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In which Forge Bear introduces you to the owners of the pads which fall behind you when you walk within the stony stacks of the central library within the boundless


Jo Blackthorn

-The sound mixing in the intro is really nice; particularly how the blade sounds turn into a meditation bell. -“At your own pace,” feels really important. When there are so many options, it becomes all about the choices. -I really like the idea of other protectors (who sound like friends), in addition to the “noble sisters” who will flex in the name of protecting knowledge. It feels like one could study in silence, but never really be alone. Your teammates are always there. -It’s so damn cool that we keep getting more information (“books that contain libraries”) but it opens doors instead of closes them. I keep waiting for something that means the Library can’t exist in L-space (Discworld concept) but so far so good. -Uncle Forge Bear reviewing the blueprints of his creations—I’m amused by the idea that he doesn’t have a perfect memory. I bet the details of a story change every time he tells it (similar to ‘same story, different version, and all are true.’) -Interesting tease about the wolves, “such negativity.” -“Dressed in nobility,” is such a great phrase to indicate bearing. -Water as a form of transport, but not in the usual way, very interesting. Does make me picture him conking his head on a hull though. -“Wouldn’t want to give away the entirety of the cookie jar,” says the thief. That makes me want to steal something from said jar, just because. -I really like the affection between library occupants with “my dear sweet bear.”