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(I had to delete the pdf because tya1091 doesn't want to share the pictures. However, he doesn't mind sharing the story, so here it is)

7:04 A.M, 12/04/2016

I know, you must be thinking, where is Terrence? Well, it’s me. Terrence. You won't believe me, but it’s real. Something terrible happened to me in the last five days.

As you know, G.I security assigns guards to different corporations periodically. I and another guard, Kevin Garnett, were authorized to supervise site 23 at the SCP Foundation. I had heard weird stories about the place but I always thought it was all bullshit made to keep people away from the premises, like Area 51. I noticed the thing we were guarding was a red-colored rock sitting on a table in the middle of an empty room. I asked Kevin about it but he said he didn’t know. Turns out, he was lying. I was walking back from the toilet when I noticed the door was open and Kevin was sneaking in. I couldn’t believe he was going to steal the thing he was assigned to protect. I didn’t know what was so special about the rock, but I lunged to save it from him. Kevin tried to hold the stone but I rolled over and caught his legs, splatting his face on the floor. He mumbled, “Please… I” and passed out. I curiously picked up the stone to examine it. I fucked up. The thing burned into my skin attaching it to myself! I felt pain all over my body that felt like an eternity. I barely held onto my life until the stone dropped onto the floor and the pain subsided. I saw two guards and a bunch of doctors approach me as darkness ensued.

I woke up in a hospital, like this. A woman with reddish hair and freckles. They said even if I looked human, my cells aren’t. They have some special abilities, making me slightly different. I was appalled, but there was nothing I could do. They released me a day later, mentioning I was healthy enough to resume work. I was somewhat happy to hear that.

I joined back yesterday and found out Kevin is gone. He was banned from the service due to violations of the core principles of the job. I dug a bit deeper and found out he was a closeted transgender woman. I feel guilty after hearing that. I didn’t even want to be a woman and here I am. I feel like I am the thief here for stealing her chance to be the gender he wished for. Kevin, if you’re reading this, I am sorry.

17:26 PM, 16/04/2016

Hey, Guys! I know it’s been a while. I am coping. My sister is helping me get along. Being a guard as a woman is not easy. I used to say it’s a man’s job, and now I’m eating my words right now. We make it hard for women to work by patronizing them, catcalling them, and underpaying them.

Anyways, in case you are wondering, yes, my lips and breasts are a bit swollen because I’m approaching my first menstrual cycle. As the doctors said, I’m “special”.

11:51 AM, 19/04/2016

It was the weekend and a bunch of my old friends came to hang out with me. I thought they would be nagging me and making fun of me like they always do, but they were all so nice to me. We spent some time drinking coke and chatting about life in general. Honestly, it was a lot of fun. They made me feel normal again. I never noticed they all look so handsome before. Maybe it’s the female hormones in me.

09:21 A.M, 22/04/2016

It’s been two days since the period started. I’m glad I’m one of those lucky ones who doesn’t feel stabbed in the stomach and is somewhat able to function. Nevertheless, I was able to get a day off from my job. Took a stroll through nature to get some fresh air. There’s a wood nearby my house and it’s pretty secluded around here. Besides the flow and the sore, sensitive nipples, I don’t think there’s anything else discomforting right now.

16:43 P.M, 28/04/2016

Holy shit! My body can reshape on its own! I was walking down the stairs when my legs slipped. I barely saved myself but the intense jolt caused my body to react instinctively. My jaw dropped, literally, as I saw my breasts push away to become DD cups! It took me a while to gain control and shrink back to normal size. After the initial freak-out subsided, I got more acquainted with my “powers.” I can’t believe I am a superhero! Well, I don’t know exactly how my changing body shape is gonna help people…

13:32 P.M, 6/05/2016

Some men can be such rascals. This dude came out of nowhere while I was walking by the nearby woods to my home and started catcalling me. I pushed my vocal cords apart and spoke in a deep, low voice, “You want some of that?” I stifled my giggles as I saw him scurry away in a heartbeat.

I did some practice in the woods. I can grow my breasts and ass to huge proportions, but the rest of the body has its limits. Also, the more I expand, the more compromised I get, mentally and physically. I grow weak and dazed like I drank five shots of vodka. I don’t think I can help people with my curves. Maybe it’s a mating strategy?

19:54 P.M, 13/05/2016

The night shift starts in a few minutes. I have been appointed at a five-star hotel with all the rich folks gathering at a party. I’m no gold-digger, but it doesn’t hurt to earn a few extra bucks as tips, right? Men love redheads and bigger breasts! So, I added some extra flavor to myself. Can’t deny I look much better like this. I hope these puppies don’t get me tipsy at the job. I won’t lie, it makes me feel all kinds of weird things when I’m around men.


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