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We have released another minor patch to VaM to fix a few bugs reported on the Hub and elsewhere, and we also made a few tweaks.

Please see this post for the previous full 1.22 release details:


To get this update run VaM_Updater.exe in your existing VaM install folder. If you are new to VaM, please see this post for information on how to install VaM:

https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384 Release Notes


  • Added in display of var license for hub-hosted vars in the  Hub Browser on overview and detail panels.
  • Added in var package user preference to allow hiding and  ignoring dependency errors for that specific package. Sometimes you just want a  specific part of the package and don't want to keep the dependencies around.  This will allow that to work without constantly getting errors that pop up  alerting of the dependency issue.
  • Added in button on SubScene panel  to allow un-parent of all atoms in the SubScene.
  • PackageDownloader Clear button  now also clears the search text.
  • Added user preference to set if errors pop open the UI or  not (found on User Preferences Misc  tab).
  • Plugins - added FileManagerSecure.RegisterRefreshHandler(OnRefresh refreshHandler) and  FileManagerSecure.DeregisterRefreshHandler(OnRefresh refreshHandler).
  • Plugins - FileBrowser - added  some callbacks and handlers as requested by a plugin creator.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with SubScene store  not working correctly in some cases if it contained a Person  atom.
  • Fixed issue with SubScene atom  UID getting auto-set when using trigger LoadSubSceneFromPath. The auto-set was only supposed to  occur if manually browsing.
  • Fixed issue with parent atom loops causing uncaught errors.  Can still create loops, but it no longer creates errors.
  • Fixed issue with auto genital texture creation producing an  error and using a null texture when the torso textures had invalid load  paths.
  • Plugins - added security check in VRWebBrowser OpenLinkInExternalBrowser to check if web browsers are  enabled and url is on whitelist.
  • Fixed typo in PackageDownloader.


Jesus Douglas

How do you download it❤️‍🩹😭


The post above has this information: To get this update run VaM_Updater.exe in your existing VaM install folder. If you are new to VaM, please see this post for information on how to install VaM: https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384

Cris Cowell

I'm getting the continuous red hourglass in desktop mode, the menu that is usually in the bottom left corner is shifted towards the upper right too. I've performed a scan and it said it needed a repair so I ran a full repair and the same thing happens


I have the same situation. In my case, this is an application conflict with the MMD Player plugin from ZHFX. In any case, this is caused by a conflict with some plugin.


It's the first time that I can't download an update, just the download speed of the launcher drops to some ridiculous download levels (i.e. 50 B/s)... this is the third day that I try and it's still the same.... . I have made sure that the firewall does not affect the download. What could be happening?


Could you - I don't know - add some title music? Show you care about consumers a little as opposed to content creators (who are ALL very lovely people). Maybe add a button to exit from the title page instead of having to go into the default scene? You should get a focus group of people like me to critique the new user experience. You're probably too familiar and understaffed to take notice of these little (but important) details.


lol please don't add goofy title music MeshedVR


I'm still seeing the same behavior WRT the error UI popping up for missing dependencies. I unchecked the UI popup button under Misc, and I used Package Manager to disable the error for the missing deps in those packages. I still get the popup when first invoking Vam, or after a hard reset.


Yeah there is a bug that is causing the error to still show on initial startup. I have fixed it and will be in an upcoming patch (

Alphalfa Omegatron

MeshedVR has shown the same pattern for years. When patreon subscriptions start cancelling, he releases an update. Then people come back and we don't hear anything from him for months at a time. Every other game being developed is posting updates like every day. And no one is even paying them $8 a month to do it. Drop your membership. Works every time. Money talks


Maybe it seems that way, but that is not the reality. I just don't give very frequent updates here on Patreon, and when I do it tends to attract backers back if it is something significant like a release. If you want more frequent information, please join our Discord server. I post frequently on the vam2 channel. I do also plan to start providing more VaM2 beta progress posts here, but the actual beta release is still a ways away. I also don't give estimates on release dates because it is impossible to make accurate ones.