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Sorry, next time I will try to ask a more challenging question 😆

Jo Blackthorn

-Frisking up against each other in the Discord, yes indeed 😉 -re: safety dance. I went on a giant ramble after hearing that part; putting the emphasis on the other line (they can dance if they want to), how different folks can appear when living their truths, and how anything can become performative social behavior. Thanks for the thought exercise. -re: discord. The spice isn’t too much spiceness. It’s a spice blend, and it’s glorious. I don’t think you need to apologize for stepping back and doing an assessment. You took some time, got a different angle, and it sounds like it reinforced your principles and your goals. That’s good. -I really like hearing how Uncle Forge Bear takes his coffee, after learning his origins. I’m glad he likes his sugar, I’m glad he gets to have that. -Having large dogs: I love picturing you with a newfie. A bear for the Bear. -re: working nine to five. Please consider using the Dolly Parton song as a future soundcheck. -Valentine’s Day is corporations telling you how to do love. It’s incredibly disingenuous. Having a 5oz Reese’s Cup is pretty cool though. -I’m having a quiet chuckle at the way you say ‘Catholic.’ It’s very specific, and highly relatable. -Watching Sorkin when you’re sick; I’m laughing because I get it. -Favorite piece of art: I love your rundown, but part of me was really expecting Georgia O’Keefe’s Iris, or similar imagery.