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I plan to release a 1.5.1 patch in the next day or so that should address most, if not all the issues that have been reported. I've been collecting bug reports and trying to fix them as fast as possible. I have not made it through all the comments and messages over the last couple of days, but I will catch up before releasing the patch. I have seen many duplicate reports, so please see the Trello board to see what is listed. Many things I have already fixed! Thank you for helping make VaM better by reporting the bugs you have found in a manner that helps me repeat the issue and correct it. That has been very helpful!


If you see something missing and have not yet reported already somewhere, please make a comment in this post about the bug and I'll investigate.

Thank you!



I noticed a bug in the old style room. The fireplace can no longer be deactivated and the shadows from the fireplace no longer cast properly. Also, the audio option for "licking" has no sound.


Thanks! Old style room: <a href="https://trello.com/c/ggqeQipD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/ggqeQipD</a> Had item for shadow issue already: <a href="https://trello.com/c/xCgxhvz3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/xCgxhvz3</a> Licking sound - it does do something, it is just very quiet and starts slowly. But I'll double check to be sure.


My mistake about the audio. I never heard anything. Maybe I just didn't wait long enough.


yeah double checked - it is working. It takes a few seconds to start, and it is fairly long.


Êverytime i put some audio in a scene i can´t load the scene after saving. it always freezes on "Loading Atom AudioSource".. i have tryed 3 different scenes with all different audio also the included ones.. without audio no loading problems and i can also load the new included scenes with audio.


can you add local videos as well to the list.


The only video player is the web browser at the moment. I'll probably add a VideoPanel option though. That would be a new feature and not a bug fix. :)


Yeah that is fixed in 1.5.1: <a href="https://trello.com/c/t2a7P2x3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/t2a7P2x3</a>

Icarus Unleashed

I found an issue with the Triggers... when you add/delete triggers sometimes the UI gets screwed up and you can't make changes. I'll dig deeper and see if I can reproduce it...


Couldn't see this one on Trello - When you select the Female dummy skin some morphs change, changing to another skin after doesn't change anything back. Switching between any other skin except the dummy doesn't have this effect. Essentially for now if you're editing and haven't saved don't test the dummy skin or you may lose some edits.


Yeah have that one here: <a href="https://trello.com/c/rUzkyALS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/rUzkyALS</a>


Thanks! Filed it here: <a href="https://trello.com/c/5xRUtNCJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/5xRUtNCJ</a>

Mini Max

Loading a scene with camera object switched on messes up desktop window mouse navigation (really strange effect with a copy of the scene that is actually moved while the original stays still)

Mini Max

After playing around in desktop mode for a while I have 2 little handling improvement suggestions: - Pressing ESC should also toggle visibility of the currently open GUI tab (if any) beside the bottom bar - While mouse pointer is over a selection list, the wheel should scroll through that list instead of zooming the scene Some other suggestions I had too are already on Trello, nice.

Mini Max

Some breast control parameters do not save/load properly ("Spring", "In/Out Spring", Up/Down Angle Target", "Mass", "Damper", "In/Out Damper" and "Right/Left Angle Target")


The new eye morphs only adjust half of upper and lower. The inner morphs on upper eye and outer morphs only lower eye. Please add morphs for upper outer and lower inner. Thanks in advance.


Hair's alpha no longer affects shadow. In 1.4 it was possible to hide some hair parts to make unique looks. In 1.5 this will cause shadow bugs. <a href="https://i.imgur.com/CZcuFo3.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/CZcuFo3.png</a> Probably should just hide the mesh if alpha is zero.


BTW Old style room isn't just fireplace bugged, all furniture in that room can't be turned off.


Confirmed: <a href="https://trello.com/c/R5JAVh6d" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/R5JAVh6d</a>


<a href="https://trello.com/c/9xtgERAI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/9xtgERAI</a>


How do you do the monitor mous and keyboard mode? Theres not really any direction to show how to do this lol


nvm im dumb

Mini Max

Ehm, don't want to be brazen but this is possibly a totally easy fix: When running VaM desktop in stereoscopic 3D using TriDef Ignition, it gets apparent that the UI (incl. bottom bar) is not rendered at screen depth (Z &gt; 0). Possibly a leftover from the VR menu Z-offset to the view position. This makes it hard to operate the menu with the mouse pointer due to the parallax. Would it be possible to set the depth to 0 (screen depth) for the UI shown in the desktop window?


