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#derp 1

I am today years old when I realised that dance skill is not from Base Game but from Get Together. 😨 With how prevalent it is to me, I've never stopped to consider that dance isn't base game this entire time.

This matters because?

Mods that depend on this skill still works in base game, but doesn't have all their features present. An example is the ballet barre. All the interactions are there, but only one animation is danced because the rest requires higher skill. Similarly, the Advanced Beginner routine for Salsa will not be picked because it requires level 3 skill.

I will make a fix for dance skill and include it in an upcoming project, but I want to apologise for this oversight and any frustrations it caused. 

#derp 2

I am also sorry because I'm unable to fix the flat animation bug for the Skating interaction. Even thepancake1 was looking into this issue with me and shaking his head. The fix is to use snap events to replace the skater's positions. I have implemented these successfully before, but it wouldn't work proper with the skating rink. 9 events are required per dancer (18 snaps) Five snaps worked, the rest was a nope. Initially I thought the rink surface was messing with the coordinates, but since it partially worked, it could be a cap for number of snap events allowed per animation.

At this point, I'm exhausted from debugging this, so I'm setting it aside and recuperating. If you experience this bug, I'm sorry. I tried my best but my best wasn't enough. The only way I can think of is to build my expertise with other projects and come back to this with more experience. 

Huge thanks to those who reported and tested these bugs. I wish I have better news for you, hopefully we'll crush them in time.



Hello Mercury, your mods are so great that I never want to part with them again. I love your dance animations and I hope you could add some couple dances here. The only thing I've noticed in Beginner Salsa is that the Sims swap places for seconds

Mercuryfoam Sea

♥️ You gave me a huge smile and a great start to the week. Thank you Beate! Really means a lot to me that you like my work. Yes salsa is one of my earlier works so it is not as smooth as it could be. I will need to give it an update as well as couple dance mod. I'm cycling into social dancing and after will be couples again. Thank you! 🤗


Hey Mercury. Sometimes you don’t find the prize in your Cracker Jack box. Doesn’t stop you from trying again with another box. Nice effort. I have faith in you.

Mercuryfoam Sea

Ngl, I delayed responding to preserve your message as unread so I can keep reading it. Thanks for the inspiring words! I have a lot I want to make this is a small hiccup overall 😄💪