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I know it has been a long time since the last post here. For this, I apologize. Please do join our Discord server for more mini updates and information from me, and I will do a better job posting to Patreon with more frequent progress updates. If you want more direct interaction, I usually post in the vam2 channel on our Discord server. You can connect to Discord here: https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps

Beta progress:

We have been very busy working on multiple fronts. The main game beta work has been focused on the core game engine as previously reported. This work is taking much longer to complete than anticipated. It is a giant project that all has to work well together to ensure a high quality experience. We are choosing to build things soundly rather than rush and make poor choices that could affect long term usability or scalability.

Here is some of what that core work covers:

  • Atom system
  • Parameter system
  • Save and load system
  • UI system
  • VR and desktop interaction systems

Alpha 2 Release:

Due to the core engine work taking so long, we decided to focus the last month or so on providing an updated alpha that features a number of improvements that will also end up in the beta releases. In this way, backers will have something to experiment with while we continue to work on the real application. A lot of the work done to update the alpha can also be applied to the beta, so we don't view this as a wasted effort.

This 2nd alpha is similar to the 1st one. It is meant as an experimental tech demo to showcase some of what has been worked on for VaM2 to date. The UI and control scheme used in this alpha is just for this alpha and does not represent what will be in the beta or final versions of VaM2. This alpha is available to all current Patreon backers. Download the zip using the link below, and extract to a new folder where you want to install it.

The zip is password protected as it is only meant for current backers. Please do not share or redistribute.

Link: https://cdn2.virtamate.com/Release/VaM2X_Alpha_2.zip

Password: 2live2

Here is what this updated alpha features:

  • added bedroom environment with model
  • added sample full house environment (no model) to show off what HDRP environments can look like
  • new model Alexis (morph and textures) from amazing creator RenVR!
  • improved skinning system
  • motion vectors and TAA (Temporal Anti Aliasing) added
  • added more makeup and iris choices for all of the models
  • dozens of morphs added
  • (limited) all morphs save/load - limit of 1 fixed slot per model
  • added sample animations (similar to the VaM built-in animation) to models
  • added smooth physics motion (interpolation) option
  • (limited) all poses save/load - limit of 1 fixed set shared between all models
  • added root model node to move entire model and controls more easily
  • added more control nodes to cover more joints
  • added head and eye gaze
  • added eyelid automation
  • added micro-expressions
  • overhauled UI
  • fixed UI to work better on more extreme aspect ratios
  • indirect lighting improvements: skin now works with light probes, added real-time global illumination support
  • added light color picker for more control of lighting
  • added spot light angle controls
  • added more options to depth-of-field effect
  • added up/down movement in VR
  • added FPS-style keyboard and mouse navigation (hit Tab to toggle)

Known issues and limits of this 2nd alpha:

  • animation changes can cause joint tangling - changing animations and changing back can usually fix - this is just a placeholder system to give the alpha models some life, not the real animation system for future
  • joint physics (especially when following animation) can become unstable, especially if control power is set high
  • head gaze has jerky movement if on and the time scale is not set to 1 or if in VR and physics motion smooth (interpolation) is turned on
  • animation motion is jerky if time scale not set to 1 or if running in VR. Turn on the motion smooth option in the model's physics tab to allow smooth motion. This impacts FPS quite a bit. In the real beta, the interpolation system will be part of the skinning system on the GPU so it will not have this issue.
  • enabling DLSS seems to result in worse performance in this build - this is something we can't really control and are not sure why it is not working properly - we ran out of time to investigate further
  • having the UI open (especially the morphs) can really impact FPS. This is due to the very static nature of the alpha UI. The beta UI system will not have this issue
  • Fairly large memory footprint, although not by VaM standards! All of the models are preloaded. Models are not reusing the morph banks and other data, so there are many redundant copies of information.

