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Important: to get this update, you must have the latest version of the updater and choose a new beta opt-in checkbox. If you don't wish to participate in the beta, just keep running I will likely move this release out of beta after another week of testing. 

To get 1.17.6, just run the updater you have in your existing VaM install directory and it should update the updater if it is not latest. Then once you opt-in to the beta you should see option to download 1.17.6 version. If you don't yet have the updater or you don't see the beta check-box, you can get the latest updater HERE


1.18 release work will now resume with the primary focus being custom hair import and improvements in general to hair. 

Release Notes:


  • Added control of thumb and finger input spread and bend as a user preference to allow customizing rest pose. Also added thumb and finger input factor which allows a reduced grip pose when grabbing. The defaults match closer to what hand pose was in 1.17.0.X and earlier.


  • Valve Index touch grip is no longer bound to quick local grab to prevent accidental grab. This functionality is now additionally on the trigger by default, so trigger can both remote and local grab. Full toggle grab remains as grip squeeze. All of these bindings can be changed in SteamVR controller settings as a user preference.
  • Teleport revamped to be more like older system. By default top touch of thumbpad on Index, Vive, and WMR controllers starts the teleport and shows where you would teleport. Press of the top of the touchpad executes the teleport. This can also be customized in SteamVR controller settings as a user preference.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed desktop toggle targets (T key) not working
  • Fixed Deeper Vagina and Throat triggers from getting triggered by chest colliders in some cases
  • A few other default controller binding fixes for consistency left/right and/or between different controllers

Thank you for your continued support and amazing community content! Both of these will ensure the long life of this project!




I read that female hands were planned for a future release, at least as of a few versions ago. I mean the disembodied "VR hands." -- is that still in the plans?


Yeah I might be able to get the female hands I have working now since I completely redid how input to hand model mapping works. With the old system I was having trouble making the female hands bend correctly. I'll look at it for 1.18.


Will we ever get an undo button? I've ruined so many animations by accidentally moving the wrong animation step.


The 'load built in scenes' menu function has been missing for the past few releases, is this a bug or by design?


Fluid simulation on the road map? Thanks for the update.


Still having issues with WMR, VR hands are extremely twitchy and I can't get the trigger button to work properly, i.e. close hands/select hold object, like how it was previously


Hopefully when you do hair, you can also please allow an option for it to be exported to obj along with the model.


Sim hair would not be able to be exported since it is not rendered as a mesh, but it may be possible for regular wrap hair.


I'm not planning fluid sim until 2.X because I feel for it to work well physics collider density needs to be higher. I cannot do this on 1.X due to performance issues it would cause, but I believe I can make it work in 2.X as I'm completely redoing all physics


It was by design. I'm planning to add a new intro to VaM setup for new users. All the former scenes, however, can be found in the MeshedVR save area if you still want to access them.


For some reason since updating to 1.17.6 and beyond (current, the fingers of the VR hands remain spread when squeezing grip Trigger to grab. Also is it in the works to support Oculus finger gestures natively. There is a Unity asset created by 'Almadiel' that supports finger gestures called 'Oculus Hands' which has collisions for Rigid Body but does not support collision for cloth and soft body physics like VAM VR hands. I have Leap Motion but the tracking is rather limited it can't support ALL hand gestures. I wish I had more experience coding so I could offer help... :-/ VAM is the best of its kind! I'm continually dumbfounded by the realism! Keep up the good work!


UPDATE: I just figured-out how to run VAM under steam VR and the finger gestures work there albeit with limited range of motion with sensitivity all the way up! But it works under OpenVR. It would be nice if the capacitive sensors on both the trigger and grip buttons would "point" both the index and middle finger when not detecting them when completely lifting both fingers off the controller buttons.. That would be a useful gesture. :)


How do i get the hands to show up? It's selected in the VR Hand tab but does not show up... I'm running the latest Beta release, creator license...

Patrice Desy

Hello, Same problem here, I run the latest Version, No way to display hands.