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The Medicine Hall students’ journey lasted four days.

The first and second went rather smoothly. Though the youths tired and hungered, they rested and ate well before departing.

However, as time went on, those energy reserves that helped sustain them ran dry.

Blisters formed on their pink, tender feet and the wild onions, mushrooms and stalks they foraged made their stomachs cramp. Even under the guidance of seniors, gathering herbs and making ointment for their sores, their suffering abated little.

However, one youth didn’t seem much affected. Of course, it was Xu Zhenyan, circulating the Immortal Transformation Technique to restore his body with natural ki.

Despite his words to Bai Zihou, he had rations left. He’d packed as much as he could, but because of his ravenous appetite, most of it already went. Yet, the meagre remaining dried meats and fruits provided more energy than the others’ wild vegetables.

“As expected from the number one Heaven’s choice.”

Bai Zihou, dragging his feet behind Xu Zhenyan, spoke what everyone thought.

Never mind his physical state, the Xu clan’s young master didn’t even have a hair out of place! At the beginning, people rolled their eyes inwardly, seeing him wearing his black-and-silver robes instead of the academy’s issued clothing and cloaks.

However, his luxurious clothes remained intact and undirtied. If they didn’t know any better, the students would’ve thought Xu Zhenyan had a team of servants following behind, providing grooming and clean clothes.

Even the department’s beauties didn’t hold up as well. Instead, their own appearances deteriorated while he remained sharp and handsome as ever.

It was enough to make any girl jealous.

“Look ahead, we’ve almost arrived.”

The male teaching assistant drew everyone’s attention to a stone path, wide enough for three people to walk-side-by-side. Being the first sign of civilization since entering the wilderness, it was a heartening sight.

The female elder, along with the assistant and seniors, ascended the steps.

The youths hurried after them, trying to ignore their sore calves and stinging feet.

However, as the climb continued into the mist, it became clear just how tremendous the Heaven’s Ascension Mountains really were.

“…*huff*, *huff*, senior, how far are we…?”

A female student, seemingly on the verge of collapse, complained bitterly. The passing of time was difficult to judge inside the obscuring fog, yet it already felt like hours since coming to the stairs.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon. Keep persisting.”

The teaching assistant’s voice came from the head of the group.

Meanwhile, Xu Zhenyan loitered around Gao Yanan, the beautiful young lady’s face having turned unnaturally pale, even for her.

“Are you sure you can keep going? I’ll carry you on my back.”

His smile was kind and charming, like someone who couldn’t possibly have ulterior motives.

Gao Yanan only gave him a look before steeling herself, setting one foot in front of the other. Initially, she didn’t believe his easy-going appearance. However, as their journey went on, Xu Zhenyan’s ‘façade’ didn’t disappear.

Indeed, he remained energetic from start to finish. It was beginning to wear on her.

“Isn’t it unsightly for the number one Heaven’s choice to be so insistent?”

Suddenly, a voice came from somewhere nearby.

Looking in that direction, Xu Zhenyan spotted a tall girl with long, brown hair in a braid. She had a certain strength to her, possessing a sharp beauty like a well-crafted blade. Dressed in tightly-bound travelling clothes, the lines of her slender limbs, trim waist and protruding chest were revealed.

A smirk forming on his lips, Xu Zhenyan reflected on her identity.

‘Could this be the legendary fiancée? With her appearance, she couldn’t possibly be a side-character.’

Wearing a mischievous expression, he turned his gaze to her.

“Oh, I’m very sorry. I see you’re struggling as well, miss. Since young lady Gao doesn’t need my help, how about I carry you instead?”

Hearing his words, the heroic-and-valiant girl narrowed her eyes.


After rebuking him loudly, she looked away, her attitude one of distaste.

Xu Zhenyan chuckled to himself, but otherwise remained silent.

“…young master Xu, my feet hurt and I’m very tired.”

A plain-looking, golden-spoon girl, having heard his offer, decided to take advantage.

However, after giving her a brief once-over, Xu Zhenyan quickly decided to reject. It wasn’t that she was ugly, but compared to girls like Gao Yanan, Leng Qiuyu and Qin Xiyue, she was simply too lacking.

“What is the point of a test if someone else takes it for you? If you have so much energy, young master Xu, perhaps you should go on ahead.”

Fortunately, he was saved from having to respond because the middle-aged female elder abruptly spoke. Though her tone was rebuking, her expression was one of amusement.

Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, he made his way over. Of course, he was only putting on a show of being chastised.

