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Here with a few life and Patreon updates for you all

Arm and Content Update: I want to start by once again thanking all of you for being so understanding on this issue, taking on less workload these last few months DEFINITELY helped out a bunch, and I’m very happy to say my arm feels aaaaaalmost back to normal! So seriously, thank you all for being so understanding with this ^^

Since I was still taking things slow this month, I didn’t make a full animation for you guys, but I did make a couple sketched up loops ^^  I am still finishing up a few details on them though, so I’ll probably be posting these in a couple of days. Once that’s done though, content creation should once again go back to the normal amount and schedule! ^^

August will be a Throwback Month: This coming month we’ll be giving the unchosen sketches of previous months a second chance to be finished, so instead on voting on a character roster, you’ll be voting on which of those sketches will be rendered out ^^

There were quite a few close calls on voting during these last few months, so I'm excited to see which of the unused sketches will come on top of the polls X3

Aaaaand that will be all for now ^^ Thank you all for your support and for just being so wonderful and understanding! I’m looking forward to doing all the arts again X3 Hope you all had a wonderful month of July!!!! And that the coming months are even better!!!!

Lots of love




Oh it seems that I miss that ! Well happy that you are well 😅

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Comment edits

2023-01-06 03:01:48 I'm glad your arm is better now! Take all the time you need <3
2022-07-31 20:13:40 I'm glad your arm is better now! Take all the time you need <3

I'm glad your arm is better now! Take all the time you need <3