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In which I attempt, through personal anecdotes and limitations, to define what I think of Anger that serves as a societal good. 



This hits so close to home. My anger started when I was a small child when I found out I liked girls. When I was forced to sit and be told my entire life I was going to burn in hell and I was wrong. That I had to be with people that I didn't and shouldn't have been with in desperate attempts to not be beaten and possibly unalived for who I simply was. I just don't know how to let that go now. That I ran from hospital to program to program to avoid home.To avoid retribution. It is still that way. I grew up being adopted and then told I was completely wrong without even doing a single thing. 😭 Fast forward I was sent to a girls home and was the minority. By that I mean the only girl that looked like myself and got beat religiously. It was then when I went into High School that I decided to take up defense for anyone who got picked on. I got sent to the office religiously and then was sent to private school. I got kicked out for a rumor of being gay when I said nothing. So I made it to high school and dropped out, got my GED and got a full ride scholarship which was ruined because of the decisions I made in fear. So...right now I was recommended to listen to this by Jo. I AM SO glad I listened because it took me to my knees. I too have a chipped tooth from being punched in the face. I think why I found a mystery in you is because you are a mirror. God damn it is eerie. Thank you Nik. The anger...it is so similar.


Dear Nik, I don’t know if you even see these comments on your older posts. Obviously I like to jump around and land on whatever shiny thing catches my eye and today it was this. - I absolutely do not want to contradict or deny your very valid feelings about your own experiences and own history. But…. Nik, Nik, did you leave out necessary details (for purposes of time)? Because all I heard here was what we call, where I’m from, the classic Fuck Around And Find Out energy. I cannot fathom how or why you would feel guilt at all for responding as you did to some douchebag football player who told you, in front of his whole group of friends, to suck his dick. My friend, that is a classic FAAFO scenario. - Perhaps he begged you to stop once he learned what getting his ass beat really felt like. Well, perhaps some girl he cornered, a girl who liked him and just wanted him to like her back, also begged him to stop. I can tell you, guys like that, they don’t stop. Not on their own. Maybe he needed that object lesson on how it feels to beg someone to stop, and have them ignore your pleas. Whatever you handed him, he asked for it. HE HAD IT COMING. - Perhaps there are other memories in there you didn’t want to share, and I understand that. But as I learned growing up on the west side of Chicago, land of FAAFO, you don’t go out looking for a fight, and you don’t start it. But if someone else wants to start, then you finish it. That is FAAFO energy. - If your drive is to protect those who need a protector, that makes you a hero in my book. Do I sound hard? Well it’s a hard world out there and I have very little sympathy for predators. And it sounds to me like you don’t either. I hope you can forgive yourself for your youthful mistakes. I am proud of you.