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I had last minute trouble with a new installer program and CDN and I don't want to delay the release any further, so it is the same download approach as last release. I was meaning for this release to use a new small-download installer program that then uses a CDN to quickly deliver the release worldwide. But that will have to wait until next release. 

Download links:

Release highlights:

  • Content: Lots of new morphs. Viseme (speech), tongue, hand, toes, and other pose-oriented morphs.
  • Content: New primitive shapes that support independent axis scaling
  • Content: New female and male skins
  • Content: New female clothing set: casual denim
  • Content: New environment - island resort
  • Feature: Tons of desktop mode improvements. See Trello for more detail
  • Feature: Vive Tracker support - up to 3 trackers can be used in this release for additional motion capture options. Recommended to use new 2-Stage Possess option with them or manually link something to them using the Link features on every controller. Trackers will be found in [CameraRig] atom.
  • Feature : 2-Stage Possess - allows possessing with offsets. Link 1st, then lock in with 2nd select press after in desired position
  • Feature: Atom renaming
  • Feature: Player thought bubble
  • Feature: Independent axis scale on select atoms that can support it
  • Feature: Scale is now animatable
  • Feature: Tongue is now animatable and controls moved to morph system
  • Tweak: Improved asset bundle handling. No longer cache data to users AppData area (saves lots of disk) and improved load times all around
  • Tweak: Water lighting tweaks
  • Tweak: morphs that should not be animated due to potential performance issues are now marked in red
  • Tweak: Jaw angle control is now handled by morphs
  • Tweak: heels now drive foot joint drive angle for a more natural pose
  • Tweak: Tongue/jaw tweaks. Tongue is now fully jointed to allow new bone rotation morphs to work and also now allows the tongue to push on the jaw again
  • Tweak: Screenshots - no longer render player controls and now also give visual flash feedback when screenshot is taken
  • Tweak: Performance enhancements - helps lower-end systems the most. Still hard to make 90fps with 2 Person atoms.
  • Bugs: A few minor bug fixes - see Trello

See Trello for more info! 




Hell yeah finally. Thanks been waiting on tracker support


Do I need to enter all keys if I have creator lvl key?


All these awesome additions, yet some how I am most excited by "Atom Renaming" !!


Looking awesome :)


having trouble loading audio files. Scene pauses indefinitely.


Yay thank you for getting the new male mesh skin in for us gays :)


Not being a gay person myself, I find a little heart warming that the maker covers all the bases.


1.9 doesn't work (first time having total issue since the first release!) … rift user, downloaded 2 times thinking to file data corrupted, starting again, pasting creator key... same black environment, the only element working in my 1.9 is the main menu… and after loading a Meshed scene, just and only lot of polygons orbiting random, no way to load look, clothes over the "person" that I can see only if I click load this new element from the main menu.... then it's a 100% mess. It's like if my gpu refuses to work. Rolling back to 8.1, maybe … but it's not a solution. Maybe I should stop fapping.


...ok… will try to manually clean register and deleting the full Unity folder in app data … because i can't believe Mashed was not testing his program before uploading it. And yes I was trying even without copying the old saved content, doesn't change anything. Pause fapping can be relaxing for prostat? Update: no result, same as before... release 1.8 that I was deleting still works good. Waiting for 1.9 patch... but not sure if it's worth. This is not a small bug I'm afraid. My system is updated, drivers ok, hardware the same.


It looks the same to me. (Samsung Odyssey/M$ Mixed VR/GTX 1070). I can load looks, but for scenes, even built-in, I only get a white or black screen. When you press the menu button, polygons (probably parts of the menu) flicker across the screen. Besides that it crashed 2 times. Loading without headset (using the regular screen) made no difference.


thanks a lot for your post… and yes the polygons I see in rift headset if I try to load a scene seem to be elements of the menu … so, we have the same situation. Maybe we have problems with the last driver nvidia? 8.1 works perfect after I was rolling back. I was so sure that 1.9 was working good and so I was keeping the Save folder and deleting the old program like I was always doing. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one having trouble.


Same here with the polygons and white screen.... Rift with GTX 1070


Rift, GTX1080. A lot of nodes gets placed at 0,0,0. Even in the "new scene" scene has the default Person jumbled together into a ball around the scene center. Physics gets a bit jumpy from that.


OT: if Patreon doesn't stop the idiot last security captcha and mail confirmation!!!!!!!!!!!! during the login I think someone wll get lost from pledging. They will use a phone sms too if they are so paranoid?


thanks for being so clear . Same issue with atoms lost in the dark and with fps dropping definitively down.


From comments, looks like I will wait for 1.9.1 ;-)


1.9 does'nt work so well. I see only monster who crawl at the ground !!


This program becomes more and more advanced (that's very good of course) … my terror it is just about it's future compatibility with so a lot of different models of VR headset and terminals. If this week Meshed needs time (and sleep, probably) to solve our issues it's fully comprehensible.


after a lot of trials I could see loading in my headset Darius, clothes and sky boxes … with male or female person responding to some basic physics input too… and that's all, no scenes, no poses loading (person vanishes) but my pervert curiosity is satisfied. :-)


I've just done a fresh "install" of 1.9 & had no real issues.. i did notice the performance in some multi-character scenes dipped a bit, but i'm not sure if that's because of the latest build or that i've got a new config i need to dial in.. Am i right in thinking now I can delete the unity assets cache? I've got it symlinked/junctioned at the moment but it's still taking up space!


