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We finally reached the $600 goal a few days ago!!!! 

I shall wait to do an actual mini comic till we make sure this amount of support is actually stable (last month we had a large decline at the end of the month) but meanwhile I thought I could at least do this one page long mini comic as thanks to all the support you all have given me ^^.  You guys are awesome ^^

Also, this way you can see what kind of thing to expect from these mini comics I hope to be working on with you all. So well, here you have the cleaned up sketch for this one! I hope you guys like it!




Not the pairing I voted for but how could anyone complain X3 so cuuute!!!


Gotta admit, these guys are fun to draw XD (though Vyrn's face is hard to draw in some angles XD)


I knowwwwww such a cute couple of characters you guys chose! I won't complain though XD