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Hi All-

I have been quiet lately because I had to put a tremendous amount of effort into the clothing sim system and could not afford time for much else. That is all I have worked on this last month. I have greatly enhanced the system I started out with. I started with an abandoned system closely related to the hair sim system. After tons of work, I now have a system that works in VaM and is better than the original clothing and hair sim system in nearly every regard. This is pretty typical when using someone else's work and adapting it to a project. I'm pretty happy with the results so far. What I have done this month is:

  • Combined the previous clothing wrap system with the clothing sim system. It is the best of both worlds. The clothing complies to the skin and morphs like skin wrap and simulates loose areas in realistic manner to avoid the odd bending artifacts from skin wrap only approach. I plan to go back and add sim versions of clothing items that can benefit from it.
  • Enhanced Person atom to have full GPU colliders. All hair and clothing use these, meaning skin-accurate clothing and hair collision. There is a bit of a CPU and GPU performance penalty to this addition due to the large number of colliders (100s) on the Person, but I didn't see another way given current constraints. If you don't use sim clothing or hair, this penalty is avoided. I'm already planning in my head what VaM 2.X would do differently in this regard to be higher performance and better physics. I have some crazy ideas for 2.X (more on that in future update)!
  • Added ability to break clothing away from skin to allow undress and posing of clothing. Currently this state cannot be saved, but I will plan on this in future so you can capture that special look. Below shows one funny and accidental way I discovered of utilizing the undress feature. With undress settings low enough, the clothing sort of melts away on this particular outfit due to how it was designed with separate pieces! 

  • Added GPU colliders to several other atoms, like capsule and floors/walls, to allow interaction with clothing without having to possess another character. GPU colliders are limited to capsules, spheres, and planes so won't work with more complex objects. I'll be working to add more collider types in future, although mesh colliders will never work in this system so some complex collisions will not be possible.
  • Added 2 new sim clothing items, a new skirt (not shown) and a new tank top (shown here). Added sim version of previous micro/mini skirt that is shown in both shots here.
  • Added pseudo-friction system to clothing. Still needs a bit more work, but helps tremendously in realism and allows clothing to stick to skin a bit.

I'm very short on time before holiday travel, but I will do my best to get something in your hands before I leave. It may be just what you see here and nothing more as I did not yet have time to complete the morph work I committed. I plan to spend some time on that tomorrow to see if I can wrap that up and then get the release out.






Awesome! 👏😍


You are the best developer on this site man <3 <3 <3


Bravo maestro!! Looking forward to it!!!


WOW, jus WOW! Now take your god damn deserved vacation and dont you dare to think about VAM on your vacation! We want you back more refreshed than ever :)


You rock


Is this your full time job or a side project of sorts? Just curious. Can’t play the update yet as I’m at work but I’ll get to it when I get home! Very excited!


Full time for awhile now ;)


Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Haha rock that shit out!


Totally misread this post xD I excitedly await its arrival!


i want to support your good Work. So can you add a new Tier for $10-$12?


Dude.... your progress is amazing. This is something I thought would be years off if not impossible. You should apply to work for Star Citizen, with you they might actually get that damn game done.


good addition.


Nothing to say, very nice work again,Meshed ^^ I can not wait to test these new products, thank you again for all this work :)


Just wow, looks awesome! Can't wait to see it all :) You deserved a rest and relaxation after all this hard work. Wishing you a very wonderful vacation!

Jack Kool

Happy Holidays you deserve it Enjoy ..


Oh man, this is the one thing that I have been waiting for!


Thats dope man! I really hope you can get this out soon! This was the only feature I was really missing. But it would be cool to have hand gestures on the oculus controllor (point to stick out finger in game when possessing, fist when making a fist etc.)


Today? Man I was feeling tonight! Will suck if its released Christmas eve as I wont be able to touch it.


I am excited and delighted with your work. I really want to financially support the development of this project with more money. I ask you for a higher level of sponsorship of 15, 20, 30 or more dollars a month to subsidize an assistant who develops content on demand. I think many of us want to help more.


You can donate a custom amount and create content on the discord server :) Normally people seem to create on demand/request from the comunity


This sounds awesome! I feel like I might be misunderstanding what’s being Added though... so basically, 1. You are able to move the clothing in ways like shown here where it can break off, or you can move it off the body (or pull the skirt up) with an object or hand etc.? And 2. All clothing has the sim and wrap system?


now please 😋


Hopefully theirs a chance for some down the blouse peaking hehe


download ????