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Here's something I thought would be fun. I asked AI to continue the story from chapter 2 on, and here's the result. I might do this now and then, just for fun. It won't replace my normal writing, you'll see why if you read this. Basically, it's complete nonsense, lol.


As they ventured deeper into the camp, Radomír couldn't help but notice the heavy atmosphere that surrounded them. The air was thick with tension, and the murmurs of the tribesmen seemed hushed and wary. He observed the wary glances that were cast in their direction, and the occasional flicker of recognition in some of the faces they passed.

"Are they afraid of me?" Radomír thought, a twinge of unease creeping into his heart. He tightened his grip on the sword, prepared for any sudden movement or betrayal.

Björn, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere, continued to lead the way. Finally, they reached a large tent at the heart of the camp. The entrance was guarded by two burly warriors, their eyes narrowing as they caught sight of Radomír and the chieftain.

"Björn, what's the meaning of this?" one of the guards demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

Before the situation escalated further, Björn raised his hand in a placating gesture. "Easy there, my friends. I'm not here to cause trouble. I bring someone who seeks answers."

The guards exchanged skeptical glances but eventually stepped aside to allow Radomír and Björn to enter. The interior of the tent was dimly lit, illuminated by the faint glow of a few candles scattered around the room. Seated on a makeshift throne was an aged warrior, his face etched with countless scars and his eyes piercing with wisdom.

Radomír felt a surge of recognition as he looked upon the elder warrior. There was something about him that felt familiar, as if they had met before. The chieftain introduced him as Vargulf, the leader of the Blood Eagles.

Vargulf regarded Radomír with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "So, you're the one who survived," he said, his voice gravelly with age. "What brings you here, boy?"

Radomír took a deep breath, his resolve firm. "I seek the truth. I want to know why our tribes fell, why we were betrayed. And I want to avenge the Blood Eagles."

Vargulf's eyes narrowed, his gaze penetrating Radomír's soul. After a moment of silence, he nodded slowly. "You carry the spirit of a true Blood Eagle, young one. But vengeance is a dangerous path. It consumes and destroys. Are you prepared for the consequences?"

"I am," Radomír replied, his voice steady. "I have lost everything. I have nothing left to lose. I will see justice served, no matter the cost."

A flicker of approval passed through Vargulf's eyes. He leaned forward, his weathered face grave. "Very well. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow, but you deserve to know. The fall of our tribes was not solely due to the northern invasion. There were those among us who were seduced by the promises of power and glory offered by the forces of Chaos."

Radomír's grip on the sword tightened, his knuckles turning white. "You mean there were traitors among our own people?"

Vargulf nodded solemnly. "Yes, the corruption spread like a disease. They were willing to betray their kin and sell their souls for power. The Forces of Chaos preyed on our weakness and manipulated us from within. The Blood Eagles fought valiantly, but we were outnumbered and betrayed at every turn."

Radomír's heart burned with a mix of anger and sadness. The betrayal of his own people was a wound that cut deep. He glanced at Björn, who was observing their interaction with a somber expression.

"Why did you help me, Björn?" Radomír asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "You could have easily killed me back there."

Björn sighed, his gaze meeting Radomír's. "I saw the fire in your eyes, the same fire that burned in the hearts of the Blood Eagles of old. I wanted to give you a chance, a chance to find the truth and forge your own path. And perhaps... a chance for redemption."

Radomír felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. He had been skeptical of Björn's motives, but now he saw a glimmer of hope. Perhaps there were still those who believed in the ideals of the Blood Eagles, who longed for a brighter future.

With newfound determination, Radomír turned to Vargulf. "I will carry the legacy of the Blood Eagles, and I will not rest until I have avenged our fallen brethren and restored honor to our tribe. Will you stand with me?"

Vargulf's weathered face softened, and a rare smile crossed his lips. "You have the spirit of a true Blood Eagle, Radomír. We may be few, but our spirit burns bright. We will stand with you, and together, we will reclaim what was taken from us."

As Radomír left the tent, the weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders. He knew the path ahead would be treacherous and filled with hardships, but he was no longer alone. With the support of the remaining Blood Eagles and the resolve in his heart, he would carve a new future for his people.

The fire of vengeance burned within him, tempered by the wisdom and guidance of those who had come before. And so, Radomír, the reborn soul from another world, set forth on a journey that would shape the fate of the Blood Eagles and the world they inhabited.


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