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This is more of a full release than a patch, but we decided to keep the 1.20.X naming to fit the theme and also make it so no new keys are needed. During the holiday break we were having some fun with cyberpunk themed content and decided it would be cool to make a release with this as a theme. Many new feature, tweaks, and bug fixes are also included in this release. See the release notes below for more info.

2.X was also being actively worked since the last release. Stay tuned for more info on 2.X in the coming weeks.

Getting This Release:

If you already have VaM and would like to update to, simply launch  VaM_Updater.exe, and click button at bottom to update. If you don't yet have VaM, see the download post  here:


If you find bugs in this release, please report on the bug forum on the Hub here: 


Release Notes:


  • File Browse - added new Open On Hub button which is active when browsing a directory that is a package that is on the Hub
  • File Browse - added ability to hide directories (and shortCuts if they match the directory exactly)
  • Hub - Added "Scan Hub For Packages With Updates" button which lists all the packages you have that have updates
  • Materials - added hide material option (found on Shaders tab) to allow hiding parts of a mesh
  • Package Manager - added Open Scene button if the package has a scene in it. Opens the 1st scene in the package, similar to the same button in the Hub browser
  • Person - Animator option now has additional options for selecting other built-in animations. Also added Stop, CrossFade, Play, and Reset actions with buttons. Supports limited sequencing and presets.
  • Person - added all joint control to params/action system allowing quickly changing state of all controls through triggers
  • Person/Hub - Custom clothing and hair items from VAR packages now have Open On Hub button if they are on the Hub and it is enabled
  • Physics - added Physics High Quality user preference which is off by default. Can be used to improve physics at extreme conditions at cost to performance.
  • Plugins - improved security and added new user confirm system for overwrite of files outside of plugin-specific data area
  • Plugins - added SuperController onBeforeSceneSaveHandlers and onSceneSavedHandlers callbacks
  • Plugins - added LoadPresetFromJSON function to PresetManager as requested by plugin creator
  • SubScene - added ability for triggers that reference external atoms to still be stored. A warning is issued in this case still, but the trigger will save. Upon restore, the trigger will only work if loaded into a compatible scene
  • SubScene - added new LoadSubSceneWithPath trigger action which allows selecting a path to load from
  • Triggers - Added several new trigger actions that can control the interaction mode
  • Usability - Free Mouse Move mode now allows for interaction with the scene using center screen point as the pointer location.
  • Usability - added user pref to allow disabling the quick Exit button on the main UI panel
  • Usability - added play/pause and seek to beginning buttons to toolbar that control the master animation timeline
  • Window Camera - now has separate control for the display that can be moved around independently from the camera. Note that it is parent linked to the camera by default to give it same behavior as current releases.


  • New cyberpunk apartment environment atoms
  • New cyberpunk furniture, lights, and props atoms
  • New cyberpunk themed music
  • New cyberpunk themed global skies
  • New cyberpunk themed female clothing outfit
  • Person atom – dozens of new built-in animations added to the built-in animator


