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I tried to keep corporate money out of the library guys, but.... the lube bill came due so here we are.

Full text to follow.

All Tubular 80's hair metal is royalty free

Adorable Otter Spec Ops

Sleeper Cells of the Most Adorable Covert Soldiers Ever

Tasked with a mission so important no human could handle it

By Day they live in every Zoo around the world world

Drifting lazily

Holding hands as they sleep

And playing with objects that they shouldn’t

Look At Bandit over there with trainer Gary

He shouldn’t Be rebuilding a catalytic converter

How silly

But By Night they receive orders from General Noodle Caboodle

Who contacts them via hologram

From their base of operations under the IHOP on an abandoned oil rig in the Caspian Sea

Each elite fighting force working independently of one another

Simulaneously working to take down the evil

General Gobbels and the Bird Reich

Join Teams like Red Falcon Wheelie

And it’s members like

Bossy Dan their cool headed leader

Celery their explosives expert


Otter Octavius the team bad boy and deadly crochet-ist

Or go international

With Team Fucia Baguette Napalm

As Drapnir their grizzled commander

Cleopatra their Heavy Weapons Specialist

And Otterdomus the team Telekinetic

Battle Turkey’s that believe in Totalitarianism

Explore the depths of the Sea with Team Vantablack FlapJack

Dodging Coral Reefs with Captain Bowser

Stopping Oil Spills With Yoeman Butter O. Muffin

And Pulling off Piratical Purloining of Poultry Transporting Vessels with The Dread Otter Roberts

Go Aerial with Team NitroFlying Neon Camouflage

Stopping Flightless Bird’s from claiming the skies

From the Flying Fortress CrabCakes

With Ace Pilot Griffin Phoenix

Experimental Exosuited Otter Gilly Squiggly

And Gruff Engineer and Transendental Poet Siobhan OtterMacOtter

Boldy Go Where No Man has Gone before

With OtterSpace Squad Bioluminescent Spam Can

Ridding the Stars of Foil Wrapped Fascists

With the indomitable crew of Space Station ClamsCasino

While Captain Otter Luc Stewart

Stop hostile satellite hijackings with

Space Ranger Gertie Galaxy

And explore the World Wide Web from the inside

With Cybernetic Otter Pete

Collect every one of the 83 unique Adorable Otter Spec Ops

And their 31 Undeniably Outstanding Vehicles

So that in times of the greatest peril

They may combine to make the greatest defender of freedom the world has ever known

Ottermandius !

Adorable Otter Spec Ops

When the world is in peril

They shall keep us safe

Like no otter

From BearyForge Toys

Makers of

Fun With Portals

5th dimensional Jenga



Each Otter Sold Separately

Nazi Turkeys Sold only in packs of 137



Your coffee was extra strong today 😂

Catiari Ailiskier

I feel like this commercial should be one of the commercial breaks while I’m watching X-Men 97 🤣🤣🤣