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In which I consider day drinking when reliving the weirdness which is Grandmama Forge Bear's Company, get caught on Desert Island Movies, try not to give away a story I'm turning into an audio, and realize there isn't enough time between now and Friday.....

AND THEN I FORGOT TO POST IT, and by it I mean the MMCT... cause im slick like that, yo....



How have I never seen or heard of Kingdom of Heaven??? My favorite movie is Gladiator. Damn I missed out! I must find it. How I wish I had seen it on the big screen.


And OF COURSE we must have MP&THG. help help I’m bein’ oppressed! -How do you know he’s a king? Bc he ain’t got shit all over ‘in. - strange women lying in ponds is no basis for a system of government! …. I mean, that movie has it all. The knights who say Nie, the spankings and the O.S., the monks, it has it all!!