  • Animation - Animators now only move the control when it is in "On" state. Controls controlled by Animation Pattern or built-in animator can now be temporarily grabbed. "Link", "Hold", and "Lock" states also prevent the animation from moving the control to allow override.
  • File Browse - Overwrite save does not refresh the file browsers so page and scroll position can be remembered
  • File Browse - file browsers now stay open properly if UI is toggled off and back on or if Hub is opened and closed, allowing quick switch back and forth
  • Hub - Missing dependencies panel now opens even if there are no missing dependencies so you know it is working
  • Image Panels - now have a clear button for the URL to set to null, and setting null image properly clears the image
  • Scene/SubScene Animation - seek-to-beginning does a smoother reset
  • Package Builder - packages are now tagged in meta file if there was a reference report issue during finalize. Will allow Hub browse to indicate packages that might have issues
  • Package Builder - packages that have reference issues when hitting Finalize now open an additional confirm screen with more information recommending cancelling and fixing the references. This is to help with users creating packages that are missing content and don't work as intended.
  • Package Manager - a new indicator was added to show if a package had reference issues when built (only works on packages built starting with and later). This indicates the content probably won't work as intended
  • Package Manager - dependencies that are missing but have a version of some kind of that package are now shown in yellow instead of red
  • Package Manager - Find On Hub button is now Open On Hub and only appears if the package is on the Hub
  • Package Manager - Scan Hub For Missing Packages now pops an error if the Hub is disabled
  • Performance - added user preference to enable/disable realtime reflection probes (for Custom Unity Assets that have them). Last release enabled realtime reflection probes by default which could cause performance issues with existing CUAs that had them and were previously disabled.
  • Performance Monitor - render times now show sum of all render of all cameras (for when using VR + Monitor mode)
  • Performance Monitor - render time is now correctly shown as 0 when only Window Camera is active
  • Person - Animator and Debug Joints options are now parameters that can be stored and reset properly.
  • Person - All joints control (on Control & Physics 2 tab) no longer controls nipples or penis controls since these are normally off and are not controlled by the animator
  • Person - Animator function now properly freezes when you grab move the Person
  • Usability - re-selecting same controller in the Select list now follows the select UI and/or align toggle options as if the selection were just newly selected
  • Usability - Added Reset functionality and button to some controls which can reset positions and control parameters
  • VR (Oculus Mode) - if controller is not connected the pointer/hands are no longer shown
  • Web Browse Atoms - now show info when user preference is disabled. Also show a message when the browser could not launch due to missing package from Microsoft
  • Web Browser Atom - browser section of panel now displays the same as the buttons and other UI elements and can appear behind regular scene objects

Bug Fixes:

  • Free version content fixed
  • Audio - fixed issue where fail to read an audio file from a package prevent all future package audio reads to be reported as an error
  • Benchmarks - Fixed issue where some benchmarks were overwriting the user preferences file
  • Benchmarks - Fixed Hair Sim benchmark not loading the hair sim asset properly
  • Clothing - Fixed issue where sim clothing Physics UI would stop working after changing to another tab and toggling the clothing item off and then back on
  • Control - Comply state now correctly takes into account scale of the atom
  • CustomUnityAsset - fixed additional issue that was preventing reflection probes from working
  • Hair Sim - fixed 2 issues with scale not being applied correctly for curl and max spread
  • Hub - Get hub info is no longer called twice or when hub is disabled
  • Hub - Fixed UI issue with stacked resource details showing buttons and support lists from resources below the top item
  • Hub - Fix issue where download all could break the download queue when one of the dependencies was listed as an update and resource called for older version or latest.
  • Image Panels - gifs that don't specify frame delay now default to 24fps to prevent rendering at variable frame rate of the application
  • Image Panels - addon package image files with uppercase extensions now load correctly
  • Monitor - Glow no longer renders over the UI
  • Motion Animation Triggers - Seek To Beginning action now properly does the triggers in reverse.
  • Package Manager - VAR packages that have corrupt meta.json files no longer halt rest of package import and also report out an error that specifies the var package that has the issue
  • Person - fixed typo in type tag for glasses
  • Plugins - fixed issue with onAtomUIDsChangedHandlers not being sent the full list of atoms
  • Presets - fixed issue with all atoms except Person not storing plugin parameters
  • Usability - Open Top Menu correctly closes the Hub Browser panel if it is open
  • Usability - Selecting None from atom select list now properly clears the controls list
  • Usability - Selecting current selected atom from atom select list no longer sets the selected control popup to None while still keeping control selected
  • Usability - Security tab of user preferences now opens properly when there is an error caused by a disabled feature
  • Web Browse Atoms - fixed issue where resizing WebBrowser or WebPanel atom browser size would not always resize the underlying browser
  • Web Browse Atoms - fixed cursor rendering through other objects for some of the atoms
  • Window Camera - the HUD display option now shows correctly if the atom was scaled




Hopefully this update doesn't break the game like that other game in question XD


Lol. I'm sure there are a few bugs given the number of changes. We'll do a quick patch once we have collected enough reports.


Cool :) thank you!


Does this update come with optimizations?


Unfortunately no as 1.X was already optimized as much as possible in previous releases. Performance won't get any better until 2.X.

Ted Ee

Nice work! Keep it coming!


I got this: Exception...:Exception during version sync:System.Exception: Hash of downloaded file VaM_Data\Streaming Assets\c_neo_mat is still incorrect after re-download. Aborting at MHLab.PATCH.Instll.Installer.DownloadFilesWith Retries... Let me know if you want more info.


