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The first VaM2 alpha has been released! VaM2 is the next generation version of VaM. This first alpha is meant as an experimental tech demo to showcase most of what has been worked on for VaM2 to date. The UI and control scheme used in this alpha is just for this alpha and does not represent what will be in the beta or final versions of VaM2. This alpha is available to all current Patreon backers. Download the zip using the link below, and extract to a new folder where you want to install it.

The zip is password protected as it is only meant for current backers. Please do not share or redistribute.

Link: https://cdn2.virtamate.com/Release/VaM2X_Alpha_1.zip

Password: 2live

This is some of what this alpha showcases:

  • HD Skinning and Morph System. Smoother and more detailed models are possible with this system than the VaM system.
  • Joint-Controlled-Morph (JCM) system. This system makes the models look better when joints are bent. The included Kala 8 model shows off both base corrective morphs and Kala 8 specific corrective morphs. The other included models only use the base  corrective morphs.
  • HDRP lighting and rendering system. This system is much more advanced and capable than the VaM lighting and rendering system. This system also includes a built-in post-process effect system, some of which is shown in this alpha.
  • Improved body physics and dynamics. The VaM2 character physics rig is much more stable and less bouncy than the VaM rig. This will continue to be improved upon, and in the future users will be able to tweak further and use the physics rigging system to  create custom models and attachments.
  • New experimental pin posing system. The intent of this system is to allow faster and easier posing without fooling with the UI. Give it a try and give us some feedback!
  • New experimental muscle pose system. This type of pose allows the model to hold joint rotations rather than hold body parts to control positions and rotations in space. These new muscle poses work better when interacting with the model or when the model  collides with other objects. The new muscle system should allow for even more interesting body dynamics and automation in the future (pushing, kicking, jumping, balance, etc.). Traditional control-based poses are not included in this alpha, but will be in future releases as they are still useful for holding a body part to specific position and rotation in space (e.g. hand on wall).
  • Finger and toe posing. Use the pin system to manipulate fingers and toes and save as a muscle pose to hold the  position. The full version will allow creating, saving, and restoring independent gesture poses. Animation and automation between poses is  also planned to give hands and feet some life.

Known issues and limits of this alpha:

  • Inaccurate collision. Only a basic collision model is included here. Accurate collision will come once the skin physics system is completed.
  • Some of the included texture sets are not high enough quality for VaM standards, especially for VaM2 and HDRP. All of the shown textures sets are unmodified textures from Daz3d store models. The best included texture set is the Kala 8 model. The other sets each have one or more issues like low detail resolution, unrealistic tones, lighting baked into textures, seams, etc. We are planning to develop better built-in textures ourselves, and we know the community will make amazing texture sets once that is enabled.
  • Mesh normals and tangents are not currently recalculated after the model is posed. This can result in inaccurate lighting. Future releases will have real-time normal and tangent recalculation (VaM already does this).
  • Some of the ambient occlusion texture maps are baked too dark in certain areas. An example is the armpits. Combined with the normal recalculation issue it can result in the armpits being dark when arms are raised.
  • The point light has a shadowing issue that can create false shadows in some cases. This is an issue with Unity's current soft-shadow system that will hopefully be resolved in the future.
  • The included static hair is quite expensive to render due to a sub-optimal shader. An option to turn hair off has been included to show this.
  • The model skinning is all done on the CPU  currently. This is especially expensive on the Edie HD 16X model. Future versions will move the skinning to the GPU for the final HD skin rendering which should improve performance.
  • Shimmering of controls when DLSS is turned on
  • Pulling pins or controls too far from model can cause other joints to bend in weird ways. This is a Physx artifact that we will hopefully be able to fix in future release.
  • XR (VR) mode is limited. There is no UI, but you can move around and interact with the model. To run XR, start the program. On the UI, click the XR button. Once your VR system starts up it should be working.

Thank you to everyone for your patience as VaM2 gets developed. This is a huge undertaking and will require time to develop in a well planned and thought out manner. Many things on VaM were rushed and we do not wish to repeat that mistake as it leads to long term issues and limitations. These are the main goals we have previously stated for VaM2 and they are unchanged as we have moved forward:

  • Improve visual rendering to next-gen AAA quality.
  • Improve physics. Improve collision accuracy. Improve realism of skin, body, clothing, and hair physics.
  • Improve performance. Scale better with high-core-count CPUs. Offer more performance options that allow VaM to run on lower-end hardware and still be enjoyable.
  • Improve usability.

