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Shorter comics but more of them?

  • Keep things as they are. 1 long comic per month. 30-40 panels/renders long. 12
  • Make 2 short comics per month. 10-15 panels/renders long. 47
  • 2022-08-02
  • 59 votes
{'title': 'Shorter comics but more of them?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep things as they are. 1 long comic per month. 30-40 panels/renders long. ', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Make 2 short comics per month. 10-15 panels/renders long. ', 'votes': 47}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 2, 14, 42, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 59}


Hey I hope you all enjoyed the last comic! I am pretty happy with it but I think that maybe it was too long... I've been thinking maybe It would be better to do much shorter comics but get more of them done in the long run. Maybe two comics a month at around 10-15 panels/renders. It would give more variety and hopefully give me more time to work on other one-offs or commissions.

Let me know which you'd prefer: 



Honestly, I think whatever you want to do would be best. There's no reason to stick to one way of doing it, you can do some long if you want, and some shorter. I'll enjoy your content either way, and I think most everyone here would probably agree with me


Thanks for the support! Mixing it up month to month is a good idea. I think I'll try two shorter ones for this month for now!


Definitely think it's worth giving shorter comics a go for at least a bit, just in case you find it more creatively fulfilling that way, I suppose? Though BSF is totally right, as you can always alternate between short and long, and everyone will love your stuff no matter what medium you choose for it


Thanks for the input! For now I'll do two shorter ones, as the poll overwhelmingly suggests is what people want 😝And then I like the idea of mixed it up every month depending on what kind of ideas I have!