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Use VaM_Updater.exe to get the update.  If you are new to VaM and don't have this updater see https://www.patreon.com/meshedvr/overview "Downloading VaM" section for instructions on how to download and install VaM.

I will be away out of town for about a week without access to my dev computer, so I won't be able to do any patches for a while to fix any issues. Due to this constraint I'm releasing with beta status. 

Since this is a beta, you must select the Beta Opt In checkbox near the bottom right of updater to get this update.

Custom hair (1.18.1 and 1.18.2) is now considered complete (although there may be some patches to fix issues). 1.19 work will begin after the short break. 1.19 will return focus to other areas of VaM needing attention. More details in coming weeks. 

Enjoy and thank you for your support!

Release Notes:


  • Hair V3 style rigidity painting – gives much more control over how style holds
  • Custom hair scalp support – allows using DAZ duf mesh import to serve as the scalp to grow hair from
  • New hair style tool – Grab – makes it easy to make bends and twists and move sections of hair
  • Added ability to use skin directly as a scalp
  • Added hair sub-style support, which allows styling hair and saving the style data as a preset without having to make a complete new hair item
  • Added copy/paste/default ability for all hair sim params and materials to make it easy to copy setup between multi-part hair styles
  • Copy/paste buttons added to all color pickers
  • Two additional shader options added for hair V3 – Thicken and ThickenMore – meant for very short or buzz hair


  • Style joint creation is now multi-threaded and does not hang the app when calculating
  • DAZ clothing and hair import now supports all extended characters in DAZ files
  • Controller hands collision now saves as user preference instead of always starting off by default

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with hair shader type not restoring properly for custom hair
  • Fixed player lock navigation height not working




The download section can be reached by clicking on the "My Membership" tab, then clicking "show more" on the first post, "Who is MeshedVR". Then scroll down.


Thank God custom hair is done. Now you can focus on more important things.


Cant seem to find this download section in the "overview" area

GT Scenes

At first I was like "okay" but now that I've tried making some custom hair, I can say that this update is AMAZING. Thank you so much, Meshed for giving us such powerful tools!


Wow excellent, this is super, custom heir completed, now you can focus on something else.


Looks great!! Are female VR hands still planned at some point?


Awesome, looking forward to it, and 2.0 performance improvements.


is it possible to control the Fleshlight launch with the game? That will be a super update


Could you add an option to adjust the scale of the VR hand? 🙂 those being way bigger than mine affect the realism, thank you very much!


I can't find the "Downloading VaM" section. is that only available for higher tier patreons? Or did Patreon rearrange things? Edit: I found it. it was in the About portion, download subsection.


Hi, sorry maybe I am stupid but I can't seem to download it.... I tried clicking the download link in this post but it just takes me back to this page....


In the desktop mode, the command bar and text is all tiny when using a 4k monitor. Also, you need a user-friendly way to stream to an Oculus Go. The average user is not going to be a skilled do-it-yourselfer when it comes to things like alvr.


Is the avery skirt glitched for anybody else? You can see objects through it when you look at the back of it


i'm trying to download it for the first time, when i click the overview link in here, i just get the list of posts again


We need an asset/looks/etc store for VAM. Like Daz3D has, but for interactable content. Or, an easy way to 1-click add Daz store content to VAM.


I just downloaded this new update and can't seem to move vertically. I can't move up in vr mode. Can someone please help?


how do I download vam?

Mini Max

In the menu main bottom area there is a checkbox "Lock Player Height". Just untick that box


I do not have the option to "install" the newest beta in the VAM_updater - why? (Forgot to tick off the "beta opt in" d-doi welcome to the interwebz)