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And at last we bear witness to the true Villain that endangers all those who reside in the Worlds that Were

Script Copy:

Old Nick


Somewhere in a desert he sits,

Capable of feeling the waters of the world

No matter the shape

The size of the pool

The depth of it

He can sense it and knows that he wants it back

He can feel them use it to move through the worlds

The ones that were

The use his realm

His power

And he sits here

In an unending waste

with not but a drop to drink

And he waits

His time will come once more

Uncle Forge Bear: At the Birth of all things, do you remember what I said?

Upon the silver sands erupted the tree of life and out sprung the universe, connected and fed,

risen and nurtured by the waters of chaos that lay beneath

He was there before the roots broke through

He laid sunk at the bottom of the seas of the void

In the chaotic waters

He simply sank eternally

Not even the voidlings would touch him

For he had always been there,

always sinking

Always still

It was when the first roots dipped into the waters that he reawoke

Since that moment, all have feared the beast who sought to dig his ragged fingernails into the bark of the world tree and tear it apart until it dies.

Uncle Nicky: He’s has no words

The tongue was torn out of his scarred and

sarcophagus dried face

He wanders the world when he is disturbed

He feeds when he must

Everything we have thrown at him falls flat

I thought getting him trapped in the doorless would have ended the damn thing

but instead I found myself trapped inside

and he simply smiled as he closed the door.

There is an easy way of telling when he emerges, you simply have to listen for Char-ta-Roth the Splintered one. On the days when he reaches out through the waters to pull himself into the waking world, you can hear Char-ta-Roth down in his bespoke reality. Char-Ta-Roth just cries and cackles and repeats himself until the threat is gone

Char-Ta-Roth: He rattles the rivets of the spiral stair

He falters the 8 pillars that are everywhere,

He weakens the roots of the IronOak Chair

He devours black pearls with ravenous flair,

Garrison Harrow: In all my dealings while in the service of her majesty and partnered with Madame du Hecate , I only encountered him once. Fisticuffs served no good, hitting him was like hitting the foundations of the earth. No weapon I could conjure did any harm to him. I watched him ingest a cowling wraith, he peeled the metal from it’s dessicated frame and bit mechanically until there was not but gore hanging from his white beard, with splatters that adorned the cold visage that rose from the pavement of the English alleyway. Madam du Hecate cast him into the sea but when we returned to the townhouse on Bakers street, we witnessed him standing outside a mere 20 minutes afterwards. Since then, we loathed the prospect of ever coming across him again.

Gentleman Werewolf: My people, long gone but within me forever, suspected we were the wolves destined to keep the voidlings away from the gates of man. This is one being that moves about the world without impediment. I have bit through the necks of dragons and deamons alike, yet This one cannot be moved, he cannot be discouraged, he simply is and does. Rumors swirl that it was he that formed the Sepretorai, when he could speak, in the ages after Vinnera. If such is the case then I am more than thankful that I took his tongue when I did.

Uncle Forge Bear: There is something to be said for one who clothes himself as a holy man and yet wanders the world committing crimes against life. It has been seen, the blood soaked volumes of him reside in the library in a section that Alithea will not even allow me to access for it lies past the den of the Reynard’s Deity and Ruler, in the sections of the library only illuminated by her very being. All have access, but there are some things that should not been known unless such is required. The only one who has read them all to my knowledge is Nicky, and we knew when that day transpired, for there was a shift within him.

Char-Ta-Roth: He Rattles the rivets of the spiral stair,

He corrupts all that breathe free air,

He curdles the blood of Deities in kingdoms up there,

He destroys the peace of foul and fair.

Reabegrof the Wizard: I served my queen in the days when I was more than these enchanted robes, blessed be Vinnera, and had the unfortunate luck of coming to battle the stalwart horror. Fire and meteors and godly light was cast and nothing drove him back, not even a flinch could be seen in his countenance, he simply walked through the ranks and nothing could be done. One or two of the blessed soldiers moved to intercept him and died as the beast simply swung them aside. I shall never know what it is to lose to an opponent, for he was and is not my opponent. He is simply a fact of existence.

