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Hello! Here is an update on this month's focus and some behind-the-scenes knowhow. 


  • Create 2 dance routines. (or 1 and half)
  • Create 3 sports-focused animations. (2)
  • Complete 2 sections of the martial arts mod. (1)
  • Redo backlog from August.

I tend to be overzealous and create overambitious targets, so each has a soft goal.

The backlog from August is a multi-part animation I've been working on since July. It's a huge project with the deadline in October. I discovered that the files were corrupted while I was about to send out a working sample a week ago. :( So no soft-goal for that. 

September is also a special month because it's my birthday month! So send me suggestions of what kind of animations you'd like to see through message or comment. If I can do it, I will. Spread my birthday cheer with y'all!

Cheers and ta!


Yellow rage - Part 2


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