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Once again, great content. So interesting… and sexy. - First….aw! You are NOT an oaf. Shame on anyone who said that. I’ve seen a few photos and videos that show your size. You are more like… a Viking. Yes! Not in the “raping and pillaging” way… more in the… “going on grand adventures with swords” way. - I find myself wondering if you consider yourself a visual sort of person. Do you have a preferred visual aesthetic? Touch, and taste, and sound… yes. But visually, do you like things to look a certain way? Not everyone does. I have a very particular visual aesthetic. It’s why I was an art director in publishing (years ago). Other people don’t notice things that bug the hell out of me. - Most of the Doms I have known are very visually oriented. It’s a need, to control their environment in a very precise way.

Ms. Jamie

I'm working my way through these, slowly but surely, and was excited to discover what might be the introduction to Madame Rouge? I've heard bits and pieces of your tale with her...fascinated to hear more. Amazing hearing your journey...