Additional known issues and limits as reported from previous alpha:

  • Inaccurate collision. Only a basic collision model is included here. Accurate collision will come once the skin physics system is completed.
  • Some of the included texture sets are not high enough quality for VaM standards, especially for VaM2 and HDRP.
  • Mesh normals and tangents are not currently recalculated after the model is posed. This can result in inaccurate lighting. Future releases will have real-time normal and tangent recalculation (VaM already does this).
  • Some of the ambient occlusion texture maps are baked too dark in certain areas. An example is the armpits. Combined with the normal recalculation issue it can result in the armpits being dark when arms are raised.
  • The included static hair is quite expensive to render due to a sub-optimal shader. An option to turn hair off has been included to show this.
  • The model skinning is all done on the CPU currently. This is especially expensive on the Edie HD 16X model. Future versions will move the skinning to the GPU for the final HD skin rendering which should improve performance.
  • Shimmering of controls when DLSS is turned on
  • Pulling pins or controls too far from model can cause other joints to bend in weird ways. This is a Physx artifact that we will hopefully be able to fix in future release.
  • XR (VR) mode is limited. There is no UI, but you can move around and interact with the model. To run XR, start the program. On the UI, click the VR button. Once your VR system starts up it should be working.


While this could change, here is a rough roadmap of what is next for this project:

  • 1st beta: Complete core engine and first set of built-in atoms
  • 2nd beta: Skin physics system
  • 3rd beta: Clothing and hair systems
  • Later: API and plugin system, custom tools for community to build custom atoms, props, clothing, hair, etc.

Thank you all for your continued support while we develop VaM2. There is still a long road ahead, so thank you for your understanding!




If you ask me. My main target for VaM 2.X was gonna be compatibility with .vam filles that already exist in VaM or at worst compatibility via some short of conversion tool.


Has there been any progress on 2.0? I've been a supporter for a while, but looks like there hasn't been any progress since May 11'th on 1.0?


Yes there has been a lot of progress. I frequently post on our Discord server in the vam2 channel. I am planning to give more VaM2 updates here soon, as you are right it has been too long to not make progress posts here. Thank you.

Николай Рудэнко

The program stops working when you select the first and second windows. The building demo window starts. The first alpha worked perfectly at first, but then the same thing happened in it as in the second alpha now



Dave Chopp

Update: I am blown away by this demo. The physics of the model s are amazing as is the detail. Something that drove me nuts has always been the Genesis 2 meshes specifically the toe nails, the octagon shape of them always frustrated me. I see that is a gone with gen 8. It’s a minor thing I know but it’s a thing lol. Outside of that, the looks are amazing from a detail perspective. And the house details amazing, the reflections, the rain, (Especially across the bridge between the den and bedroom) the lighting was great. I am super excited to see what comes next. A couple of questions I have 1. Will there be a way to bring in the looks of gen 2 characters from Vam 1.x, like a morph import or something like that? As I understand it you can go up across the gens just not backwards. So im guessing that may need to be done in Daz. 2. Will custom assets be delt with the same way like compiling assetbundles and loading then though a custom unity control or has that changed?


Woohoo Thanks for this Alpha Meshed!!! You are amazing!!


Lets go >.<


I'd rather wait for a well developed application, rather than have it rushed and unfinished. Take your time :)


Awesome!! I never was insterested in VR then, 2 months ago, someone told me about VaM and... I got an oculus quest 2 + leap motion just for VaM lol ♥


Take your time, quailty is more important than fastness.


You are an amazing creator, never stop!


Fingers still crossed that futas will get a little more love

Lilac bush

How do we keep 1.x working and install 2.x at the same time without conflict ?


2.x is a separate install and isn't in anyway connected to your 1.x install. No action is required.

Azhrarn Straaf

As the lack of communication goes, occasionally I think...maybe he is on a beach somewhere relaxing, and he has abandoned the game. Then I figure: I don't mind if he gets a tan, I just hope he gets back to the game and doesn't abandon it! Nice to hear you are actually progressing.