Tyophon Cub Hati Cub Fenrir: Listen to me, young pups, my son Lyoacan heard this tale, but thinks it a tale of his father’s foolish mind. I can speak of this in a way none can, for I was privy to something none could know. Once upon a moon bathed night he attempted to emerge from the western wastes. Upon the  perimeter of the Wilding woods he was stopped by the Other and the Wilding Goddess, I speak truth though it sounds as though my sanity has slipped. They stood there and faced him and told him he would have no entrance into the world until the dominion of the children of the Three Queens no longer walked the world. With that came Lilith, and the Three of them stood there, The Nameless Wife who is the Wildling Goddess, The Other who is the Mother of Creation, and Lilith the queen of shadows and spirits! They held him back! Hear me, young pup! They spoke to him, knew him, controlled him, but will not have such power were their children no longer able to have dominion over the world.

Uncle Nicky: And just like that, with that one entry in the Crimson Volumes, I knew we were screwed. He was held back until Garrison saved the world through the second shift. After that, with the children of the Other, The Nameless Wife, and Lilith no longer ruling the world, He was finally allowed to move freely. He had been trapped between the waters he hibernates in and the deserts of the west. Now…. Well, we gotta figure it out. Until I do, I’m gonna keep drinking.


He rattles the rivets of the spiral stair,

He craves to make creation a nowhere,

He will continue the universes cycle aware,

Until he is stopped with the death of the Unalive Bear.


He has lost at the end every time before,

He has returned to the waters of chaos beneath creation and allowed the universe to die and be born again

And he tries again

Never deterred,

Never defeated,

Only continuing.

What victory is to Old Nick is unknown,

But I fear the answer.

I fear what his conquest means.


The J33v3s rolled out the luminescent doorway

The portal opening and closing but only for those who were not Lilith

She really did not want for anywhere else anyways

This beach was perfection

The service was charming

And this was the first vacation she had had in centuries

The footfalls behind her made her frown slightly

For she feared who came with them

Looking up she regained her cheer

“ So it was him,” Uncle Nicky kept his eyes on the horizon, “ The moment after you showed up, Char-ta-Roth started his cycle.”

“ That’s the great part about having someone who got drunk on the meaningless chaos beneath the universe on premises,” Lilith didn’t look up but assumed that Nicky was trying hard not to look at how naked she was, “ you have an early warning system built in to the fabric of this fabulous place and didn’t even have to put satellites in space.”

“ How do we get rid of Old Nick,” Uncle Nicky felt the pull towards her once more, “ there has to be-“

Her laughter rung out by magnitudes over the serenity of the subtropical oceanfront

“ We don’t know how,” Lilith laid back in the sun and closed her eyes,” We tried eons ago, but when it comes to someone who has lived through several versions of this universe, I don’t know if motives still exist.”

“ Everything has a solution, “ Uncle Nicky spun in the sand to exit the reality, “ I’ll find it myself.”

“ You could stay for dinner,” Lilith turned and stood up, “or dessert.”

He walked out while she stood there and she felt a cold defeat. She would always love him, as she had then, and wished he would stay here with her until the universe went out, even if he still hated her.

Uncle Nicky felt the door to Lilith’s dimension close and leaned slowly against it.

His eyes closed and could see her standing there, his scarred over heart pulling him back to her on that beach.

Destroy Old Nick first, then couples therapy he chuckled.


Sherry McGinn

Wow, this was so compelling and dark. Loved it.🖤🖤🖤

Jo Blackthorn

Uncle Forge Bear says he is “always sinking”, which gets me thinking about how Tempe’s enemies sunk to join the ghosts of her slain. “He devours black pearls.” Well, Tempe might have quite a few of them, based on her winning streak. And given the variety of ways we see the pearls used (Uncle Forge Bear’s being contained, the man putting one through his daughter’s forehead) I wouldn’t discard the idea. Even just as a distraction. Who tore out his tongue–did he do it himself? I know we’re taking an open approach to mythology, but don’t some voidlings have magic resistance and innate spellcasting? Point for Harrow going with fisticuffs then. It may sound silly, but sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer, particularly in the presence of magic. If he formed the sepretori, then he is thinking beyond himself. It’s unfortunate he’s that kind of smart. “There is something to be said for one who clothes himself as a holy man and yet wanders the world committing crimes against life.” There is something to be said, as well as some historical comparisons. The wizard calls him “a fact of existence,” but can’t the application of a fact change? And is Uncle Nicky still human enough to benefit from hydration and painkillers? Because that’s a long time to be drinking. “Until he is stopped with the death of the unalive bear.” Unless that’s a redundancy caused by mistranslation (‘death’ and ‘unalive’) it means we have another player. That means options.