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Lots of exciting features in this release! New hair sim system, custom unity asset atom to enable amazing community creations, new scene packager, and online scene browser!

Please note to get 1.11, you must use new installer and updater. Running existing VaM_Updater.exe will not get you the update. Here is the link:

Direct Download 

(edit - added additional direct full download options for those that have trouble):



Release notes:

  • Alpha Feature: New hair sim system. Still to come: performance improvements, in game styling, support for more hair types (pigtails, etc.)
  • Feature: Scene packager. New Save Package button in main menu. Puts everything scene references & scene into single .vac file
  • Feature: Online scene browser and downloader. Directly open scene json and vac files just by clicking on links in browser.
  • Feature: Users can now set default new scene by changing contents of Saves/scene/default.json
  • Feature: Control of Unity ambient light color. Mostly useful for Map Loader or CustomUnityAsset atoms where loaded Unity assets don’t respond to VaM global illumination system
  • Feature: CustomUnityAsset atom. Load Unity scenes or prefabs directly into VaM. Inspired by popular community created Map Loader mod
  • Tweak: VaM_Updater.exe was made more robust with multiple retries on failed file downloads and better exception handling
  • Tweak: VaM_Updater.exe now has a Launch Desktop button.
  • Tweak: Added auto colliders to male chest region for more accurate collision
  • Tweak: Added no hair option for male
  • Bug fix: WebBrowser/Panels in play mode were not functional
  • Bug fix: fixed seams on 5 female skins in genital area 




I have no freaking idea how you get so much done in a month! Good job!


Incredible. Thanks. So only scene browser is just launching scenes from web links? Or is there an actual "browser (app/website) of registered, categorized scenes"? Online Scene & Model Marketplace (even if just for free scenes) for community content would be incredibly useful, especially now that you aren't releasing your own new scenes. Something like that would be *incredibly* useful vs. going through hundreds of threads in Reddit and trying to find download links, latest versions, downloading, extracting, organizing, etc. I've downloaded many dozens of packs from Reddit but just trying to figure out what is what and where to put it is so overwhelming I haven't even tried out a single one.


I download it, point it towards my VaM directory, and it says it patched the updater, run the updater, "an unhandled error occurred" every time :{


When I try to overwrite my 1.10 install with 1.11, the version number and date in the new updater don't match...it looks like I'm installing a patch to 1.10 rather than 1.11. Also, after putting in the creator key for 1.11, it says "Key Accepted", but then there are no Creator/Entertainer options in the game's main menu, and when I hit Start, it says there's a key file issue and to make sure key.json is in the root directory (it is). Did I do something wrong somewhere? Nevermind - the launcher's repair option fixed it.


After 2 failed update attempts (first one the updater vanished) I was able to force the update and all is well! WOW THAT HAIR! :)


Try installing to a new directory. The patcher portion of this program seems finicky.


Also, disable AV, helped me. Didn't see any blocks, but it updater worked second try w/o it on


Disable AV? Too suicidal. I'm waiting my AV virus lab to go through the file since I've read somewhere that the devs here use external installer, who knows what evil lies within :)


Holy crap Meshed. You outdid yourself. Simulated hair was the last piece of the puzzle. Even on a 1070 I can get near-photoreal hair if the lighting is right. It makes it so much more alive. Amazing work.


"Added no hair option for male" Johnny Sins in-game confirmed?


Avast Virus Lab came back with "this file is malicious" finally. Gonna run another AV to confirm this and I'll get back with the results here in a day or so. But for now I'd like a zipped option instead of the .exe so can some1 zip and share, rather the developer if possible.


whenever I run the installer I get stopped saying that it could not open the config file for writing.. any ideas?


link is broken for me. it says can't reach this page


Well, sorry to dissapoint but it goes to directory.vamresources.com which really just shows an overview of the VAMscenes reddit with thumbnails. (honestly its super messy and it makes it even more annoying that people on that reddit page post shit without download links, totally fine if they wanna do that, super annoying if i want to download something and half the thumbnails i like & click dont actually have download links, its like the reddit experience, but even worse because now you get it on a vam branded site so you get your hopes up for nothing)


