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In which unexpected circumstances leads Redd back to Wulf's cabin... but not alone


Jo Blackthorn

Four things here I really like: -The repetition of ‘my people/your kind’ to set up the knotting, demographic distinction leading to physiological difference. -GW’s characterization as caring; the tone change when he instructs her to grab the rail and then is immediately concerned about her hands. The caring is definitely present when he talks about her, but actions like this solidify it. -I love how much we get from Redd without ever hearing her voice. We get her will, her personality—she feels real, even as it’s only relayed through GW. -Redd’s been combative before but not this kind of manipulative. I love hearing GW putting it together & picturing her face when he does.


This. This hit so many of my kinks. This whole series is fire.