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And so a different tale from the worlds that were begins at another end of the timeline. Enjoy !



Jo Blackthorn

“Believed the way they believed in fairy tales,”this is tricky because we’ve established they’re a child. How does Seph believe in fairy tales? Is it in knowing they aren’t actually true, but the overall themes/lessons are worth believing in? Or do they believe in magic in the most literal sense, which seems best given what follows? The answer to ‘does magic exist’ could be versions of ‘yes’ instead of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The image of the shop door is cool for contrast–it gets me picturing art nouveau, all curves. Edith Piaf, nice choice. The box having no reflection might be because of the box or the mirror or both. Lots of magic involves light, and light is involved in reflection. It’s interesting that Seph is receiving comfort (dry clothes/direction) when they have no resources–they’re further out of their depths than when Vinnera gets her armor (Vinnera's New Clothes), or when the knight offers comfort in the rain (Camp for the night, Cuddles for warmth). In both cases the individual is a queen; she knows it and they know it. Seph is taking their first major step here, ‘brimming with potential.’ This feels like a rescue. Even though because they found the shop it’s a bit like they rescued themselves. It feels like Seph is fighting fate with their blue skinned behemoth, or what someone else decided was Seph’s fate. Hence him calling them ‘petulant’ and saying “You sought love, from it you shall never escape.” It’s also interesting that we first hear their name from him. Are we sure he didn’t rename them, or give them their true name? You said there was a blue spec of light and I immediately wondered if it was a Ghost. The stepping stone feels like one heck of a metaphor given where they’re at (re: resources), and now you’ve got me wondering about ‘the other one,’ and I want Swedish Fish.

Sherry McGinn

Love this! She reminds me of my granddaughter, who shares her name. A strong, feisty, loving little girl. You forge the most amazing stories. I love Mr. North and Mr. South.