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Hello everyone! Here with the monthly update! Its a lil bit longer this timeee

Monthly theme:  the monthly theme has been chosen! It will be "Slit inspection/medical play" so expect to see some images featuring some deep slit exploration this month!

Character Polls are out now:  the polls to vote on the characters I’ll be drawing this month are out now X3 and you can find them under the “Poll” tag ^^ vote for whatever characters you’d like me to draw this month ^^

FWA: I’m gonna be attending FWA this weekend, so I’ll be gone till next tuesday! This means there won’t be a new comic page this week, but you’ll have it next week’s friday (and it’s a 2 page spread x3). That page will be the ending of the first arc ^^ After that we’ll see the return of Leo.

Future Proofing: With all that’s been going on lately, I decided to create an account on Subscribestar too as a mirror of what I have here. I do recommend you guys follow my Announcements Channel on Telegram or join the Discord (by linking your discord to your Patreon account), as I’d post any updates on both of those should anything happen.

Oooook! I think that should be all for now at least!!!!! Thank you for reading, and thank you for all the support and advice you guys gave me lately! Hope you all have a lovely time this month! And I’ll see you all again next Tuesday!



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