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A horror experiment in binaural content which plays into the SpellSmith stories inspired by a thought experiment by QuietLoyalty


Jo Blackthorn

Kai smells like sepretori–as interesting as all of this is, I’m focused on her. Sepretori = created by Old Nick, exerts power over the village in Red & Wulf. That sets them up to be a negative, with a heavy bend toward denying knowledge/information. But here Kai smells like them, so (1) is she around them whether she likes it or not (2) is Hyde acting like she’s one of them to get under her skin (3) is she actually one, do the others (Justinian, Uncle Nicky, Ma Ren) know? Suspect from ‘Slayers’ that she and Justinian don’t tell each other everything. Hyde keeps going back to money; which could be a general commentary, a way to get under her skin (being money-focused as opposed to morality-focused), or a way to say 'I know you're being bribed.' I get the comment but I always feel the need to say–diamonds are a girl’s best friend because they were always pawnable in an era when women couldn’t have bank accounts. She’s living high in the song, but she’s going to go left for a younger model, and those diamonds will be valued long after she isn’t. “Give your scout troop's history when it comes to anomalies,” that line, and the delivery, is so good. “In 900 years, what did you expect, for us to get dumber?” No, but there are a lot of definitions of smart, and even more ways to apply it. Did you ever watch Jekyll on BBC? It plays with the idea of Jekyll being bred for a purpose. Now, it’s Moffat so nothing is resolved, but it is interesting. The multitudes of the sentius have become eight. Is that one for each pillar, either by design, or by happenstance? Tempe’s slain being a weapon, and Hyde being “here for the slain,”...this is the trouble when there’s threads. It might be a thread, it might be a trick of the light.