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The following is a rough outline for a potential story.

It was written on my phone while killing time today.

consider it a VERY early draft, so please excuse.

Feel free to read it and let me know what you think

Have fun Storming the Castle,


If you stretch your mind to a time before it was, you will find that there were those who existed even upon those far flung shores.

Great beasts and Beings roamed the ocean of the without a cost to their existence for no one knew what aging was.

Amongst them roamed the Gods, pantheons who existed in small tribes of immortals who met but rarely mingled: the Forces, formless beings of energy who willed themselves to have dimensions; and the Eternal Ones, the mysterious spontaneous outliers who roamed worlds as though the planets they found themselves upon were assigned them.

They existed in joy and appreciation of one another, never seeking more, never wanting. Bliss for ages unmeasurable.

Until the peace of the untime was broken when two Eternal Ones chose mortality out of a need to understand their existence within, without, and with each other.

So two Eternal Ones began a clock that shall end only when the final light goes out in all the universes. The other Eternal Ones contemplated the action of their siblings, who had chosen to be male and female, and furthermore began to reproduce. With not but a moment to ponder the ramifications of the “child birthing” these two had done, not only had the original two children grown, but one of them ended the other.

In a moment, across the span of existence, death had been created. The end of existence in a permanent fashion, at which point the energies of the individual who died returned to the universe to rejoin with it. For there is no sadness in this, just a return to the point of creation to exist where on did before they existed.

But therein lies the catch.

In the creation of death, a door was opened. In the failing of life in this universe, the creatures of the void found themselves licking their lips and growling at the sounds of their bellies.

They sought one simple goal: Devour the soul of a human upon it’s departure from the body. And thus they raced across space seeking out another death.

The Gods witnessed the tentacled things slithering between the stars and grew concerned. “ We must find a way of driving the dark things back”

The Forces saw the Blacker than black monsters pouncing from planet to planet and became enraged. “ These parasites must not ever be given a foot hold in the living universe!”

The Eternal Ones greeted them as the plummeted to each habitable planet and immediately knew fear. “ We must fight these vile abominations, or else no life shall ever thrive.”

So the Eternal Ones begat war, taking up violence against the Void and yet there was no ground won or lost. Every battle ended in a stand still.

So the Forces, The Gods, and the Eternal Ones met and sought a solution to the problem of the Void before they found the couple of Eternal ones who had given up their Immortality and killed them, thus feeding them even more.

So a plan was formed. Creatures would be hewn from the centers of stars themselves that would fight the Void to a stand still.

And thus the Forces traveled to each star in the universe and plucked dragons from the center of them. Great Beasts of Fur and Feathers to keep them warm amongst the cold of space, They were lithe and predatory, fanged and fierce.

These great beasts grew immense, intelligent, and loving.

The could sense the Void from the moment of maturity, and so they began to fly about the universe seeking out the living abyss and all it’s children and driving them back beyond the edge of the universe.

They fought bravely, and as a reward were able to pick a home amongst all the worlds.

The Dragons convened and decided that they would settle upon the worlds in which the Eternal Ones had made their homes, for many more had followed in the footsteps of their now mortal siblings, and cast off their perfection for the possibility of love.

So it was that the dragons settled on the worlds of Eternal Ones.

So it was that the Eternal Ones slowly all became the progenitors of mortal beings on all the worlds.

And slowly, some dragons grew complacent and slow, but more importantly grew irritated by the mortals.

So annoyed in fact that One Dragon, Abaddon, decided that if the mortals made things too unbearable, he would murder them himself. Through his malice and blind hatred, he was twisted, having lost his fur and feathers, Abaddon became a scaly, leather winged thing

He was so convincing in this methodology, that eventually other Dragons joined Abaddon. All of whom underwent the transformation when their hearts turned reptilian with indifference.

As all this happened the Gods and the Forces were oblivious since they thought their jobs were done.

Once Abaddon and his followers struck, that was when the beings of the universe took notice.

So The Forces and the Gods Bestowed Upon the Dragons powers that would aid them fight and impression their destructive siblings; Powers of Ice and Fire, Sound and Light, Electricity and even Dark Matter.

Armed with these advanced gifts, the Dragon Guardians moved against and subdued Abaddon and his cultists.

They could not bring themselves to kill their fellow beasts for they loved them, and death would not only mean a lack of possible redemption, but would weaken them if ever the Void attempted to steal the energies of mortals.

Thus The Dragons went to their creators and plead their case.

“ We wish to guard over the humans but be no threat to them.

We wish to fend off the Void, but without humanity knowing we do so.

We wish to be as we are, but become better and more humbled.

We wish to not need fear Abaddon and his ilk, but we do not wish them dead.

What can we do?”

The Forces, The Gods, and the Mortals met for one last time, and in their congress the Mortals rose a point:

“ Make them smaller, deny them their powers and their flight, and make them to mingle amongst the humans as guardians and protectors.”

All saw this as a positive solution and so a last act of magic was struck.

Each Dragon, including Abaddon and his rabble, was broken into a thousand smaller animals, each with the traits of the dragons and its own personality and energy.

With this new species came a new name.

And so the mortals named them cats.

Animals of ferocity and caring, who are independent but also protective.

And so the cats became something more amongst the mortals, and they did so in the knowledge that they still watched every shadow, just in case it moved maliciously once more.


Darcy (slightlyfoxed)

I love these conversations with each other so much that I propose a "Forge Whores Literary and Wolf Porn Society."

Numera (Desiree)

You wrote this while simply killing time? I loved it. I’m no writer but I love to read!!