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A bratty comment and a evening commitment  lead to a vehicular fun


Jo Blackthorn

Honestly, my first thought was being glad it was a limo because there’s a better chance of the workers being unionized. Even if they are owned by a jerk. The ideas of choice and revenge here are very interesting. Continuously presenting options reminds me of all the confirmation (uh or un-uh) from the first B&tB. But it’s also a power correction with the old bully. And folding that in there, and having the Brat love it but try not to show it, is very nice. “’You shoulda know when the smirk went up and the eyebrow joined it, that you were gonna regret that.” That’s my favorite line–I can see it, and it wins. It’s like the scheming at the opening, another case of ‘you know, and I know that you know, and oh boy here we go.’ Putting ‘pretty picture’ and ‘satisfy my craving’ together drives home that the Brat is desired, not being put on a pedestal. It’s like seeing the suit, admiring it, and wanting to wreck it.

Stacey Elbrow

Oooh that pace …. So relentless …… I love the verbal chaos !!!!