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Hi all-

As mentioned in the last update: "The plan is to release 1.20 before the end of June, but please treat this date as a goal, not an absolute!".  Well the end of June is here, and we need more time to wrap up the release. We have lots of work going on in parallel for this release:

  • Improving the VaM Hub
  • Working on an official wiki and better documentation that will be hosted on the VaM Hub
  • Integrating the Hub with VaM itself, to be able to browse, download and install addons and their dependencies directly inside VaM
  • Improved scene management (more details will be released soon) as part of the planned scene wizard system
  • Load time improvements (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bty2uf24SWE )
  • Many other improvements (see: https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans )

Given the large scope of what we decided to put into 1.20 and the current progress with these items, we are going to spend at least 2 more weeks on 1.20 before releasing. We don't like the idea of rushing something out before it is ready, and we will continue to follow this philosophy of quality first, schedule second. If we are not meeting your expectations and you need to adjust your pledge accordingly, we completely understand.

Please do know that thanks to your pledges and the continued project growth, our team has recently expanded by 2 additional members. This has helped with the VaM Hub integration, and going forward will allow 1.X releases to continue while 2.X is developed in parallel.

Thank you again for your continued and generous support. We cannot wait for the future of VaM with the 2.X platform and your pledges have ensured this future will be bright.



Thank you to the whole team for your hard work.Eager to see the result ^^


As long as we are well informed, then I'm sure the minor wait is survivable :) we all want a good release, not a rushed one.


That's nice to see load times getting improved. I am wondering, however, if something could be done soon about the nausea inducing effects while loading in VR. I end up just having to close my eyes while I wait because the left and right eyes don't track in sync with my head movements while it's loading. Or at least that's my impression of what's happening.


This has also been improved a bit, but can't be completely solved in 1.X due to how Unity loads assets and how I have assets currently set up. The Person atom is quite large in size and causes a noticeable glitch on main thread when it is loaded and that can kick the VR compositor out to the default overlay. In future 2.X, I should be able to provide a custom loading overlay that is constant and also improve the load glitches by changing how asset loading works.


Not sure if this already is in, or being planned, but if not, could you add glute physics on the male characters too? That would be nice for realism and for the girl users and bi/gay users.


Is it possible the male body could inherit the jiggle physics of the female body? You could keep the physics sliders zero as default, but it would open up more options for futa content.


That won't be feasible until 2.X with a new physics system and better automation of creating the skin and soft body colliders. It is planned to give male/female equal treatment in 2.X


Take your time. Good things come to those who wait. 👍


I'm just happy to see you post an update. Looking forward to the release and as more content comes out, load times have been taking a giant hit so it's awesome to know it's going to be reduced here shortly. Keep it up!


With the prospect of G8 models being implemented in 2.0, is there any information on what kind of hardware requirements will be necessary?


you are late my mate...


2 months for nothing...


We don't do monthly releases as it just isn't really possible with what is being worked on right now and the resources we have. You are welcome to adjust your pledge as mentioned in this post. Pledge what you think is fair. Come and go as needed.


G8 mesh has less polys than G2, and G2 also has a more complex skinning algorithm (Triax vs Dual-Quaternion). For 1.X we used tessellation and smoothing to round out the mesh where it was too jagged. For 2.X and G8 we will be implementing something similar or possibly fully subdivision (like DAZ Studio does) if performance is ok. Most of the skinning, subdivision, and smoothing can all run on a side thread so it isn't usually an issue for overall performance. The biggest performance killer is actually the skin physics, and we have plans to completely rewrite this for 2.X to both perform better and work better. The goal for 2.X is better performance overall, while also adding performance scaling so it can work better across a wider range of hardware. This does mean that we might push the high-end to look even better, but with steeper requirements. Overall with same hardware, 2.X should perform and look better than 1.X.


I, for one, wholeheartedly believe in your product and your team. I'm glad that you were able to expand and I will continue to pay you my $8 a month for the foreseeable future. Keep up the good work!


I know that the primary use of this software is of a sexual nature but the implications are mind blowing when you really think about it. Given enough flexibility and resources people could create entire interactive, physics-based films with this stuff. Animating by literally just grabbing people's limbs in VR space and moving them around... and to think when I was a kid I thought Super Mario 64 was mindblowingly impressive compared to having grown up on the NES / SNES. If we manage to survive as a species for the next 20 years I can't even begin to think what we'll be messing with then.


Please hire a UX/UI designer :)


Yeah the 1.X interface is primitive, ugly, and not very intuitive. VaM has a lot of features and we didn't want to limit options in favor of a simplified UI. The good news is 2.X will feature an all new UI, and the UI system itself will support custom modes and skins so community can improve upon the interface or make specialized interfaces. The default UI will also come with a simpler mode that hides much of the complexity.


Been using VAM for a couple weeks now and i love it. I was wondering how i change the physics rate?


Thank you! Physics rate is in the User Preferences section on the Performance tab. I recommend Auto for most situations (which is 72hz for desktop and matches framerate of headset for VR). If you computer struggles, you could also try 45hz to try to get slightly better performance.


I was just wondering what processor would be preferred? is single core speed more important than number of cores? does it prefer hyper threading (multithreading)?