Based on the above 'AV' discussion i figured id try throwing it at virus total. Honestly this is quite bad, as much as i want too, and knowing its prolly just false positives, im not installing... <a href="https://www.virustotal.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.virustotal.com/</a>#/file/d19066ef405d63778796d925feb58431d8f0f54bd67d0705d78a9da314ebbf41/detection If only 1-3 would detect it as something fishy id prolly be fine trying anyway, but i went trough the last few VAM_Installer.exe's and each has more detection's then the last version?.. I second the request for a simple zip download, especially considering the rest of the reply's are about the patcher/updater/software getting broken in all sorts of funky ways. Thanks in advance if this zip does materialize (from meshed themselves, not comfortable with ppl uploading copies)


I mean, dude if you don't trust him w/ an installer exe, I fail to see how you could possibly trust him enough to run the actual game. Neither require admin.


If Malwarebytes and Eset sees it clean you are safe. Also there are 10 out of 68 that detected and several of them I won't even trust to have them protect anything. Each company builds their own virus signatures database and believe it or not some of them really fail on doing that properly. Just my 2 cents on the matter.


Can't Download file... The Vam Intsaller download halfway and stops!!


Hey Scoth, did you resolve this issue? I've got the same problem and I'm not sure what to do to get the 1.11 update.


Meshed VR are you the guy who made the girl in the red dress for Neo in the Matrix?


For starters, DON'T run the file based on someone saying here "it's ok". Take your installer on a tour with multible online scanners and then decide for your self. As for trust, I think he's said to use external installer meaning someone else made it. Who, and do you trust them?


And I'm still asking for the zipped option. Trust starts again with that or with a reasonable unsolvable reason why the zipped version of tje gameready folder is impossible to have as an alternative. If that fails then I'd say as cool as the product is, time to pull funding. I'm waiting for the reply here.


Download link is dead :-(


so i see some certain people complaining about the installer being a virus. fair enough dont download it then? but now i see people "pulling funding" because a fdew things on virus total says its bad. lemme tell ya a story here, MOST game downloaders will come up on virus total with a few bad things because they download from the internet. its what we call false positives, ive just downloaded it and not had any problems with it nor did anything flag as suspicious (using my own tools and bitdefender/malwayebytes in parallel sync so they dont counteract eachother) If you are scared for your pc realise something a sec here, if meshed were to go around and infect everyone and charge them for it then pretty sure pateron wouldnt be happy. The link is not dead nor is it a virus. now you should know about false positives based on age alone, unless you lot arent over18 which would explain the worry over getting a "porn virus" ive just installed to a new folder (cus maploader caused it to have problems) so if anyone wants what it downloaded let me know.


Strange , the link is dead for me.


I've added the link as an exception but the page is now not loading for me :(


Getting an unhandled exception when trying to run updater after installer on existing path.


if you have used maploader in the past you will need to install this version to a new folder then copy over your save data (for example "Saves" and "Imports")


my router is blocking the download link, says malicious site reported, is there another link for download?


Im very much aware its most likely false positives, i even mentioned that in my post, i mean 2 of the 10 scans in virus total literally call it a 'downloader', thats not a virus, idk about the other things detected though. I do very much agree with Scoth, how hard can it really be to just offer a zip to put our minds at ease? and how much trust can we actually put in the person that made the installer? (whos in no way related to vam for as far as we can gather) atm i'd say none, as we dont even know who's installer software he's using? Theres just as much chance the installer was made by Microsoft and signed with a series of windows certs (obviously kidding here) as there is a chance that this code was found somewhere on a sketchy russian (or whatever language) forum? Point is, we dont know where the installer comes from, so how can we just shrug it off as false positive? especially as each installer seems to have more then the last?? You should know about true positives based on age alone ;) Nobody here thinks VAM is a "porn virus" by any means, we do however have a fair point to question the several red flags, even if you personally feel like YOU dont have too, that doesnt change how WE feel about these warnings. Oh and that age thing is completely irrelevant, as if people below 18 dont know computers? If you must know im turning 33 in a few days, so no worries there. Im not stopping funding over this either, if i do some day stop funding its for much better reasons then the installer seeming sketchy. (less content each new version, still not meeting his own schedules, stuff like that) but i doubt i'll do so any time soon. Thanks for the offer of making a zip but id rather download it from meshedVR, for reasons that should be obvious.


i have a regular stutter every 7 seconds or so in the new build


The new Updater giving an unhanded exception error (from the log- [P.A.T.C.H. - 9/5/2018 3:34:38 PM] The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.) Installing in a new dir seams to allow the updater to then work ok


Dude, it's not a virus. If you're that terrified, you should already have your bases covered to the point that you could download literally "virus.exe" and not worry becuase you have backups and failsafes in place. If you have important things on your PC you cannot afford to lose, then they should already be on an external drive and cloud storage. You are being paranoid. Just tell your AV to make an exception and get on with enjoying the damn product. You're making a big fuss over nothing here.


