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This last week brought a lot of work on the 2.X platform. After each 1.X release some time will be spent on 2.X to make progress towards the future for VaM. Due to this parallel work, 1.X releases will not always come out on an exact monthly basis as has already happened with the last couple of releases where some time was spent working on 2.X. For those not already familiar with this, 2.X will bring many improvements to VaM. Just some of the planned features and improvements:

  • New physics system, with the main goal of vastly improved performance. The primary performance bottleneck in VaM 1.X today is physics. 
  • Improved soft-body physics. Both genders. More areas. More realistic movement.
  • Improved skin collision. Both genders. More accuracy.
  • New dynamic UI system that will be mod-able and perform better.
  • Improved parameter system. Built-in filtering for both searching and saving. Improved UI integration.
  • New animation system. This will be a hybrid of motion-capture and keyframe animation systems with full editing capability.
  • New rendering system based on Unity's new HDRP (High-Definition Render Pipeline), including fully user-controllable post-process effects (depth-of-field, bloom,  etc.)

2.X is still a long ways out before initial release. Early alpha releases will be made available whenever possible as long as they bring a quality look at what the future holds. These early releases will offer very limited functionality compared to 1.X. No ETA yet on when the first of these 2.X alphas will be available.

This last week's work on 2.X work focused on 2 areas:

HDRP (High-Definition Render Pipeline) 

Continued evaluation of this new system from Unity. After more evaluation, it is clear this system can bring VaM visuals to next-gen status. The biggest hurdle with this system is performance. We're confident Unity will make a lot of improvements in this space by the time 2.X is launched, but worst case we can develop our own optimized version since the source code is available. In addition, the system is very scalable so advanced features can be easily toggled off to improve performance over a wide range of GPU hardware. Ray-tracing is planned in future version of HDRP from Unity, and support will be added to VaM 2.X as that support evolves.

Porting and/or rewriting of fundamental code. 

This work is not glamorous, but it is necessary. Refactoring of old code into newer streamlined code that is more modular and supportable. VaM 1.X had built up 5 years of clutter (work on VaM started well before the Patreon project). It was time to clean out the closet. This is ongoing and will take some time.

Param system: Improved to allow easier dynamic attachment of UI elements. Added tagging and filtering system utilizing a boolean logic system (this may be back-ported to 1.X)

Input system: Worked on new system that use's Unity's latest XR.InputDevices input platform as the basis. This will allow easy remapping of controls to user's preference. New controller types will be automatically supported as Unity adds support for them. Already supported are trackers and finger tracking controllers like the Index and Touch controllers. This work will allow consistent input usage across all of VaM and allow inputs to be more easily used in plugins.

Thanks again for your ongoing support! I'm so grateful to have this amazing backing to allow bringing VaM to the next level in 2.X. There is much to look forward too!



Acid Bubbles

Keyfraaaaames! (And maybe pov improvements?)


Sounds great, would love to hear more about your plans for 2.0 regarding selling it as a piece of software, starting a new patreon, or the current patreon just eventually becoming all about 2.0


Thank you for the detail update. It is good news that 2.0 will be finally coming to the light! How about the base model? Will it be based on G3 or G8 in 2.0? Thanks


Thanks for the update!


I plan to have current Patreon just roll into 2.X, but I'll be exploring retail options as well because many have asked for that as an alternative. Patreon backers will always get the latest stuff!


this looks great but no mention of fluid dynamics system. any chance of it being added ?


Awesome news, keep up the great work – it’s much appreciated!


Yes that is being looked at as well. This was just a partial list of what is being considered.


Looking forward to more game Play


excellent! i have a question that may have been answered elsewhere. I seem to be losing frames at the application and not the compositor in vr. cpu usage is around 30-40% in task manager. is there something i need to change to get more cpu usage? or is there something else im missing? have a 7820x cpu 64g ram and 2080ti 11g gpu. ill get fps of 40 or lower with anything more than one person and a few other objects. a scene using a custom unity asset environment and two people with minimal animations is giving me about 25 fps.


Great! I can't wait. Even though the performance issues are prominent on my PC, I've still stuck by and enjoyed the game. Love that it's just going to get better!


Have the same problem with a 2700x and a 2080ti. I think it's an issue with certain types of processors. Not sure if this can ever be fixed since it probably depends on Unity....

Lost Hawk

Very interesting, I can't wait. You guys are amazing keep up the good work!






hey guys how do you get you key?


