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The first step to  Threads connecting " Fucking Russell" , "Uncle Nicky", " Spellsmith", " Duel of the Pillars", " Olde Nicky" , " Sweet Sybil" and " The Hyde Containment"


Darcy (slightlyfoxed)

This hurt so much. So much. Like "Love and Thunder" I'll have to listen again for the actual story when it doesn't hurt so much. Even though it will always hurt. Justin is a good daddy. You are a good daddy. I am a good mommy. This is who we are. Through every jump. Through every fight and every dimension and unleashing our wolves. We stand at crossroads of threads.

Jo Blackthorn

“...enemies wouldn’t be dumb enough to do this,” recalls Hyde and “in 900 years, what did you expect us to do, get dumber?” The light harpies having “incorrect” fingers makes me think we’re working off a human standard, though all of this always begs the question of who is or who counts as human. “Outside normalcy, or deeper inside reality,” oh boy we’re going there? Ok, we’re going there. The idea of not needing the wolf, or not wanting it (because it’s not appropriate) recalls Whitman “what howls restrained by decorum,” and the question of if you ever evolve past the animal. Also, Justin is working with a genuine Hyde-esque split here, and that’s interesting. Is this Russell’s actual dad, or who/whatever adopted him during his exploits? I’m thinking it’s whoever benefitted from him enough to recall him fondly. We don’t get a lot of Russell parents in his story, but what we do get is limited to Russell's own perspective, so it could go either way. Justinian Edward Harrow: first off, Justinian like Hagia Sofia Justinian? That could imply he’s a builder or a joiner, a nice idea as we get into connecting threads. ‘Harrow’ means he’s a descendant of Garrison, who is a descendant of Wulf. But “my ancestors shit him out” means all the monster lines are connected or crossed somehow. Wulf’s mother was human, but there’s a mention in Red Unleashed of a dragon and a nixie being ‘completely incompatible’ but no worse off for trying–so are some other monsters compatible? What happens when you cross a wolf with a sentius? Nikodemus is the dog. You ridiculous person. Tempe is confused and annoyed–previously she’s had that kind of off-hand ‘I don’t need to be here’ style of annoyance (hence her never getting off her phone or her skateboard) because she knew what was going to happen. This is a focused annoyance; because she can’t see it yet, or what she can’t see she doesn’t like. Oh, here we go.