We will outline the next steps for VaM2 in a future post. Again, thank you to all backers and community contributors! VaM would not exist without you! We wish everyone happy holidays and new year as we move on to the next stage for VaM2!




so I got it up and running but.. I can't grab move or control joints, morph other than the 2 morphs that are there, there doesn't seem to be a hub, animations etc. Am I missing some secret ui or do I have to add vamx or something?


Wohooo :)




Awesome! Can't wait to try it!

Dave Chopp

Take your time, we can wait. Super excited to see the final product. VAM 1 is amazing, I can just imagine what 2 will be like. but yes don't rush it. we trust you will come out with something mind blowing.




VR Ready?


The awesome result with the skin shading and the new pins system. Can't wait to try to import my cloth into it with the new colliding system. Good luck! Just a little feedback: 1. On the ultra-wide monitors the UI is stretched too much on the vertical axis. 2. Saved via pins pose doesn't look like it was saved after applying it again (after the default pose). Especially with the hands posing. 3. The camera zooms in/out when the screen is inactive. (Sorry, when it's active but the mouse out of the screen)


My Varjo VR-3 headset was waiting that :)


Oooo...the rendering is sooo pretty...and DLSS!

Nas Shadow



lol, these models freaks me out. :o


Is there a minimum spec or limitations? I get a message that my pc cant run the application.

Mogens Hansen

No VR on Oculus. Tries to load but fails or crashes. GPU 97%. CPU 7%. Both on desktop.


Oho ho. They look amazingly realistic and especially in the "XRristmas" version :) Thank you for this titanic work, Meshed VR!


1. I'll try to look at that and fix 2. When you save a pose it takes a second or two to lock it in. I did not have time to add a progress bar, but while it is doing this, don't try any other interaction. Muscle power is also important. If set too low, it won't be able to hold the pose. Try a higher power. 3. Your mouse wheel is probably scrolling without you knowing it. I don't have any deadzone in there.


You need a DirectX11 capable GPU or higher. If you could run VaM 1.X you should be able to run 2.X without issue.


I will test some more, but it was working last I tested with a Rift S.

alex galea

Look amazing ! thanks for your work


Wow this is amazing Meshed, I feel it's almost Daz rendered quality! The pin system is going to make things super fast to make scenes and poses on the fly. If we get a Timeline plugin eventually utilizing the pin system and recording pin locations, making keyframes will be a breeze! It's going to be so dang easy to animate! 2022 looks like a damn fine year I can't wait to see what's in store in development!


wow the pin and muscle pose system is a pretty powerful animation tool. the ability to key frame muscle dampening and hold strength would be a very powerful way to add dynamic movement in between muscle pose keyframes and make for a pretty labour saving way to produce convincing movements. (not sure if this is planned or expected, im not that familiar with the existing software yet) i will say the fingers and toes seem to get caught up in the diameter of the pins effect and could potentially benefit from being rigged separately and left outside the pin systems influence. that way after the main motion is established you could go in and add finger movements and not have to fight it so much... i dunno, just a thought. equally, a separated timeline for facial animation could run alongside the main pin system, and perhaps the ability to bake an animation after you have used the labour saving system, when you want something to play out in a fixed way without dynamic interactions would be of use. i could make some really convincing stuff with that tool kit lol.


Congratulation, I tried a few minutes and it seems very promising, I'm still hungry with this alpha that does not allow anything ;) when a version that allows to import ? :)


Hmmm from 4x with 280FPS to 16x 120Fps quite an impact :) i like new hair better then 1.x . Vagina is quite undetailed, but i pressume thats not point in time to take care of such an detail,

Ricard Serra

My VR Index dont start, only desktop mode, or maybe I need to enable VR from the app?


Looks great and solid performance on my 2080ti /3700x with Index. Definitely miss the hands and ability to bind a Vive Tracker to a control point. Early Wishlist :)


Some thoughts: May want to figure out a way to limit IK joints based on muscle collisions so you can't bend shins too far back into a thigh, for example. Limb (leg) movement also doesn't seem to affect spread/morphs at this point also, which will add more realism. Great "start" though for sure! Would also love a basic VR UI panel. Looking great. Very promising new foundation.