Also crash during the update. I did the manipulation "Increase Virtual Memory in Windows 10: A Quick Guide " https://trello.com/c/c5WWHlnn And it works, update ok ^^ Thank you Meshed, and also for this very nice update, I will go and test it next :)

Mogens Hansen

I can't download using the updater. It's the new updater. It's not blocked, i have tried deactivating both firewall and virusprotection. Nothing. It just shows the little circulating ring, that disappears after a few seconds, and then notning. Searching for a full download I get https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384 with no download link. How do beginners do? It seems I'm stuck with VaM What can I do?


Exception...:Exception during version sync:System.Exception: Hash of downloaded file VaM_Data\Streaming Assets\c_neo_mat is still incorrect after re-download. Aborting at MHLab.PATCH.Instll.Installer.DownloadFilesWith Retries... IF you have this issue try running as administrator. Classic solution.


Please see this post for possible fixes. If that does not work, please PM me the contents of logs/patch.log file that gets created and I'll see if there is any useful info in there. https://trello.com/c/zWZxIKRw


That should not actually fix the issue. It is more likely the CDN cache expired and the corrupted file was resynced to the correct version. I'm working on an improved updater which should also address this.


Hi, Thanks for this new version. works fine for me.


Hi, why there is no separate collision trigers for anal penetration just like with vagina , deeper and deepest ? Do you plan to add that ? 2) Do you plan to add beastiality content , there were such thread on your trello ) - Project Helius have 15500 patreons now- it seems that people realy love that stuff :D

Jonathon Barton

That Cyberpunk game definitely got me down. Finished it in 3 weeks, and banished it to the "Welp" pile. Thanks for this!

High Sodium

Lol this is 2 completely different platforms with 2 completely different objectives. Also don't worry, the community will cover you when 2.0 comes out with mesh grafting. Simmer down, there.


Yes its completely diffrent platform, but i think that VAM could be better and i want it to be better couse PH is just simple scene player , very nice but nothing more, VAM is free platform when you can create anyting so just to give people tools :D than again you cant be blind noto to see what people likes so if PH have 16K patreons and come quickly from 7K when they launch beast stuff it means people like it, thus Developer get more money from his app and make it even better :D


Keeps crashing on update ive tried running as administrator and all firewalls and virus protection off still it crashes


Hey im cant start the newest version. I tried in admin mode for both the vam update and the regular exe. I tried with and without VR and i used all the check integrity and sync repair options to no avail. It just loads for a second showing a vamlogo with an exclamation mark and then terminates. Im not getting any other info or error messages... just terminates :(


If the updater is crashing, it could be caused by other software. Please see this post for more info: https://trello.com/c/zWZxIKRw


VaM crashing on startup is usually caused by Citrix software. Please see this post for more info: https://trello.com/c/c5WWHlnn


Guddamn citrix! Thanks a million, was just gonna cry that i downgraded and it still didnt work.


Literally the best money I ever spent. If I had a S.O. I would be appalled, but I do not so I am enthralled.


A small image of version 2.0 :) ? (and as long as to make a comparison with the current version 1 ) just to make dream a little ?

NextDoor Cleaning

As a creator, scenes would get completed faster if I could allow my creation to be controlled by another real person (my girlfriend) via the motion trackers on the headset. By tracking her movements outside the headset, her real-time motions could control the figure in VR world. One would think this is possible now. Is it?


I responded to your PM with the same question. The answer is "Yes it is possible using the Vive Trackers which work with SteamVR. She could strap trackers to her head, waist, hands, and feet and get pretty good captures that way. She could control those equivalent points on a Person atom in-game while you observe from the headset. These motions could also be recorded in-game and played back later."

NextDoor Cleaning

Can it be done without the trackers? The headset has native motion tracking capabilities. What is stopping this from being possible without additional trackers?


What headset are you referring to that can track a whole person? Hand tracking is available on some headsets, but VaM does not have support for that unless they are using Leap Motion technology. It is a lot of work to integrate 3rd party APIs and bolt them into VaM and we are moving on to 2.X so don't have time to look at this for 1.X

No Thanks

Uh, no. Cyberpunk is great, thanks.