To be transparent I'm using 2 things. The installer.exe linked here uses this: <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/</a> It unpacks VaM_Updater.exe which uses this 3rd party package: <a href="https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/p-a-t-c-h-ultimate-patching-system-41417" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/p-a-t-c-h-ultimate-patching-system-41417</a> I have heavily modified PATCH already but it is still buggy. I think AV is flagging VaM_Installer.exe though. I can provide a separate download for VaM_Updater.exe and avoid the NSIS stuff.


You possibly tried to install to admin-protected directory. Can you send me contents of logs/patch.log in a PM?


I'll provide a zip option and some other alternates. The reason AV software hates this thing is because it is an updater that replaces and binary patches files using diffs. That is a red flag. The reason it does this though is it makes the patches a lot smaller.


Can you send me contents of logs/patch.log? It might give me a clue what the issue is so I can improve the updater.


All - I'll add a traditional zip download option as soon as it finishes uploading. I'll also be working on improving the updater more.


Thank you :)


Fyi... windows defender was not happy with the new installer... and Avast kind of deleted it without much hesitation... downloaded again... disabled avast... worked fine.


My router wont let me download it :/ Warning! The website contains malware. Visiting this site may harm your computer :Detailed informations: Sites used by malicious programs, including sites used to host upgrades or store stolen information. Device URL: cdn.virtamate.com

James Smith

Shouldn't this update be labeled 2.0 version ? Also the updater is taking a while, should I have put the updater in the same new folder as this version, or is it smart enough to know where the latest version is on my hard drive ?


it says key.json file missing in install directory but its there can not run game


fixed it by starting a fresh install then copying the new key.json and overrighting the old one


Try this one. I'm working on getting SSL with my domain sorted out which will probably help this issue. <a href="https://vam-j9n8934bpwmz.stackpathdns.com/1.11/VaM_Installer.exe" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vam-j9n8934bpwmz.stackpathdns.com/1.11/VaM_Installer.exe</a>


When you run VaM_Installer.exe you could choose existing VaM install folder, and it will try to update that version to 1.11 with a smaller download (~2GB). If you choose a different folder, it is doing a clean install and downloading everything (~8GB).


Hi, I can't figure out how to add a unity asset. When I add one in scene it's just a placeholder, there is no model. When I go to edit the atom, no edit tab pops up.


new download link please!


Same here i love unity and would love to get it in the game


Original link changed to something more secure (might help), but I also added 2 direct download options.


Thank You!


Hey Mister Mesher, I cant see the Creator Content , it must be a problem wirth the pledge, I just changed the paidment method today, canceled the old card suscription and made a new one on the crreator pledge , but i cant see the keys, its weird.


My update keeps failing.


man, this download is taking forever. However its only making me more anticipated to see whats new!


Okay this is weirding me out a fair amount... so whenever I select the long hair under the sim hair V2 and then look around (move my head), the Rift starts to have some weird motion blur... ish (maybe) kind of effect... it's hard to explain, basically there's an instance of the visuals lagging behind a more prominant, current version of the visuals. I can only think that it's interlacing...? Anyways, even if I switch back to the old style hair or (this is where it really creeps me) if I exit the game completely... whenever I turn my head I get he nauseating "Interlacing". Note that when in game, even with the long hair, I can move around the model, rotate with the thumb sticks, etc, and not cause interlacing... but if I move or rotate my head it causes it.


the installer apparently has a virus according to windows defender and chrome.


False positive, but you can use the direct download zip if you want to bypass the installer.


My 2 vive Thumbpad buttom are useless in this game,only the mouse can be use?How can I fixed?


after clicking start, i get the message "Key file issue. Please check that key.json is in the root install folder", and i cant get any further. and i checked, key.json is in the root folder


Oh here it is great! &lt;3


#Hannah Twerk there will be a new version release in two or three days :) Watch this space.