Looks great!


Lastly, thanks for the December release!


Okay one more thing, I like the pin system, but I'd love an option to pin relative to the main control point / rest of the body. That way you can pose a character and then move the whole body somewhere else and it keeps the pose. But the current pin system is great for animation. Also I miss the eyes. I know I know, baby steps.


Yes, launch SteamVR first, then click the XR button in the app. It doesn't have a dedicated VR launcher yet. Trick: Use the Steam Monitor-view option to change the settings/models and it will update live in VR. Maximize the app in your monitor for easy viewing.


VR works, run Steam then click the XR button


For 3D models, Meshed have you seen this? https://www.reallusion.com/character-creator/ You can import Daz models too. FWIW. I'm tempted to pick it up on the sale. Not cheap for casuals, meant for game devs and digital artists. Another link https://www.reallusion.com/character-creator/digital-human-skin-morph.html No gens though, that I'm aware of.


The 16x HD mesh performance hit is mentioned in the post in the limitations section. In a future release only the base resolution 1X mesh will be run on CPU to drive skin physics, and 4x or 16x HD mesh will be run on GPU for final rendering. This means overall performance will go up from what you see here. But skin physics will then bring it back down because that will be the biggest performance hungry feature. :) This is the standard Genesis 8 genital graft and I agree it is just ok. We are evaluating other genital options that are available for this model that have a lot more detail.


This release does not have accurate collision or skin physics so you can bend beyond where collision would occur. There are proper joint limits set in here, but they are controlled by Physx which tends to treat these limits as "soft" when it can't find a complete solution to everything. This may be fixable with an additional layered solution on top.


This is primarily meant for desktop use. VR (XR) was thrown in as a bonus, but there is no UI in VR. Just simple movement and model interaction.


Convert the pins to pose. Then move the hip control. It holds the pose relative to the hip. The pins are meant for making a pose and then converting to muscle pose. But what you are asking for should also be possible. I considered making the pins relative to the hip control, but then I found I wanted to rotate the hip relative to the pins in many cases which would no longer be possible. The "real" 2.X (not tech demo) will provide this option, probably with a toggle.


Amazing. Far better results than expected.


Very impressive stuff, I am looking forward for the beta release!!


I have not seen that. It looks pretty amazing just based on the landing page. I wonder how it looks in Unity. 2.X will support custom models so it should be possible to add non Daz models. One thing that is a big deal in 2.X is the Dual-Quaternion Skinning (DQS) and joint-controlled morph (JCM) system. Without those, joint bends really don't look very good. I would be interested in seeing how other realistic human models handle that. In the past I have seen very complex rigging systems (additional bones) and custom morphing solutions similar to JCM.


super cool! really looking forward to the beta!


Look great!!!! Another step of Vam is coming.


just joined yesterday cant wait to test this out

Eric Bullhorn

2.X alpha looks amazing and seems very promising! I hope high heels will look better on the models in 2.X and be easier to add. When I add high heels to models in the current VaM they often look deformed or weird.


I know Vr is limited in the Alpha but this doesn't seem to work for the Oculus with link cable. The left side seems normal but there's a double vision of the image with both eyes open and the right side has a weird lensing effect that I don't understand.

Nas Shadow

VR works for me on oculus quest 2. Make sure you have Steam and Oculus app open before you click on XR.


Hi, Thanks for this alpha, but frustated because does not work on my quest2. VR image is not displayed correctly on Q2....It just lacks the VR effect.


It works on the Quest 2 for me too. Great work. I'm happy to support this project.


Congrats Meshed. This is some very impressive stuff. I am very happy to support this in the future :)

James Robinson

I'm wondering if people just aren't understanding that you have to click on the XR to activate VR? I'm using quest 2 with Link cable and it works fine for me

Ted Ee

I have a Quest 2 and Reverb G2 running on an RTX 3080/I9 10850K combo. Getting above 150 FPS in VR and it works with both. It looks very promising, hope to play the beta version soon!