1.X is highly threaded, but has a main thread bottleneck due to how Unity Physx works, so you will get one core at 100% (main thread), a second core 80-100%, and the rest around 20-50% utilization depending on how many cores you have. 2.X should better balance the core usage and be able to use as many cores as you have.


Wait, genesis 8? I read about the possibility to have genesis 3 characters and I was jumping, but genesis 8 makes my eyes shine. I'm a content creator and I'm considering the idea of developing a game based on VAM (I mean a scene for VAM, like the pool scene); just like the lewd visual novels many of us have played but inside a virtual reality engine like VAM. You know, with decision prompts, routes, sexy scenes... almost all my characters are based on genesis 8; I would just need to find a way to import characters into VAM, characters made in Daz or have all the tools to recreate them in VAM. I'm a noob using VAM though I need to take some time to learn about all that is possible at this point. Your progress is amazing news. (I don't promote my content is this platform because it is not allowed here)


You can do static imports of G8 characters with OBJ and UNITY.




"... going to spend AT LEAST 2 more weeks ...". Thought that would help you.


hello, will the high heels problem be solved in V1.20? HH don't fit to the feed and have no heels. ty


If you guys are looking for progress, be sure to follow the Trello board: https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans There is a lot of new stuff in there for 1.20. I also plan to put out an update post and video this week highlighting upcoming features in 1.20. The release will be out before month end.

Luca Soulstream

Only thing I can complain about is the UI for making a scene such as like, how to like have her face change throughout a scene, if we could get a rework, in the timeline of animations and a better UI for that, that would be amazing.


Will follow trello, might as well, I'm never going to stop using this program. I'm scripting now, made my own to limp out everything but head, apply boners, etc.. Basic rigging stuff I prefer not to do each time that I eventually figured out in the scripting (reading other ppls plugins hehe). I'd really love to be able to find a code reference to all the constants for names of stuff and valid values (like I figured out how to set position off/comply etc, but theres plenty I cant finddont know yet). Any recommendations for exp coder, who knows some unity and C# but is just learning to script in VAM? Hoping for reference docs honestly, I'm past tutorials now. TIA :) <3 VAM.


The work from you and your team is much appreciated. You really are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in this particular environment, and pushing the limits of my PC hardware too. Great job 👏👌👍


will the 1.20 release until the end of july?


It will be out on Friday, July 31st. I'll be posting some details and a highlight video tomorrow or Wednesday.


1.20 Video ?


Running behind as usual. There are always unforeseen issues in final testing and those took priority over the video. Still planning to make a video to show the highlights because 1.20 has a ton of stuff in it.


Does the release 1.20 f+r 31.07 remain?


It becomes not answered whether does the version 1.20 come even today?


I'm afraid the release will not be out today as promised. We have been working very hard (12+ hour days all this week) to make it happen, but it is clear we will not hit the deadline. I'm about to stop working on bug fixes and other last minute tweaks and will be switching to working on the highlight video. I feel it is important to create a video this time because so much has changed and there are so many new things that without the highlight video it will be hard to grasp the scope of the improvements. With the video, I will also give an update about when to now expect the release. We want several days of testing with the alpha-test team before releasing to everyone, so it will be several days more at the very least. Thank you everyone for your support and understanding.


i think you must anounce a certain day for updates. because i wait for 3 monts for update. i paid 3* patreon. again because 8 $ is not so high for alot of users in the other countries. in my currency it cost like 60$... its not fair. you anounce today (the last day of the month) and i will paid 4th patreon for this update... think that!


:( Dissapointed


screw the highlight video and put the time into finishing the release. seems like a silly way to lose patrons but i may not be in the majority.


1.20 will be released to beta first anyway, so do that and work on the video later. You may target to complete your video before "production" release.


It really isn't possible to accurately estimate release dates of software. This is an industry standard problem. So I don't usually set a specfic date for releases. They are done when they are done. Also, you haven't been billed yet for this month. I mentioned in the post above "If we are not meeting your expectations and you need to adjust your pledge accordingly, we completely understand.". Feel free to retract your pledge and come back.


The release is about to be in "alpha", meaning it gets handed to others for testing while I work on the other stuff like the video, release notes, etc. After a couple of days of feedback and bug fixes I'll release to all as a beta.


While team is testing the alpha, I'll be working on the video and other important tasks in the release process. I think the video is important for this release so people understand what is being featured.


I just finished the last touches on the alpha build. I will be delivering to the alpha testing team and allowing for a few days of feedback, tweaking, and bug fixing. I expect 1.20 will be delivered in beta form after that.


Quitters be quitters. We can wait. All good, anxious and excited to see what's new as usual, but not angry at the delay, just sad lol. Shame others don't understand the software development process. Out of curiosity, are you winging it, or have you modeled the development process against industry software development processes?


Could we have an "official" update about the last patch? Seeking for an answer in all the comments insn’t the most convenient way for your subscribers to be informed 🙂


Yeah I had intended to give an update on Friday with video and more information, but I ran out of time. So I just put a quick post here because that is all I could manage this time. I'll try to be better about this in the future to prevent myself from getting in a release bind.


