowledge the fear and we deal with it. I do like thinking of us as a menagerie. So much glorious variation. As for sticking around, my dude, you think you’re getting rid of me? The rambling about German philosophy shall continue! Important question: if we (the mods) are the ninja turtles to your Splinter, does that mean we all have artist code names? I’m thinking you’re Mucha and I might be Escher, but oh we are spoiled for choices. I'm glad to see the Chaos Carebear in there.

Ms. Jamie

Was that a Firefly reference?!