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About two weeks ago I mentioned a sapphic tale of a witch and her familiar. I present the first draft.

Feel free to read and critique 😊

Familiar Witch

It arose from a spell made our of desperation and granted.

100 years of service.

100 years of care and consideration.

100 years of companionship.

Elodi had persevered in the face of all odds, at the behest of the goddess and the spirits to which she swore an oath.

The time had blended together like a fine sauce, times of difficulty and strife with small joys and victories led to the now, a swirl of smooth transitions and delicious results.

Elodi had not aged a single day in her years of service, but still could feel the exhaustion of years worked and felt the sting of still healing scars she had earned.

Such was the case of this night.

Through the weather she fled as did the cars that moved with speed that suggested they could dodge the rain. All the city sought shelter and light to ward off the rain that bombarded her every atomic structure of the city, including her brownstone.

Having entered without keys, merely a snap of the fingers, Elodi quickly cast off all of her clothes at the door. Somehow the feeling of the rain weight did not go away. The front door kindly shut and locked itself behind her.

From a corner of the stairwell two floors up, eyes partook of Elodi and her glorious frame.

Sore feet trudged up cedar steps, skin soft wood meeting her with quiet creaks.

The clothes would find themselves to the washer, her mind flexed reality so.

From mere feet behind her, paws fell in the wake of the mistress, hypnotized by hips that created waves in reality by their mere motion.

The bath ran itself, and she disappeared into the cavernous claw foot porcelain.

Her eyes fought the lids, but the sight of rain striking the skylights above conspired with her exhaustion.

Demeter would see to none of that, for she knew that Elodi hated sleeping in the bath.

The furry sprite pirouetted on the edge of the tub, while nudging the hand of her mistress. The sudden splash snapped Elodi back, momentary muscle response returned her posture from devoid of bones to surrendering to exhaustion. She chuckled at the cat who stood and stared.

“ Sweet and Familiar Demeter” the smile was weak but warm, “ I have returned triumphant. Sound the trumpets of victory.”

“Murrrow,” Demeter extended her neck to fit more harmoniously into Elodi’s palm

“ Good enough for me,” Elodi retread rows behind Demeter’s ears, and so they sat in each others company, enjoying the rain, breathing in the steam and each other, and allowing themselves to be enough in each others presence.

Somewhere The record player set about making Edith Piaf resound through the manor.

Demeter purred in harmony with the music and admired the goddess in submerged repose before her.

There came a moment when Elodi could no longer fight herself.

Out of the bath she fought her way to stand. In her state it winded her, but once out she found a pace that propelled her with determination to the master bedroom, the towels having taken the water but not the warmth, they glided on supernatural winds back to the freestanding drying rack down the short hall.

Upon the bed she fell, turning but once to pull the pure white purled blanket over her. Her sleep stole her into the night easily.

Demeter crept with caution, settling on the pillow next to her lady and fell into slumber as well.

Such would have been unremarkable, as it had been thousands of times before, for neither of them had remembered the anniversary that came at midnight.

100 years of care, compassion, and stewardship over the manor of Elodi, sister of the stars. Demeter had kept the house safe, managed the grounds and it’s enchantments, and had seen to the general upkeep with not but magic having no hands to speak of.

And yet as she woke, her lack of hands no longer seemed to be the case.

What settled in her mind was more a feeling than a whisper, knowledge of the end of the compact between her and Elodi, in which her service had ended and so her life and physical form were returned to her.

Two feet came as a shock as they fell softly to the floor. Feline balance and grace translated to a dancers equilibrium, she marveled at it as she strut the boards of the bedroom, coming to stand before the bronze hew of the mirror.

She nearly wept with wonder. There she was. Five foot something, slightly curved, and simply comfortable in her 30 years of physical age. Her body hadn’t gained a single minute in the century since Elodi had transmuted her. Elodi’s act had done more than saved her that day, it had frozen her in time.

She twirled slightly, the thunder flash adding momentary illumination though the water pummeled glass above. In that moment she felt in and of herself, purely herself, only her hair had changed. Obsidian black and shiny, short but playful.

