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Hi everyone! Hope your month has been well. A quick check in to show what I'm working on at the moment.

Months ago, I mentioned creating a ballet mod. I started working on this right after slow dance, along with a couple of ballet and kata animations. (Katas will get their own spotlight.)

The ballet barre object is a big step towards the future Ballet mod. There are 7 swatches, promotes fun, and dance. (I know the colors are pretty basic, happy to take suggestions.) What makes me super excited about this object is that up to four sims can use it at one time. This is my first attempt at making a group activity on a single object so I'm really happy about it.

Each dancer can be mentored, chatted with, cheered upon or heckled by watching sims. These interactions are sit-friendly, so you could have aspiring dancers sit or stand on the sidelines and watch. Watching sims can also increase their own dance/motor skill if they are observing highly-skilled dancers practice. 

It sounds/looks ready. Are you releasing it soon?

Everything I mentioned above is tested and ready, except for a single, visual bug. It doesn't break anything, but I personally found it immersion breaking and would like to try fixing it. Debugging proved that it is located deep in the base of the object rig and connected to sim's postures. This will not be a quick process and I deeply apologise. I've decided rebuilding the object will be cleaner than splicing it open from the top. That way I have a cleaner rig and can connect the postures better. I hope that is understandable.

In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or recommendations, feel free to share and I can include them during this process. Thank you!



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