So now I had a little more time to take a closer look at it, the skin, looks really bombastic, the whole person looks incredibly real, which is what one tends to have a new girlfriend :-) that's a fantastic job so far, the graphics look also ingenious, the performance of the PC is now also much better and you can certainly do a lot more than with the 1x version because even a high-end PC can quickly go to its knees here. I hope that it won't take that long to be able to do 2x more


Probably missing something but I have no model interactivity at all in VR. I can make the blue cube appear by touching the trackpad, but I cannot create pins or move anything around. Maybe because I'm using a combo of Index HMD and Vive wands?


Really great work! Confirmed working flawlessly on my Quest 2 using link cable on a 3090. In fact, this is probably the cleanest rendering I have seen on anything on my Quest. The Framerate starts to fall off pretty dramatically with DOF and DLSS switched on, but that is expected on an early build. Really astounding work. I'm excited to continue supporting this project and can't wait for the next build!


are 1.x mods compatible?


No. It's only a tech demo of the posing and rendering systems. This is years away from feature matching the version we have now.


Would it be possible to compile a linux version?


As steam is establishing its ground on linux platforms, it's a matter of time when all games will run on linux.


Hi Grate stuff! But how do you move around in XR with the controller. Im using the vive controller. There dont seem to be a combo to hold and drag/rotate?


This is very impressive. I love the pinning system; it really is very easy to pose a character, and being able to quickly convert the pose to a muscle pose is a great quality of life feature. The improvements to model quality and the lighting look really good. Thanks for releasing this preview, and making it available to all backers :)


the pin posing system is pretty useful, too easy to understand


Works awesome! Great teaser... worth the wait! Great job Meshed VR. All control panel seems to work OK. Saves poses but drops limbs though think its muscle control slider setting. Oculus Quest 2 works a charm, like how can switch to from desktop in VR and set the up/down menu poses with mouse then activate VR to see it. Pinning action is great, can move fingers... lower jaw! The only scare was Edie.. where did that nose come from??? and we get to see it in16x! Ha...ha.. Thought 1.20 was really great but this looks to be an exceptional effort! Cheers


I can't promise anything, but I'll be looking at other platforms in the future.


The vive wands don't have thumbsticks so the only option in this demo is to walk around in your play area. Other controllers that have thumbsticks support free movement. VR in this build is experimental and not 100% complete. Future releases should support grab style movement like 1.X had.


If you don't have the muscle power set high enough, the model won't be able to hold the pose. The pin to pose conversion also takes a second or two to lock in. The model is attempting to adjust target angles to match how you posed it during this time. Edie is from the Daz Store catalog and is meant to show off the HD morph system. We chose this model because it was more extreme in shaping, showing what HD morphs will be capable of! :)


Breasts and influence of gravity? Simply: good work! This is a good step. I understand, that there is much to do... But thanks!


Wow, thanks! I had the issue with broken right eye (quest 2 + amd gpu). Fixed by changing openxr runtime from oculus to steamvr in steamvr_settings->advanced->developer.


Just came back to check out alpha. Looks good. Like the look of all the modern rendering tech - does DLSS actually do anything in demo - didn't notice any change. Works very nice in my Rift S - hitting maximum 80FPS limit. Obviously that may go down as more features added. Any chance of next demo allowing us to add more than one model to scene to test CPU/GPU scaling? That was one of major limits of old VAM after all!


DLSS only works on RTX-enabled GPUs, so if you don't have one it won't do anything. If you are hitting 80FPS already, DLSS would not make a difference except it would lower the visual quality. We will be working on the atom system next, along with the parameter and save/load system, which will allow you to be more creative and add additional atoms including people. 2.X does not yet implement skin physics, and skin physics was the big performance killer in 1.X. It will also be demanding in 2.X, but our goal is for vastly improved performance of this system. It will be completely new and different from what 1.X implemented.


Hi, it looks nice on the desktop! How do I switch to VR mode? I am using SteamVR/Valve Index and I can only see it on the desktop. Thank you!


There is a toggle labeled XR near bottom right of the UI. Click that and it will start up XR (VR in this case, VR or AR in the future). Once everything is initialized it should just work.


Thank you for writing back. Unfortunately, I did try clicking the XR box in the "Misc" section. My SteamVR is running. The view on the desktop changes but there isn't anything activated in VR. I have tried started SteamVR, then opening VAM 2.0, vice versa, without luck. Any other things I could try?