In my opinion please don't try to complete something in hurry! Your Team does an excellent job. There is no similar game like this. So please don't do shit like EA does:  Pushing out as fast as possible without a significant improvement! Also I like the quality of your game! There aren't much bugs or crashes I mentioned. In that way also a thank you that you are working hard for improving that game. So this game never gets old!!! Regards!


Thank you! We appreciate that. So far only a few minor issues found in testing. We want the release to be of high quality.


video can come after right?. at this point its been pushed too many times. if you hadnt put dates, this wouldnt be an issue, but you did(honestly wouldnt post this at all if it werent a paid subscription). please consider this when prioritizing anything besides the launch ahead of it...ty


Is there a discord for this? Having some trouble with the game


Yes, they do have a discord. its under the My Membership tab


Any updates on the beta?


1.20.X is still being worked on. During the alpha phase, many more tweaks and features were done to make this release even better. The Trello was just updated today with a lot more additions. Please take a look if you want to see what is coming. It is going to be the longest release notes by far of all releases to date. Because of the vast number of changes and new features, 1.20 requires more testing time. We are currently on alpha version 3 and version 4 will likely be out today. It will be several more days before we can push this to beta as we need the alpha testing to stabilize (meaning no new urgent bug reports from testers). Sorry for the delay. We're working nearly around the clock (12+ hour days) to get this out.


You're killing me, Smalls. :D


Ran into a serious issue in testing with the physics change that was made to fix the Unity crash that would occur in some instances of Person atom being moved into floors, walls, and other flat objects. The change that was made to fix the crashing was causing many existing scenes to not work correctly and have unstable collision and bouncing. At first I thought it was just a few scenes, but I found many more with issues. Instead of just completely undoing that change the prevented all physics crashes I'm attempting to fix it so both the crashes are gone and existing scenes are not effected. I've made great progress towards this, but it has taken most of today to deal with it.


thx for the update


Any chance we'll get better handling of clothing, so things don't clip through? It looks so good, but when nipples, bras, panties, and hair clip through, it messes up how things look.


theres a nipple plugin ... just sayin :) what i would like to see is a pubic hair region plugin, or control that 'minimizes' pubic hair when say a clothing item tagged as hips is on the character.


It august now, how close is 1.2 to releasing?


I posted some updates above on progress. We have run into some final issues during testing phase that we are working to complete. I'm hesitant to give an ETA because my previous ETAs have not been accurate.


Good news. I was able to fix the physics issue I mentioned yesterday without a hit to performance and the collision accuracy and stability is back to normal. A new physics corruption detector was added that prevents the game from crashing in certain situations like the Person atom spawning into another object or clipping into the floor. We are back to working on the last few items before release. No ETA just yet since there can always be unknowns.


Are there plans to support Oculus Quest Handtracking?


i dont know why i decided to give yall my money again but cmonnn please give us an update. its been like 4 monthssss.


Sorry for the delay. We're doing the best we can. This release has a lot in it. Please also keep in mind the Hub bringup between last release and this upcoming release took over a month of work. I can't work any more than I already am without sacrificing my health. And the reason this release has so much in it is because I want 1.X to have a good sendoff as I move into 2.X.


Please don't post in another language. I removed your post. To respond to what you wrote - I'm saying people can adjust their pledge if I can't meet their expectations. That isn't arrogance. I'm being considerate and understanding. I can't please everyone. I'm still trying my best to keep everyone happy, but I recognize that isn't always possible. I do listen to feedback. A lot of features and tweaks in 1.20 are based on direct customer feedback.


Don't kill yourselves. Anyone complaining has no concept of what it means to release software updates. They don't know it, but they'll be way more upset if you release a buggy mess.


Don't push yourself beyond your limits. The fact everyone is so eager for 1.20 is a testament to all of the high quality work you've released in the past. The vast majority of the community aren't going anywhere and it will only continue to grow, think of any negative comments as misdirected nervous excitement.


Alpha was released to alpha testers today. It included dozens more tweaks and fixes based on feedback and other findings during testing. It even fixed some longstanding bugs. I expect this to be the last alpha as bug reports and fixes have stabilized. All that remains are some final tweaks to the content and then the release to everyone.


"The fact everyone is so eager for 1.19 [EDIT: 1.20 is the release we r waiting on] is a testament to all of the high quality work you've released in the past." Or... Its a testament to users of the current release having become so INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED with it that they have given up until it gets an update with fixes, improvements, enhancements.


I can't wait to try out VAM VR on the 17th with the RTX 3080! Keep up the amazing work!


I have a 10850K with an RTX 2080Super. Simple scenes can really bog down into the 20FPS range. Are there performance settings somewhere other than on the main UI?


20FPS is really low for your rig so I think something is wrong. Is that VR or monitor mode? Is this a laptop? VaM is very demanding, primarily with physics on CPU side. Lots of lights and high-density sim hair can bog down the GPU. I suggest running some of the built-in benchmarks. Try CPU High Physics batch file included in the directory. You should get at least 80FPS with that setup. If this is a laptop, make sure the 2080 is actually activated and the integrated GPU is not being used.