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Unboxing the Armory

In which I am provided the means to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of the humans.


Sage Johnson

RE: the glasses: Have you tried a place like Zenni for kid-friendly glasses? https://www.zennioptical.com/kids-flexible-glasses


Oh this is hilarrrriousss. I love that your friends have armed your children. I picture your house as like the keep from Game of Thrones with the children learning sword fighting and archery in the yard. - Your stories of the crazy shit you did in the woods with your friends as a kid bring back so many of my own childhood memories in the deep woods of Wisconsin. I had an older brother and I was constantly chasing after him and his friends bc I refused to be left behind to play with DOLLS while they were in the woods having fun. We are lucky we weren’t permanently injured.