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Hello. Hope you're doing well.

I've been on hiatus since August sorting out curveballs life threw my way. For the past months, my schedule started from the crack of dawn until midnight. When I had time for myself, I did nothing except recuperate mentally. 

Right now, I have a grand total of 3-days spare time so managed to do a quick update and check my mods. (mod updates below)

Fortunately, light is on the horizon and my whirlwind schedule is coming to a close. My hard work paid off. I got it. I got the position, in the field I aspired for, and which will allow me to provide for my family's needs and importantly, allow myself enough time and energy to continue modding!

December is my final slog of nonexistent work-life balance, so billing is halted (as they've been since August), and I will give notice if it resumes. 

I can't wait for January. I miss modding and animating so much. I miss simming. Thanks for reading and have a cherished festive season ahead!

Patch Update:

1. Ballroom Dance Mod (v2.6.2)

  • Sims can dance again! 
  • Known issue: If dance is triggered via dance floor, the sim's dance partner will increase their fitness skill rapidly. Stereo and click-on-sim works as normal.

2. Ballet Barre object (v2.1)

  • Removed a rallyable interaction that shouldn't exist on this item. 

3. Salsa Dance Mod (v1.5)

  • pre-emptive fix to ensure compatibility with patch

4. Other mods tested to be working fine, except couple dance club activity.



Welcome Back, you have been missed. Congrats on the job.


So glad for your new role, provision, and that your hard work is paying off and thank you kindly for continuing to share your amazing creations, best wishes and hope you achieve that work-life balance one day soon~


Hi welcome back, can't wait to see you back here in January too and I think everyone feels the same way. Your mods bring so much dance passion into play


Welcome back!


Congrats and best wishes on your new endeavor! We'll be here when you get back :) You make my game amazing. Thank you.


Congratulations. I love your work and I am glad you are taking care of yourself


Congratulations and good continuation in powering through! Keep taking care of yourself. Your work is wonderful and thanks for the updates.