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I did this a little different, separating the "scene" from the Q&A.... hope that works!


Donna C McCulloch

The honorific "Daddy" has never been my yum. I understand the energy and dynamic, just the honorific has been a no for me. However, while listening on the way home and getting to 37:37...my spine straightened, I got goosebumps over my entire body, and gripped the steering wheel so hard, I think I left imprints. I'm still having full body shivers just recalling, much less listening again. Fuuuuuuuck...

Amber Winkelman

And on the other hand, the honorific “Daddy” has always been MY yum. (I love seeing the diverse choices in kink, it gets me thinking) It always amazes me how changes like the length of a vowel, how hard you hit a consonant, or a vocal drop of less than an octave can cause an entire different reaction in me…uh, in the listener. Sound has always been a factor in getting me to subspace, one that is sadly often neglected. Bravo, sir! (And I don’t really use “sir” as an honorific. That’s just my southern showing. 😏)