Such glorious delight was in that moment that she could only figure one way to celebrate.

Her feelings carried her over towards the edge of the bed. A massive cushioned sea in which the one person she cared for drifted in the night.

100 hundred years had not stilled the embers that sat deep down. 100 years ago, in the summer nights, those embers had been ignited between them under the haze of august and in the bed of every inn they graced.

Her body reclaimed movement from the century it had just experienced, she caused little to no disruption to her mistress, finally finding flesh. A right hand, palm up, fingers spread. She held it in contemplation for another lightning strike or two.

The process of awaking her mistress would be savored, with the finest of care.

Demeter’s head fizzed with oxygen as her lips merely connected with the fingertip of Elodi’s forefinger. A single soft placement, no weight burdened Elodi’s finger and yet Demeter felt the world spin. Each segment of the forefinger, then the middle, ring, pinky, and thumb. Each felt like paradise tread upon by senses which only wished to be bombarded by the woman beneath.

Several kisses met the surface of the palm next, but once the wrist had been reached, constraint was strained as Demeter dove with slight force, allowing her lips to partake and her tongue made slow twists and tails upon the high inducing flesh.

Demeter heard breath catch as she felt weight shift upon the surface of the bed. She snapped backwards, feet under flank, hands upon thighs, upright as tall as her spine would allow. Her back stretched with joy, her human body falling into a pose she knew too well, slightly modified based on her reclaimed features.

Elodi sat slightly, using her arms to arch herself, finding the strength returned to her arms where once there had been nothing but ache. As her eyes adjusted, her mind spoke of the falsehood of the sight before her. Her heart however knew it instantly to be true.

A moment would have been too long a measure when labeling the time it took for Elodi to grab Demeter and pull her down upon her. Muscle memory pulled them close and found places for their furious hands to hold, their lips reignited passions that never went out.

Without even a hair’s worth of space, the two vanquished the blanket that had seperated them, the second their bodies fully intermingled, they both felt a sense of belonging they had not known in forever.

“Is this a dream,” Elodi whispered through caught and released breaths of ever increasing excitement

“If it is, then it is mine,” Demeter panted between roiling kisses and artistic tongues, “for your embrace has only ever been my one true dream.”

If became hard to tell that there were two separate sets of lips in that moment, like shifting rose petals tightly interwoven, holding lust and life captive, allowing mere wisps of pleasure escape from time to time.

Brazen passion halted as a sharp jolt made Elodi bit Demeter’s lower lip. They remembered each other’s nudity, they grew mischievous in their gravitational maneuvering.

Demeter ran her hands up the parallel curves of Elodi’s hips, up each step of her ribs, over the outer face of her breasts, up towards Elodi’s collarbone.

The lightning flashed and Demeter had Elodi’s wrists pinned under her hands. Hooking her legs beneath Elodi’s thighs, Demeter straddled Elodi’s pelvis with her own.

There was a moment then of nothingness, a moment from which you could see the horizon of potential, but it was ignored in favor of longing stares that fell between them. Demeter looking down on Elodi. They had arrived here together. Elodi the powerful witch, Demeter her capable familiar. Yet here and now it would be Demeter who would finally wield the power, and Elodi would fall helpless beneath it.

Demeter took back to the path she had begun when Elodi had been asleep. Her mouth retreading the right wrist but continued unimpeded upward, feeling every porcelain facet of Elodi’s right arm beneath her encompassing adoration. Demeter smiled as she compared and catalogued Elodi’s body. Forearm and crux of her elbow, which elicited wiggles and little wavers of laughter. Bicep and shoulder, arms that had taken on such burdens in all those years. Across the Fertile Crescent of Elodi’s collar bones Demeter continued, working her way down the other arm, with the self same care and implicit flashes of carnal savagery.

Elodi watched as the one great love of her life came back up to lavish her neck with generous carsses and moan inducing bites. Elodi had wished for this more than she would ever tell Demeter in the years that would come, so much so that no one who she had met had ever compared. How could they, Elodi thought, for Demeter was magica-

Ah! Eldoi lurched back into the present as Demeter made her way to Elodi’s breasts. Somewhere in the bombardment Elodi had been so busy bursting with reactions that she had not noticed that Demeter had let go of her wrists. So came a small measure of retaliation.

