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Hi everyone-

I have rewritten and redrafted this post so many times! But I will just say it as it is.

I want to say thank you, to new and returning patrons, and those who have stayed with me from the beginning. Words cannot express how much your support has helped me through these months. Not just expenses but your likes, comments and feedback help me improve my craft and make better content. With that, I would like to share some exciting news with you.

If you don’t know who Jarl44 and Karma are, now you do. By day, they save lives and cure the sick, by night they are simmers like you and me. And the reason why I’ve put the spotlight on them is because, Jarl and Karma have recently donated a Rokoko Smartsuit Pro to my patreon!

I cried so hard that my eyes were swollen. I was so overwhelmed and in disbelief, so thankful but shocked all at the same time. Suddenly my dreams of becoming a pro animator-modder wasn’t so far-fetched anymore.

The Rokoko suit is a motion capture suit – capable of reading body movements to be transferred into games or animated into movies. Not only will it speed up the animation process, my animation quality will become more life-like. It also means that I can focus less on hand animating 1,930 bones frame by frame from scratch and invest more time into developing well-rounded mods!

The suit will take two months to arrive. In the meantime, I am reading up all I can about how to work with a Rokoko smart suit. I’m also practicing cleaning up mocap files from online! (This is harder than it sounds. Some of these free license files have terrible quality and I rather hand animate from scratch 😆 ). I will make these available to download!

If you have any Rokoko mocap videos that you think can help me learn or know anyone who has a suit, feel free to share them with me. We’re all learning this together! I can’t wait to share my mocap journey with you. If you have any requests, mod or animation ideas, WRITE A LIST! We can make them come true!

Thank you Jarl and Karma for ensuring the best animation quality we can make! And THANK YOU EVERYONE for choosing to support me! You’re the reason I’m not starving and making it every month. I’m working hard every day so you get to see me realise my dream and hopefully, your simmy dreams too! Whether you’re here for the month or are staying for the long haul, know that I appreciate you so much! Here’s to more great projects together!

p.s. - If you're interested in this animation I've attached the file below. 🌞

Thank you for keeping me going! 


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