Great, can't wait to check this update out! Will we be able to "world scale" in the one? Be nice to see things from different sizes in VR!


Awesome!! To infinity… and beyond!

Niko Mower

Proud backer here. I'm glad works are moving forward!


Hello, how do you activate the VR mode?


hehe amators :) ive bought RTX 3090 with Pimax 8K X just for VAM :)


Thank you for the progress and the update, appreciate it!!


everyone gets what the wallet allows hihihihi ;) Nice hardware by the way ^^

alex galea

Thanks for all !! Number 1


No world scale adjustment in this one. I'll keep it in mind if we do another alpha.


Sitting on a beach sounds appealing! I do have to schedule in some short breaks to avoid burnout. I'll just save all those beach trips for when 2.X is done. :)


2.X is going to support custom models, so yes futas will be possible and easily supported. We will likely even release one officially, but the community can take this beyond what we do.


We've been waiting for you! I'll try it right away!


Hello, how do we play in VR?


Its not that i want to brag myself or sth. Just to show how creazy people can be to use this soft (and i can tell that it was worth it , though i mainly do not use VR at all, desktop mode is enough to have fun with modeling, clothing and so on :)


i love those simple hairs, looks much better then in VAM 1.x. Are those the one completely static or is it new dynamic hair system you mention. I hope that next alpha contains few more :) I get 300FPS in empty scen and in scene with person and bed it goes to 120 with all lights on. (RTX 3090 and Intel 10900K 5Ghz). Is it ok or there is something wrong with it ? i have some supect for CPU that it work anormally.


The bed scene has 5 lights on and they are more complex lights. As mentioned, nothing is really optimized, so I wouldn't put much stock in the FPS you are getting. In fact this alpha is slower than the 1st, but that is because we added some things like motion vectors that will later be moved to the GPU.


I responded above with "Open the System menu on right. There is VR toggle in there."


can use mouse in VR ? handle is not good than mouse. mouse is more easy control and accuracy to choose :)


So, when could one create a man here?


Vr crashes the app. Oculus quest 2 with virtual desktop, as soon as I click on the vr button, steamvr pops up and then the app crashes. RTX 3080,32gb RAM (don't remember the CPU, i5 5500 i think)


Wow, running well on Ryzen 3900X, 16 GB ram, M.2 SSD 2 TB drive, and AMD RX 6950 XT gpu, at 1080 P flat, also doing well on VR Valve index. Keep up the awesome work. I look forward to seeing more. Please consider designing a benchmark test scene. I hope this feedback is helpful. Thanks for all that you do!


I am wondering, maybe it have been answered somewhere else before, i just didnt see if so. Will the VAM stuff we have now be compatible with the 2.0 version? models clothing skins and all


no it will not its the new unity engine and he also will fix stuff he did wrong in 1.x also the new 2.x will use genesis 8 and not genesis 2.


Tough pill to swallow for those of us with hundreds of scenes and looks that we will have a hard time giving up. Whoever writes the scripts that does acceptable translations/conversions of looks will gain a lot of patrons.


Well that sucks for sure for the compatibility but as btacoses says i am pretty sure there will be a convertion or something who knows. I hope the content wont be a problem with the 2.x having tons of content, free or not is always very important imo.


Didn't work for me in VR with Reverb G2 :(


VAM is a fantastic game, unfortunately I only discovered it 1 month ago. I'm all the more pleased that you're already working on a sequel. With a project like this, which is supported by the community, quality is of course crucial. But I would still be interested in the period in which you plan to develop it. Do you have an approximate roadmap so that you can roughly estimate where the project is currently in the development process?


Looking forward for more improvements for VAM 2.0


who makes vam is it meshed vr or someone else who am i paying for unlocked version of VaM?????


downloaded the installer but it will not open :(


mine crashes when I go to VR mode.

jimmy peterson fife

I know DEV work ain't easy. Keep it up. It'll get there...


