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Brett’s friend, Alan Morrison, died a virgin at the age of 25 during the pandemic. He was so virgin that he had never touched a woman’s hand in his life. Brett tried to break his shell many times, but he failed as he was reluctant to approach women. No lady liked a timid guy. When Alan was in quarantine in ICU, he sent a long note to Brett, reminiscing their friendship. He mentioned his only regret, which was not experiencing a woman’s touch.
Brett walked with heavy dragged footsteps to his bedroom. It was a long day at the funeral, and he was both physically and emotionally exhausted. “How could he… of all people?” Brett muttered as he sat down on the soft mattress. His hands fell on the slightly crumpled last letter of his friend. “Huh, I don’t remember leaving this here,” he whispered. He picked it up and stared at the dreadful words penned by Alan. “Ugh, man, I wish I could’ve done something for you. I hope you are at peace.”
Suddenly a jolt of nausea caused Brett to fall back on the bed. “Wh-what's happening to me?!” He squeezed his eyes tight as his vision swirled. Breathless, he convulsed due to cramps and cracks that were surprisingly painless, unaware that his muscles and bones were breaking and tearing themselves apart. His belly squeezed pushing his diaphragm and all the fat up into his chest. “Eek!” Brett squeaked in a higher tone as air in his lungs got pushed out. “What?!” he gasped hearing his voice. He opened his eyes and gaped at his naked body. With a steady vision, he saw his muscles in arms wriggle under his skin, settling to become slender and hairless. Piles of excess tissue slithered under his skin to his butt and thighs. “What the fuck!”
Brett sat back up. Piles of fat turned his ass into a cushion that felt much better to sit on. “Oh my God! I have tits!” he screamed in terror as they further expanded, giving him D-cups. He grabbed a handful in shock and was met with tantalizing sensations instead. A soft moan escaped his lips. Meanwhile, lustrous ebony hair sprouted from his scalp, tingling down his neck and back as they grew longer until his lower back. He was aghast looking at his voluptuous feminine figure. He staggered towards his mirror and saw a beautiful girl with subtle makeup looking back at him. She had big gorgeous eyes and a perky slim nose. Her luscious dark-red lips made Brett’s heart twinge for a moment. He looked down and realized he wasn’t done yet. His frail remnants of his penis and testicles got sucked into his abdomen and a feminine nether with a gap between his legs emerged in it’s place. Brett’s gaze widened further as the air at a distance behind him condensed like smoke in a shape of a man, materializing into Alan.
Brett turned around and stifled his cries at the cusp of insanity with his dainty hands pressed against his mouth. Alan’s ethereal translucent form looked at the woman standing in front of him and around the room. “This… This place… Brett?” his voice reverberated. “Holy Sh- you’re real! Alan it’s me! Brett! Did you do this to me?!”
“I… don’t remember. I was in this dark void. I wished to fulfil my last regret that stuck with me… To fuck the woman of my dreams… Oh, man, you’re the perfect image of her!” Alan exclaimed, “But I swear! I didn’t do this!”
“I wished for something similar moments before this happened. I wished I could help you when you were alive… I think the universe heard both of us and turned me into your dream chick! And then brought you here!” Brett blabbered.
“I think you’re right. I’m stuck in this realm because of my regret. To pass on, I need to fulfill my desires.” Alan’s voice echoed.
“That means… fuck.” Brett walked over to the bed, dazed from the realization that he’s destined to get fucked by his pal who’s now a ghost. Alan hovered one inch above the floor towards Brett. “Hey, man. I don’t know if I can say it’s alright. It’s not. I didn’t wish for this to happen to you, and I don’t think there’s a way out. Are you sure you want to do this?”
Brett looked up at Alan standing beside him and said, “Yes. If it helps you pass on, then I’ll let you fuck me. And I think that’s the way out for me. I think whatever happened to me, will be reversed once you are fulfilled and don’t have anymore regrets.” Brett pushed himself onto the bed and laid on his back with spread legs. “Common, let’s get this over quick, and you’ll be on your way to heaven!”
Alan’s eyes gleamed as he smiled. His incorporeal body positioned himself below Brett and to their surprise he was able to grab his hips! He pulled the lady closer to his growing dick. Brett’s heart fluttered as he gazed at the chiseled and wide chest towering above him. “I'm going in,” Alan said, aiming at Brett's pussy.
Brett gasped as he felt the folds part and stretch. Alan giggled as he thrust deeper into the vagina and could feel the resistance and pressure from the inner walls against his phantom dick. “Oh, just as I wished, so right.”
Brett couldn’t help but coo in response. Heat welled up in his loins from the foreign intrusion, making him wet. His mind wandered around feminine urges that pushed him to further delve into the act. He let his moans flow free as Alan increased his pace. “Oh, Alan, how’re you looking so handsome, and why is your shaft so big?!” Brett’s voice broke multiple times as he spoke between thrusts. “I don’t know, I think that’s the self-image being projected.” Alan’s hips slapped against Brett’s thighs as he spoke, “One of the reasons I never approached the women because I had too high expectations for myself.”
“That… oooh, makes sense… fuck!” Brett whimpered. They gazed into each other’s eyes as Alan kept jolting his hips as far as he could. They both averted their eyes as they felt a connection brewing between them. Brett instinctively bit his lips and smiled. Alan’s smile faded as he realized he was falling in love with the woman who was his friend. After all, she was the dream girlfriend he never had. Her loud moans were driving him crazy for love. “Ugh, um, are you close?”
Brett blushed and nodded. “I- I’m Cumming!” His raised legs thundered erratically and the inner walls of his pussy squeezed hard against the shaft in him. Alan felt a rush overwhelm him as glowing remnants of his soul spewed out of his dick and dissolve in Brett's womb.
“Wow… I didn’t think that was possible.” Alan whispered. Brett, basking in the lingering ecstasy, spoke through his heavy breaths, “After what I witnessed today, anything is possible.”
Brett raised himself and waited. Nothing. “Did we do it right? Why am I still a woman?” Alan looked at him with sad eyes. “Alan, are you not satisfied?” Brett asked with a concerned look. “I'm sorry, Brett. But I think I’m in love with you. And I regret not being able to spend the rest of my life with you!”
Brett was agape with tears listening to him. He was feeling the same for Alan, but didn’t know how to tell. “It's okay,” he muttered.
Alan started dissolving into thin air. “Its getting darker. I’m returning to the void. I don’t like that place… I don’t want to,” Alan's muffled voice vanished.
Brett burst into tears as he saw Alan wither away. Nevertheless, he felt a deep connection with Alan through his womb. He kept a hand on it. “You’re not alone, Alan. I’ll be always with you,” he murmured. A sense of calmness washed over him. Brett smiled.
Brittany accepted her fate and lived as a woman, but she could never be a faithful wife as she loved Alan than anyone else.

(The End)

Note from author: I'm a bit occupied irl so I couldn't work on the TG sequence. Will get back on track as soon as I can.


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