Not an easy fix as I want to keep the UI in World Space so it works in VR. Switching UI from World Space to Screen Space on-the-fly is filled with peril and issues. Also - the buttom bar IS in screen space (Z=0). If that is not showing up right, than fixing the rest to been in screen space won't solve the problem. Instead what I plan to do for 1.6 is to make the mouse pointer work in 3d. In this way I'll be able to do the same select object code and raycast the mouse pointer into the scene to select and move stuff. Then the VR and monitor code will be nearly identical. It sounds like I'll have to change the bottom bar though if that isn't working now at Z=0. Any pointers on getting started with TriDef? I would love to try it out (and then I can also have official support for it).


Is there any ETA on the fix? Cust curious. If there is not, it's fine too :)


Congrats, what ever you did: massive, really massive FPS improvement!


Working with URL sounds is a bit buggy atm. But first results are still mindblowing! @meshed loading sound files directly from hdd would be nice, and even better if they would be stored in the scene file or some dedicated folder..


Another one for a todo list somewhere (you should decide when/where this gets attention imo) is Arm morphs, atm i can scale body and leg size to make a shorter person, but i cant scale arms, so they turn into gorillas :P That said i kinda doubt a whole lot of users scale person's and notice this, else im sure you would've had more mentions of this, so yea, no rush as long as it ends up on some todo list somewhere :)


When I have all the bugs closed out in 1.5.1 report list shown here: <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans</a> It should be late tonight or tomorrow! :)


Several URL sound issues are reported over on Trello and fixed! Local URLs will be much easier to do (path will have to be relative to VaM install folder). Thanks!


Will be adding general scale soon. And when I get some performance improvements from Unity, I'll be fixing arms to use same scalable collider system rest of body uses such that I can enable some of the arm and shoulder morphs that are currently not enabled.


Glad to hear that! I think it depends on your processor. Unity seems to have added a bit more to threaded optimizations in this build.


I think I have an unreported bug: When any of the new 1.5 built in scenes loads, everything but the person loads. Well the hair loads, but nothing else. I'll try again in hopes I was just impatience.

Mini Max

Nearly forgot these ones: - User Preferences -&gt; Process Priority -&gt; Realtime is not selectable - In scene browser ballistic scrolling with Oculus touch is no longer working. Scrolling via scroll bar is now possible, but way to fast for fine selection in long lists. Interestingly in desktop window UI, using the mouse pointer, both methods are working in harmony (scrolling via scroll bar for fast scrolling and ballistic scrolling for fine positioning)


Ballistic scrolling should still be working. Grab the bottom part of the area. There should be a little bar there. If you want I can add some more space on the side for this as well.


I haven't seen that, but I did fix quite a few issues around loading and initialization. I'm sure hoping that catches your case. I think 1.5.1 will be out tomorrow. Wrapping up the last of the bug fixes.


Just wondering if i missed something, how do i 'press select' when in desktop mode? if i edit a character i get the thumbnail-camera stuff, but i cant shoot a photo because i dont know what key its expecting me to press and i end up doing a hard reset to get rid of the cam (which is fine since by that point it saved already, but yea)

Mini Max

There is a button 'Mimic Select' or so in the bottom bar


Are you going to support "Windows Mixed Reality"Headsets? I'm testing the Samsung Oddisey, which ahs an amazing resolution with a VR wireless backpack. But it is not working. Thanks!

Mini Max

One "last" bug: 'Tongue Collision' only works after switching it off and on again after scene loading

Darren Machisi

This works fine for me- it’s not native support but works through SteamVR. Meshedvr said that native support would come but this is fine for now. Looks amazing on the Samsung btw!!


Thanks! <a href="https://trello.com/c/TZJdGGVs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/TZJdGGVs</a>


Did I miss the patch?!?! Or are you still bug fixing boss?


Zipping it up now. Then I need to test to make sure patch is applying correctly and finally run some final tests to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. Should be an hour or two.

Mini Max



I spoke too soon. Final testing revealed huge performance issue with directional lights, which are used on 2 of the new built-in scenes. This issue was caused by fixes done for soft shadows on point/spot lights which are now working. Fortunately I found the issue and I think I have it fixed. Another round of build, test, zip, make patch, test again.


Big thanks for the 1.5 direct download link btw - the WeTransfer one was going realllly slowly. :)


1.5.1 patch is uploading. I'm putting on WeTransfer, Mega, and direct. It is a large patch (1GB) due to how I have assets structured and I fixed a ton of things. I'll rearrange assets better for future releases to avoid the huge download every time.