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1.12 is a very technical release with a lot of core framework changes, so the impact of many of the items listed here might not be immediately obvious. The most obvious outward change is the UI overhaul. Many of the other changes won’t be apparent until modders and advanced creators get some time with them. Now that the core is in much better shape, I plan to spend more time getting back to content oriented features like hair sim, clothing sim, and other primary focus on the Person atom.


  • Alpha Feature: Plugin system. Dynamically load and run code to make VaM do things it doesn’t support out-of-the-box!
  • UI overhaul
  • Triggers and animation: hundreds of new animatable properties and several new trigger types and options
  • Sim Hair V2 improved collision and you can now move hair with hands


Updater method (2.5GB total download if updating 1.11 install directory). Extract zip to existing 1.11 install of VaM that has no mods installed (important) and run VaM_Updater.exe. If mods are installed the updater will fail. For this case or a clean install with full download, extract zip to new directory and run VaM_Updater.exe. Download attachment or Link 

Full download (6.7GB) zip alternatives:

Release Details:

Plugin System

  • Load c# code or managed c# dll files dynamically. Template and a couple of samples provided. More info and documentation coming.
  • Register new variables in dynamic code that get saved/restored in scene json file. These plugins act as true extensions to the core system.
  • Custom UI support
  • Quick and easy UI builder from code without the hassle of making a UI outside of VaM and importing it
  • CustomUnityAsset can now automatically load a neighboring dll built from Unity using assembly definitions, meaning you can import custom behaviors that were developed with the asset in Unity
  • CustomUnityAsset now finds embedded UI canvases and registers them so they can be interacted with properly. Also added ability to toggle these found UI elements on and off.

UI Overhaul

  • New vertical tab design and nearly every panel was redesigned. 
  • New system is easily scalable and customizable to make future UI changes easier
  • Complete trigger UI redesign to make it much easier to manage lots of triggers 
  • Long popups are all scrollable and have been moved to provide maximum viewing area
  • Slider text can now be selected to allow typing in specific numbers
  • Color pickers now have usable RGB sliders and values can also be typed in


  • Collision trigger: added Atom filter to only consider or exclude specific atom
  • New AnimationStep triggers: OnActive/Transition/OnInactive. Often easier to adjust a timeline of triggers with this over AnimationPattern triggers.
  • AudioSource: added volume based trigger system
  • 100s of new parameters on the trigger/animation system. Lots more things are targetable


  • New Atom physics params: drag, friction, and bounciness
  • Play mode changes to align this mode with long-term vision to make play mode the mode to run created scenes in with minimal fuss and complexity. In future you should be able to make “games” that run in play mode and not really know it is VaM under the hood other than the main menu.
  • Play mode UI removed to pave way for future release that will support custom play mode UI.
  • Tons of new furniture and prop atoms
  • More interactable elements on environment atoms
  • Installer/patcher now use https downloads

Many, many more tweaks and bug fixes. Please see https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans for more details






First!... Guess not! haha


Yay! 😛👍


Oh just wanted to say that tonight while cleaning out some old scenes.. ive found some of my early work and I noticed ive been supporting VAM for a year now! haha.. had no idea! $8 a month from the start baby!


Updater gets stuck at "cleaning patch workspace". Possible cause?


WOW! From what I read above this is a serious UPDATE! Ya might be safe taking the rest of the month off! haha


Have a kegger party atleast!


The updater is still a bit buggy and I have not figured out what causes this. Try closing installer, run it again, then click Options and Force Repair. If that doesn't work try the clean install option or zip download.


Umm.. Its all done but WE NEED KEYS!! haha


Please do yourselves a HUGE favor and backup your scenes and the person folder off to another folder first before updating! Just encase they get over written.


All good! Updater did its thing without issue and i'm in and checking it all out hehe thanks Mesh!


looks like im getting the cleaning patch workspace error too i think i may be related to the ipa i thought i uninstalled it but must not have im gonna pray to the internet gods for a fast connection today still got major respect for you mr meshed thanks for the hard work dont let the coding gremlins get you down


This thing is now over the top! Skies the limit now fellas! Basicly can control and do anything ya ever wanted! Clothing states and also changing skin textures in the scene via triggers! So now ya can change the skin for the money shot! haha.. crazy! I'm just messing around.. who knows what else i'll find soon.


just wow meshed you have outdone yourself


sooooo much to explore, brilliant job Meshed!


Amazing work Meshed, hats off Maestro! :)


would say i love you. but i made my own girlfriend now already in the game.


Btw.. love the new layout! Takes a few to get used to it but now being able to scroll makes all the different with making huge scenes in the desktop mode. No more downsizing the UI to where ya cant read the text to select what your looking for! Hehe


Had to download from WeTransfer..updater was at 1-2 mb/s... wetransfer is at 16mbs lol


Good work and cheers!


Awesome! And super excited to hear that you’ll be moving back to content/ character stuff. When do you think you’ll be able To adjust the way the legs close? The gap between the pelvic region and thighs would be an awesome thing to see adjusted. The genitals seem to feel really solid because of that as opposed to flexible/squishy, if that makes sense. Also, if there were some upper thigh collisions (for when the legs close into each other, specially noticeable for thick thighs) it would be a super nice touch and would feel more fleshy

Acid Bubbles

After you had a few days off to reconnect with you friends and family and got some serious sleep (seriously), pretty please, look into the camera position in head (i.e. do not render the head when in pov)? This would make a world of difference for me (and stop making it feel like I'm strapped in front of someone else's face) - and if you think it _might_ be something your plugin system _could_ allow, I'd look into it.


why System.Reflection is prohibited ? This will cause the following code to not work. public int this[int index] { ...... }


Installation question: so I did clean install to avoid problems. What is the best way to port my old stuff over? Can I just cut and past the folders over? Saves, Textures, and Import folders? I don't want to mess this up!


You can probably close that gap yourself by downloading and installing extra morphs. Check out the morphs section of the discord channel <a href="https://discord.gg/VXAQQw3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/VXAQQw3</a>In fact, this looks like it might be just what you're looking for: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/VAMscenes/comments/9nqy7t/my_three_leg_morphs_wip/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/VAMscenes/comments/9nqy7t/my_three_leg_morphs_wip/</a>

Acid Bubbles

Well that would make it very easy to modify whatever guards @meshedvr puts it place, such as the licensing code and any security verifications. And in the context of a game like that, any reflection will take a hit on performance and should be avoided as much as possible.

No Thanks

Agreed, it would be great if the head wasn't rendered when possessing.


More than a month of waiting for this...... The new UI is crap


Yeah I think I'm going to change to a different CDN and storage host. Too many issues with reliability with current ones.


Unfortunately this new realease runs too slow on my laptop, even in extra low quality x(. My system has 8gb of ram, i7 processor and nvidia geforce gtx 950M. I guess it's not enough too run this new update. With the 1.11 release i could get good quality performance, but now it runs at 8 fps. I play on desktop mode because i don't have a vr set. Is there any way to make this work properly, or is my system just no compatible with the game? I really started enjoying the game and i'm looking forward to explore more but i can't :/ Is there anyway to solve this?


Care to give more constructive feedback? I can't do much with UI is crap.


Try selecting non-sim hair. The new sim hair is very GPU heavy. 1.11 and 1.12 have same performance benchmarks for me.

Lion Escanor

Please prioritize fluids next!


Try out the new patch. It moves the height adjust back to quick bar. Also - once in hair/clothing, click the Selected Options button (looks like some tools on the new toolbar) to quickly switch back. I'll add some close buttons on these panels in future to make it more intuitive.