All sweet for me...loading quickly and excellent frame rates on complex scenes. The new coastal environment is gorgeous :)


Actually check that - looks like loading more than a few large scenes back to back causes it to bug out.. :/


People that are reporting need to include which headset there using.. being a rift user.. dont sound good atm.


thanks for your "sweet" info (?) they will be useful (?) to all the pledgers with problems. Probably so newb like me …. Should we use a climatic for a fresh install? maybe will try with a VR freezer.


was this a real "report"? My goodness why we should insist for getting something that only a "cold" genius could solve. Anyone has the chief engineer private phone number at NASA? To get banned from reddit, patreon and who knows what else, will not be a surprise for me … positive side: LESS FAPPING GUYS!!!!!!!!! And more self-opinion. Good luck ! (and bye bye)


I use Dell Mixed Reality with an Nvidia GTX 970 and this version of Virt to Mate does not work. All the other versions have gone very well. But in this the image blinks and I see nothing. I'm a creator, and I'm not able to try version 1.9. I pray help. Thank you.


Yeah, this doesn't work at all. Everything is a jumbled mess loading at 0,0,0

Darren Machisi

I tried it with not much confidence based on the above reports, but it worked for me on my Samsung Odyssey/1060 6GB/Win 10 laptop. The only thing that failed to load was any scene with a local audio file. Got stuck loading the mp3. But if they used the built in audio dance song it worked fine. And if I tried to add an audio file to any scene it would lock up, though I could select hard reset to restore. Anyway, the new scene looks great- the new female skin is super hot, perhaps the best one yet! Sorry its not working for the rest of you. And this Patreon Captcha thing has got to go- can't log in from an incognito browser without having to do a captcha and email verification each time- give us a break patreon!


Where did you download from? Trying the direct download now incase something was corrupted in the WeTransfer files.


I'm supposed to leave early for the 4th with the family but have the option to meet up later.. would be worth it if this will load.. :/ dont sound like it will.


It sounds like Person is exploding on initialization. I'll look into it. Definitely did not see in testing on multiple computers, but I have some ideas what cause this sort of thing as it has been an issue in the past.


I noticed that VAM no longer reads the data with a dot in the json files, to make it readable it must be replaced by commas.


Downloading now.. fingers crossed!


Crap.. got to 5GBs on MegaTransfer and NOT! Have to pay or wait 5+ hours to continue haha.. fail hard.


Got it and seems to be working ok for me.. well tested desktop mode only with new 1.9 scenes and some old ones. Old ones can be a little off with the placement of the people and seems to make them take off pretty quick if there touching something.. like one I had them on a bed.


New female skin rocks! Nipples on that one seems the best as you can make them much larger without the area around it looking off.


I'v got problems. After starting up, the scene looks empty except some green dots. There is a person1 dot i try to load a look nothing happens. When i load a scene (new or old) the whole screen becoms white with flickering. When i press the menu button i see parts of the menu gfx flickering. Just one big mess on the screen. (Oculus GTX1060 3GB) ps, never had any problems before, always ran without problems right out of the unpacked zip (like since 1.1). Desktop mode same issues.


All the new stuff in this release is great as I can see! Nice job guys! New desktop mode control looks great as well!!! THANKS! Have a great 4th of July!! You earned it!


Hey, meshed, since mega puts in a 5 hour delay at 5 gigs, and direct download is slow as hell, do you have any objection to me setting up a torrent? I'm happy to seed it for the month. It would very probably be a faster download and could save you a bundle on data fees.


nu kitty ears? ;-;


For those having issues with opening anything, a post gave me an idea (json files must use commas instead of points), here's what worked for me - I set my windows format in Regional settings to English (United States). This sets the decimal point to a point instead of comma among other settings and it seems to load everything fine now.


but i did a direct dl in 8minutes o.O which is faster than mega lol. but agreed torrent Could be faster depending on if there are seeds with fast internet,


Yup, just figured out the same thing, setting region to English (United States) solves the problem!


Used the RIft headset first time in many months and everything worked ok.. Just no sound period.. Changed the audio source to riftheadset did not fix..


wtf is wrong with the game? everything is black


Noticed one bug where I could not control a person anymore. Had 4 people and person 3 I could not select anything anymore. In the menu the only option for person 3 was none. Didn't happen at first.. was loading different looks for all 4. No idea. Was an old custom scene made with version 1.6 I believe.


Just encase theres something wrong with one of the 3 download filea.. I used wetransfer and the game is fine.


I can confirm that setting Windows to use English (US) region formatting is required. Windows settings > Time and language > Additional regional settings > Change region > Formats > Format: English (US) After setting this the game is working normally also on my computer.


Thanks, now VAM 1.9 it works (urrah!)… but changing locale settings to USA can't be a final solution. 1.9 american patriot's release.


It doesn't work for me. Sometimes the app will just completely crash my Rift (it turns it off, I hope there's no damage/durable consequence to that). In all scenes, every atoms of the scenes will spawn in the very same coordinates, causing every scene to show me a blob of items and bodies clipping together. Even the default, black scene you get when loading the game is bugged, the lady shows up in an impossible position.


Pls fix the region problem, I cant play the game :(


hello, the controllers do not work .... can not use the application (version 1.9) ... can you help me ..... (works very well with version 1.8.1) thank you


it's good we must update steamvr .... sorry ....


One day brother. One day we'll get the catgirls we need in VAM~


impossible to download for me... network error at 80%, tried 5 times...used my 4G data for nothing...


I'm getting a constant failure upon unzipping the file. Downloads okay for me, but immediately fails when trying to unzip.


Not a biggy but noticed that finger / hand positions don't seem to save when saving looks. I'm sure they did in 1.8.


for me for some reason, when i load a scene all atoms except some environments are all put into one place, and even the starting scene with just one person atom starts with this person messed up in an embryo position, all person atoms are put on top of each other.


There is a patch on the way to fix that - check top of the page:)