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I was balancing the mic on a pillow next to my head....


Duchess of Sunshine

Please please do the audio on self sitting and positivity soon.


Wait, I’m in bed with you now? Are we cuddling? Is it cozy? Bc I was just randomly dusting in the back archives (well someone has to do it, I’m not busy), and alit upon this track. It was flashing at me on the rear shelf with a soft rose colored light, pulsing to get my attention, so I hit “Yes, Please” and suddenly I’m under the covers with a large sleepy Bear…. Well ok I’m happy about that, but scootch over a bit, would you? I don’t need much room. it’s been a very sad few days in my life, I’ll just curl up here quietly on the edge for a bit and listen to the rumbling breathing. It’s very comforting. also .. the whole question about the trebuchet and various the Bear flinging methods… my god what creativity. I was laughing so hard, so many options… the mentos in the Coke bottle was amazing… and then there was the 2 Luigi’s and I’m wondering how big those guys are, bc how are they supposed to pick you up at 6’4 and 300 lbs??? How did I suddenly get the image of you in a bright yellow unitard going, huzzah! This was a lovely thing to listen to right now.