‘This elder is interesting. I feel like she’s giving me a lot of preferential treatment.’

Xu Zhenyan, not claiming to be a virtuous individual, naturally wouldn’t dislike such treatment.

“Everyone, I encourage you to keep pushing. Those who don’t make it to the top before tonight can only sleep on these stone-cold stairs!”

The assistant, seeing that the tired students were lagging, shouted some words of ‘encouragement’.


The last stretch was truly horrendous.

Many youths, bereft of strength, climbed using hands and feet. However, after half-a-day’s journey, ascending many flights of stairs, they finally reached their destination.

Having risen beyond the clouds, a sight was revealed that stole the students’ breath away.

In front, the mountains continued onwards, reaching ever higher. It was to the extent that their massive bodies eventually vanished into the Stratos clouds above—worthy of the name ‘Heaven’s Ascension Mountains’.

They formed something like a valley or basin, or a hollowed-out volcano.


It was unknown who said it, but the other freshmen could only nod their heads quietly.

The sprawling compounds, clinging to the sheer, rocky cliffs were something out of a fantasy movie. And it wasn’t just a few buildings. Instead, a massive, sprawling city sat there, opulent and ancient beyond imagination.

Even the golden spoons felt their jaws drop, Xu Zhenyan included.

‘The Royal City doesn’t compare…’

In his stupor, he reflected on the novel’s knowledge. The Yunqin Empire’s capital, having stood a thousand years, nonetheless suffered many rebellions.

In fact, the Changsun royal family earned their position through insurrection, relying on Green Luan Academy’s support, led by Principal Zhang. In light of this, it wasn’t strange, knowing much of what was built before had been torn down.

In silence, the Medicine Hall elder, teaching assistants and seniors led the students along a path, cut into the mountain side.

They descended, the scenery changing alongside the elevation. Frozen, barren and rocky terrain became lush, with giant cedar trees growing in the damp soil.

At last, the cobbled path came to a majestic palace, resting on an enormous carved rock. Its walls were jade-green, with glazed roof-tiles, reflecting the late-afternoon rays.

“…is this some type of sorcery? Outside, the world is icy and frozen, but here, grass, trees and flowers grow, and the air is humid and temperate.”

A male student voiced his confusion, looking around like someone caught in a dream.

The female elder started explaining, her tone and expression patient.

“The Heaven’s Ascension Mountains guide cold air upwards. It’s much like the Four Seasons Plains, maintaining a stable temperature despite the surrounding environment…”

She continued, but Xu Zhenyan soon tuned out. Instead, his attention was on a lone figure, emerging from between the palace’s large, black, wooden doors.

“You arrived at last, Mei. Aside from Spiritual Sacrifice and Medicine Hall, the other departments all arrived.”

She was a tall, long-faced woman, dressed in professor’s robes. Silver stars were embroidered on her robes, on her chest and sleeves. Her face was stiff, like a strict school-teacher.

The Medicine Hall elder, Mei, smiled kindly.

“Professor Li, thank you for receiving us. The journey was a trying one for the students, but also for me. I indeed seem to be getting old, haha!”

‘Professor Li’ didn’t say much, instead putting one hand on the tremendously large door and opening it easily.

“Don’t dally, everyone else has already eaten, so there isn’t much left.”

At the mention of food, the students’ eyes widened into the size of dinner-plates.

Having climbed the difficult, strenuous terrain while sustaining themselves on meagre wild vegetables, unappetizing and difficult to digest, they were nearly mad with hunger.

“You heard Professor Li, there’s no reason to restrain-…”

Elder Mei didn’t even get to finish her sentence, the students already shoving and pushing their way inside the palace.

Professor Li, despite being caught in the surging crowd, stood firm like a rock. Her calloused, trained hands were quick to dispense punishment when some got a little too rowdy, knocking over and almost trampling their fellow freshmen.

When Xu Zhenyan entered, taking care to stay near Gao Yanan, his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

“Would you look at that…”

A grand hall was revealed, many long tables stretching from one wall to the next. Paper lanterns, suspended from the ceiling, illuminated the interior in warm, orange light.

Most notably, an assortment of foodstuffs covered the tables, from boiled, marinated goose to meat-dumplings, pork-noodle-bowls, bird’s-nest-soup, yellow rice with red onions and green peppers…

‘…it really is like that scene from Harry Potter.’

Feeling his stomach grumbling, he took advantage of Gao Yanan’s stunned state to lightly grab her sleeve, drawing the two of them toward a vacant table.



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