There are posts made with the keys in them. Here is a shortcut: https://www.patreon.com/meshedvr/posts?tag=Keys


Hi, have you guys considered real time ray tracing for non VR environments?


Just found this today. Very impressed. Hope to see great things!


Virt-A-Mate Scenes - Dance Floor https://youtu.be/SMVmcGsSQl0 https://youtu.be/4RK1-cgrcTc


I cant find were to add the key I pay for Monthly Last patch there was no options in a menu in the program or before the program. Am I missing something? Please help.


you can manually add the keys. In the 1.17 main folder, go to \keys\1.17\keys.json. use notepad to edit, and copy-paste the key


Thank you


I have done everything and ever since i added the key my game wont load.


what.is news?


Rename the VAM Root folder, do a reinstall. See if it launches, if so. Go from there. Copy the saved data over to new install location, if it breaks again, you'll know it's somewhere in the save data. Look at the log file too. Hopefully you saved the zip/rar of the full install.


Really enjoying playing with VaM. I have a few small suggestion that'll make First Person view interaction less "clippy" and a lot more fun to play with. (1) When the camera is placed into a "player" models head, have the camera position a little offset back so that if moving the models face close to things, the physical interaction of the face meeting something else happens before the camera clips through whatever you are getting close to. (2) EDIT: "Give camera a invisible physical sphere collision object around it in free-camera movement mode" -- Turns out this exists, under the VR menu, "Head Collider". I don't run in VR mode so hadn't been thinking about options in there. (3) EDIT: "When in desktop mode, please please make the movement smoother... especially when the scale has been changed" -- Apparently this is controlled manually using the "Free Nav Multiplier" under "Navigation". I guess scenes that play with size also need to modify that value. (4) So not related to clipping this time, just an observation: I played around with a scene someone uploaded that did real-time size changes, and I noticed that within a single scene, there appears to be a limit to how much you can scale any one object without replacing the object with a small version then scaling that further. Unless I'm missing something? Is this a limitation of Unity?


Regarding (2): That's actually already in the game. In the settings there's something like "Head Collision" that you can turn on :)


The new updater does not work. I've tried several computers and they all fail to update at some point. Seems like others are having this issue as well. Where can I download the full 1.17 game?


I Find a bug : When any glasses are activated, the eyelashes disappear ....


I believe I have this fixed by clearing the CDN datacenter caches. Can you try to update again?


I have a creator key by joining the 8 dollar tier, I have another computer that I would like to run virt-a-mate on. Is this possible with the provided key?


The Biggest performance issue i have is the lightning for some reason. Got an GTX1080 with a i7 4790k @4.4ghz 16GB RAM @1600MhZ. Whenever there is a lot of light, i only get like 20fps when close to models. I lower the settings but kept a higher Res. Multiplier 1.25x.


Hi guys, i need some help, i haven't played this in a while and i saw the latest update, i followed the instructions downloaded the VaM updater, extracted - pasted on VaM folder overwrote then updated successfully, BUT the "Load Built-Up Scene" is gone... Pls help me.


On Biggest issue i have is with the mouse cursor that never select the correct nod... never, would be fun to have a cursor that select exactly where it point and alternate between nod when they are stack between each other. I have the same issue in VR where my hand doesn't always select what i try to point. Resulting in lost of time when trying to create, and frustration when trying to play. No point for me to have physic fix when simple interaction doesn't work well.


Thank you for your great work and frequent update. I hope this game will support Vive Index sooner so that I can make up my mind to buy one....


You need to re-enter your key to unlock all the features. Look for the latest keys in the posts sections.


You can use C key to cycle which node is being considered for select. On Vive/Index you can use touchpad and swipe left or right to cycle through. The reason it is like this is precise pointing in VR is difficult so nodes have oversized collision spheres to aid, but this makes it so controls can overlap. I plan on a completely new selection method in 2.X.


Where do we get the 2.X updater?


nice program.i have some ideas: can make some model type lara croft,o ellie of last of us,ectrr? this program is good for...ejem,,,,animation sex.i see you can use the option possesion but i see only 3 point(head and hand), you need a new option in the waist or stomach (for movement of ..... ahem ... you know). would be very realistic. and it would be very good to also create the option of breathing (for stomach or lungs). I would look more alive.It would be nice to be able to load two different character models created in the same scenario (I do not say to put a new one next to one created, but two created at the same time)


What's the 2.X outlook regarding compatibility with existing content ?


Can't wait!


I need help https://www.patreon.com/morearts18