Are you on our Discord server? I just posted some info there that might help. https://discord.com/channels/363274293112602636/909075760323629067/921537350364958731


I am. Will check now. Thanks Again


This did the trick! Awesome


this is truly exciting


Sorry to doubt, but the result exceeded all my expectations.


Working beautifully for me on my "ancient" Quest 1.


Hi, I had the same issue. Thanks ! I am going to change and try this.


Hi Meshed VR, please could you solve issue (broken right eye) on Oculus Quest2 ? To bypass Oculus OpenXR, I had to use Steam VR OpenXR instead. It works fine with Steam open but not convenient (not direct) --> oculus link --> steam VR. Thanks


It should work if you make Oculus OpenXR the default inside the Oculus Home app settings. I just tested yesterday with Quest 2 and Air Link direct through Oculus. If you are on our DIscord server, I posted some screenshots and info about this yesterday here: https://discord.com/channels/363274293112602636/909075760323629067/921537350364958731


connecting by link. I don't have any issue with all unity VR games/softs except this one. I saw in comments that other users having same problem (ex : Giovanni Grazzi).


Doesn't work for me. "Failed to load il2cpp"


How much space does this take up? Cause I have like 465 gb available and it says I don't have enough space for this.


I know this is an Alpha so no worries but I've tried loading steamVR, not loading steamVR, checking that the "oculus is set as openXR runtime" (thought the option to activate is greyed out), loaded it through the desktop and the dashboard through the headset. There is still a double image. The left eye seems fine. The right eye has weird lensing effect and almost looks 2 dimensional. It's a quest 1 with windows 10 and I'm getting like 36 fps on this computer. Posting as an FYI mostly.


Christmas came early


can you load custom models in this alpha ?

Rich FupaStank

I'm too excited! need to calm down......NEVERMIND, I CAN'T!! Thank you and Happy Holidays!


Can't wait to test this out! Thank you and your team for all the hard work, and happy holidays to you all :)


Tell me, is this engine used only separately or can it be keyed into uninty? Or unreal


This looks great! Going forward, are we going to get more 2.X alpha -> beta demos every few months (my preference) until release, or will there continue to be updates made to 1.0?


Thank you for your hard work and dedication. This project is really amazing and groundbreaking, and I love that you all keep working your butts off to make it better. Cheers!


Holy moly !!! Thats amazing !!!! can wait to make new scenes with


Looks very interesting. I have to ask though, any thought to converting to Unreal Engine 5? In terms of photorealism, UE5 looks to beat Unity currently.


Could this AI system be implemented to Meshed VR? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szOMIn0YyUM


Great work ! It promise for the Beta and final version ... Take the needed time and make a great 2.X ! Will it be possible to import custom DAZ Genesis 8 characters / clothes / hairs / morphs in the 2.X ?


Hi there, new to Vam. This app is amazing! Will the new version of Vam allow for full body control without using vive trackers? thanks!


Awesome stuff. Was surprised to find it works in linux.


Looks very promising! I'm happy to see Paul mentioned it works on Linux and am excited to try it. The first thing i noticed as a Linux user is that it doesn't unzip into a directory unless you give the unzip command an argument. Windows users are probably used to right click the file and select "Extract into $FOLDER". Every other software comes with a directory at the top level in the archive, so we are used to unzip without arguments on Linux. When I encounter a zip without root folder once in a while without checking if it has a root folder in it, it is annoying because I then have to scrape all the files from the directory where I unzipped. It's only a minor annoyance, but it would be nice if you put all the contents in the zip into one top level directory to make it more console friendly. Mr - not really that - Pistov


I see Unity is mostly involve with the graphic engine and the models and stuff. Will Daz3D models still be possible to use on it with the official release version?


This is so exciting! Is there any chance of integration with Marvelous Designer similar to what we already have with Daz?


I like the improvements on the Engine, But will 1.x VARS and CUA still be compatible with 2.x? Because I see a Whole NEW interface and such, or is this just part of the Tech Demo?


And I'm also Curious if there will be a Ray-tracing option in 2.x?


Does that mean we can use a more updated version of Unity for making the CUA when 2.x releases? Right now the recommended version is 2018.1.9f2 which has problems when working with the shader graph... I would like to use the Updated unity tools to make better looking assets in the future.


Does anyone know how to download on MacBook Pro?