WOW Great work! In the future will we still be able to use sliders beyond their defined range?


Looks great, and I cannot wait to play with the Gen 8 models!


I wonder if it will be possible to play with details like teeth and jaws like in this package: https://www.daz3d.com/alternative-jaws-and-teeth-for-genesis-8-female-s I cannot find a way to do this in Vam 1.x, as I can only change the size/shape of the foreteeth/sides, but if I enlarge the foreteeth by morphs, then they will cover the ones at the side. I thint small details like this will take VAM to a whole new level if this becomes possible :)


Dude, upgrade your cpu pls, you are limiting your gc so hard.


This alpha impressed me complete! I hope it flows nice in to your great work!


The morphs ui for desktop mode is tedious to use. Scrolling through a long, long slider is not user friendly.


Trying to decide if i should just stop subbing... i know it's a long process but damn the wait... maybe ill come back when its done.... idk.


Dont. They rewrite the core engine that takes lots of time. No one wants a rushed product with lots of bugs. Quality takes time. Quality over quantity imo. Im pretty sure it will be worth the wait.


My apologies on the long time between posts. Please join our Discord server. You can connect here: https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps I'm currently very active on the 2_x channel and have posted a lot of new 2.X info there. I'll also be making a new post about 2.X here on Patreon before the end of this month.


Good things need patience. But yes, it takes some time :) Let's hope we will be the pioneer VR wankers that students all over the world will learn about, be patient gentlemen !


It's been so long now paying this sub month after month without updates. I understand that things take a long time but with VAM we got some form of product to use with updates regularly. Even when it was micro updates, It felt like paying each month was worth it as the product was developed. with VAM 2 we've been paying so long with so little to show for it. I am trying to be patient but money is getting tight these days and soon decisions will need to be made about whether to keep going or wait and come back next year. As a long time patreon and fan of VAM I truly hope October will bring some progress, or at least some monthy changelog here on Patreon. Potential New subscribers would look at this page and see inactivity, and not bother subscribing, as they wouldn't be on your discord server


I can't get this new Alpha to work in VR. The previous one worked fine. I hit the XR/VR button and it switches view, but not into VR. What am I doing wrong?


Will we get VR FOV sliders and increase the range on the world scale finally?


I hope someone can help me if they see this. I got VAM set up and ran it after setting it up on desktop mode and it worked fine when i started it in VR after. Now, when I run it through virtual desktop on oculus quest 2, it loads in vr but the controllers do not show up. In other games they do but VAM does not read my controllers. Any help would be great Thank you!


2X seems got much updated visual quality, amazing but I'm starting being nervous whether my PC spec catch up?

VR Ambassador

How do you start in VR at all? When i use Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop it only comes as a big screen. Never in VR.


hey thanks for all your hard work btw, your making history. Can you please help me. Steam vr is running and the vamx2 app is running but when i click on the VR setting in systems the display doesnt turn on in steam VR? What am i doing wrong?


You might not have SteamVR set as the default OpenXR runtime. To do this open SteamVR, click the 3 bars at top, and click Settings. Then click Developer on left. Near bottom it should show Current OpenXR Runtime. Below that is a button to make SteamVR the default OpenXR runtime. You can click that and SteamVR should then work in 2.X alphas. Note that if you are using an Oculus headset, you could just launch Oculus Home and there is no need to run SteamVR to use the 2.X alpha builds. You may not want to switch your default OpenXR away from Oculus in that case.


problem with password. when i try unzip i have error wrong password


The level of detail is impressive. There are finger print type texture on her feet even (when you get close enough). It seems that you have put alot into this that isn't immediately apparent without moving around and looking close


its not launching at all for me


Respect seems very nice. I see huge potential in this engine and in the usabilty. Keep the great work up.


I only get this issue when I install additional plugins like VR Perf kit. Did a clean install (delete everything) and controls work fine again. Note if you are using virtual desktop, run VR through VaM(OpenVr).bat