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Part 1 of 2, continued tomorrow !

Somebody who doesn't have thumbs in this picture has a double ear infection and would stop hiding in my lap which is really har given he weighs 104 pounds....

For our newest members :



Jo Blackthorn

-SFW: scandalously flirtatious women, seaworthy floating wall, subtly formulating wisecracks, saboteur fabricating wonder -re: summer activities. Lawn darts should be good training for the whaling. River’s harpoon battle cry is gonna be epic -Dude: methed-up beavers aren’t a stretch—you’ve created the better beaver version of Aimo Koivunen. You’re right about the chocolate bars but we can get more specific. -I would wear a combat beaver tshirt -Batman being the worst fits w/Camie’s original assertion that the government is the worst—folks with the money & power to create real change who choose not to are the worst. Or we could just say billionaires, that gets you Wayne but then you’d have to argue for Stark. Hm. Agree with you about Magneto—though I’ve always found him oddly comforting. -You mentioned being guarded with the kids, and full respect to that, but all I can see is you in your leather jacket/Joe getup scaring River’s cheerleading coach.


I actually went and found the Paul Rudd-Conan thing on YT. It was hilarrrrrioussss. By the last included clip the audience was cheering at the Mac and Me clip bc they knew it was coming. So sooooo funny.