Elodi fought valiantly , grasping and pawing at Demeter as her once feline companion worked over and again wondering if she could draw out Elodi’s first crescendo merely by kissing, caressing, pulling, and pinching at Elodi’s breasts. Demeter nearly had Elodi there, based alone on the sounds and shifting of her lover.

The word lover can work magic by itself, it was nearly an incantation so powerful it bordered on unfair. That would not stop Demeter from using it, however.

“ My lover tastes even better than I remember,” Demeter grinned as she blew kisses as the peak of Elodi’s left breast, “ I wonder if she feels just as good?”

“ Whatever do you me-“ Elodi cursed her devious companion and curved under the sudden contact, fingers encircled and stroked the smallest of sexual organs. As Elodi felt the contact cause convulsions, Demeter made it all the worse as she latched on to the raging stiff flesh before her and pulled at it in rhythm to her fingers.

Elodi had never taken another lover In the century past. She had on occasion found herself caring for her own needs with the mere memory of such seismic interactions from their life before the curse. None of those sessions compared to this. This was a loss of civility, a flooding of lava into her veins. No one could have enchanted her like Demeter did.

As Elodi crashed, Demeter cooed with her face firmly planted against her lovers chest. They rode the bliss together, and found themselves bobbing together in the aftermath.

There was a moment when Elodi’s breathing settled that Demeter heard a faint chuckle in the slow breath.

“ Something amusing,” Demeter whispered as she listened to the sound of Elodi’s heart.

“ Just that I have got you right where I want you,” Elodi spoke to the ceiling and let it rain back down into Demeter’s ear.

“ Oh, Really, “ Demeter chuckled, “ how so, pray tell.”

“ It is quite elementary, my dear,” Elodi’s voice was tinted with a mischievous smile, “ For I benefit from the one thing I have now which we did not have all those years ago.”

“ And what is that?”

“ A century of mastery of my magic,” It was neither the way Elodi said it, or the way she raised her hand that stole Deemeter’s breath. Nor was it the moment when Demeter found herself floating above the bed with her legs parted .


It was an unrelenting combination of manipulations.

It was the moment that Elodi’s mouth found it’s way onto her,.

It was the way Elodi’s fingers played in concert with her lips.

It was the way that while Elodi manipulated Demeter’s bay from without, she used magic to fill Demeter with rhythmic thursting within.

That stole Demeter’s breath. Every gasp of air turned into a full throated moan, Demeter’s body was suspended and stimulated at the very same time, but there was nothing that Demeter could accomplish. A flimsy attempt was made to sit up, but something within the sphere of Elodi’s influence turned it’s attention to Demeter’s nipples and stimulated them in lock step with the masterful stimulation which collided with her G-spot with perfect pressure.

All Demeter could do was hang on to Elodi’s long white hair for dear eternity. She pulled it uncontrollably in the moment when Elodi’s lips encompassed Demeter, and humming just so, incinerated ever nerve within the woman who hung in the air like a celestial body.

Demeter curled into a wieghtless ball around Elodi, hanging in the air as Elodi instinctually lightened all contacts subtly all the while lowering Demeter into her waiting and wanton arms.

Demeter fought her convulsions, finding Elodi’s lips with her own, finding her arms fitting around Elodi’s frame, fitting herself back within Elodi’s world.

They both drifted backwards onto the salaciously fragrant mattress, never separating.

The blanket found it’s way back over them both, and yet they did not stop.

The night continued to wash the city clean, and they did not stop.

It took sleep’s most powerful persuasions to bring the to a halt, and even then the last thing they did was kiss with passion and purpose.

Demeter slid into slumber first,

And the last thing Elodi did, in the moments before she too was overrun,

Was touch Demeter’s mind with her own and place the sentence:

100 years past,

Here’s to 100 more.

To which Elodi’s shrinking consciousness retorted:

This 100 is gonna be far more fun…. And tiring….

And so they found rest, and each other, once more.

One spell over.

Another begun.