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Jo Blackthorn

In case this has never come up before–these are ‘Spellsmithe’ but sometimes it's written as ‘Spellsmith’, but that fits the story so well. Given the range of mystic/mythic history here, it makes more sense to have spelling variations as opposed to uniformity. Who knows who was writing what down when, and in what alphabet–never mind what language. “...neither the stone, nor the universe, are willing to let you in on the secret.” That’s a good line. And I like how the idea of the object who knows better than its wielder carries through. It’s not just how the stone responds to Seph, it’s how the water responds to them and Ma Ren. Seph’s descriptions “path-ish, type, thing,” “soap-bubble, dome, type thing,” emphasize her lack of footing. As does her being described as a drenched housecat–not an alleycat, or a barncat. A housecat. So in Ma Ren’s cottage we’ve got an early edition of Flan Neil Bear, Herr Von Forge Bear, and what I’m going to call Brooklyn Bear. That's interesting. If Joe the Owl is Joe Rogan I’m going to be so annoyed (it means his show would run until 2034). I’m going to pretend this is someone else, and he had a super-specific show that no one cared about & no one could figure out why it was given airtime…and then because of that it developed a cult following. And that’s why to this day the tiny town of X has an entire museum/hobby shop/yearly competition dedicated to Y. The town will occasionally draw the attention of the Audubon society, for their reports of snowy owls, but it always just turns out to be one, making the rounds, as if visiting old haunts. “Time travel, dimensions, spirits, demons, celestials, interstellar teleportation, Scottish tax laws,” Ok, so that last one may be in there as a joke or a simple practicality (they are in Scotland). But having only read about Scottish law in the context of Ewan Forbes, ‘right to roam,’ and how England is screwing them over–you have my attention. “Carmelite calm,” huh. But not cloistered, contained, Carmelite calm. Seph didn’t notice the eyes before now–I’m guessing because they weren’t meant to. Is that Seph in the preview image? Is the screw on her shirt about being a puzzle piece that fits in (screws into place), or because she's screwing the blue behemoth (or someone else) over? Did Uncle Nicky get a version of this speech? About keeping “the world from teetering into the void,” and “care to become something bordering on all-powerful?” I feel like he might have, but it wasn’t quite like this. More band patches than leather–I want to know what those patches are.