I can't run this, a box appears that read the following Application folder: E:/Vam Alpha There should be 'VaM2XAlpha_Data' folder next to the executable


The first time I loaded this I had the option to try different skins and models you had pre-loaded... I am not seeing any of those now. Am I tripping?


Very nice :) Can't wait to see more.


Since customization was basically what made VaM 1.x so successful compared to all the other (visually as awesome) VR Porn titles, I suppose scripting like in VaM 1.x will be possible in VaM 2.x again too. MeshedVR, I'm sure you're again trying to make VaM 2.x as secure as possible because of the risks of having 3rd party scripts executed in the program's context. I understand that. One thing that I wished was possible in 1.x though, because I'm a developer and tinkerer myself and basically know (most of the time) what I'm doing, is to be able to disable certain security limitations (like e.g. the locking out of System.IO). In my individual case it's for instance for the purpose of doing direct communication between VaM and a Python script that controls poses, morphs, grabs screenshots from custom cameras and other stuff like that. In VaM 1.x it works by using TCPClient and a very basic, custom implementation of the STOMP protocol in a plugin to communicate with the Python script over a RabbitMQ broker. Works like a charm. So, it'd be a real pity if you decided to nail up Vam 2.x "even more" to make it more secure and shut that door for people like me who'd like to (securely, educatedly and in a self controlled environment) get beyond what's possible solely with VaM script. Please make it possible to do these things in VaM 2 too! If you feel like that's needed in fear of recourse, you could put a non-liability disclaimer into the game for if I decided to click on that "I know what I'm doing" button. Thank you very much! You're doing one hell of a job!

Zákány Sándor

If this can work like VaM this bee great!


Incredible Work - from any perspective. For me its the most impressive Application since 20 Years. Keep pushing it!


hallo :) gibt es eine möglichkeit das menü auf deutsch einzustellen?


Wow. Now THAT is a realistic render engine ! Those models look soooo real daaaaaaamn !!! Great lighting, great improvement. The physics and posing feels a lot easier and faster. I can only imagine the realism with some facial behaviour plugins, and body animations. Great progress !


Your work is amazing. I've been looking forward to 2.X for a while now, and it's incredible. I'm so excited to see where this goes, keep up the great work!


There's this game I recently tried called Operation Lovecraft. It has some really good looking models (environment?) Just sharing in case some ideas can be brought over from it. It doesn't seem as elaborate as VaM yet looks delicious :) https://www.patreon.com/ProjectH/


What’s the game size?

Lilac bush

any update??

Moroda Raye

no vr support?????

Moroda Raye

Wow you're awesome 😄 thanks for everything keep up the amazing work 😊🥰😁👍💪👍👍💪👍💪


Apologies if this has been asked, Will this be used to create scenes in or is this for creating and customizing a player and then importing that into the other application? I am still new and learning so i am little confused what the update will allow us to do Also just wanted to say: I am one who has an imagination that sites just can't give so this is an amazing program and really well done for creating it.


Meshed is the fucking people’s champ, you rock!!!


Will atoms from the old VaM be able to be transfered to this new version?

Mr X

I'm really dim on on this. I just point,click and hope im right. What exactly is this?


Any plans to add game mechanics? Would be cool to see people making short games with more interaction

Mirko James

Looks incredible thanks for sharing. Take the time you need to create nice usability. Thanks


My first time seeing DLSS being used in VR its about time. Just wondering if you can some how get DLSS into the normal VAM?


2.0 already looks amazing: I love how you can use the pins to individually pose the models with fine grain detail! Looking forward to this for sure :D

H2 Kyle

Wow how am I 2 months late to this? Awesome.


Awesome! Would it be possible to add "world scale" to the demo?


The VR wont work in mine. :( The game seems to react and the view changes, but I cannot see it in VR or interact with it in VR.


Wow I cant wait for this!!


Hello Mr. Genius Creator! :-) Would it be possible please to have an idea of ​​the progress of the 2.0 project? On a scale of 100%? (yes I am, like many others very impatient to be able to "handle" this new version :-D Thank you. And thank you for all the work already done ;-) Good day.


Amazing work, we are approaching uncanny valley and I love it.


Download link isn't working for me EDIT: If your download isn't working, just save the link. My browser didn't wanted to download it because it says "suspicious link" lol